CELPIP Writing Test 4 with answers

CELPIP writing test 4

2Writing Task 1: Writing an Email

Read the following information.

You purchased a 2-year membership to a fitness center next to your neighborhood based on an advertisement. After a period of time, you discovered that the services described on the advertisement are not found in the center. You tried to talk to the manager, but he did nothing to help.

Write an email to the owner of the fitness center in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

  • Describe the services that are only in the advertisement and not in the center.
  • Complain about the way the manager dealt with the situation.
  • Describe what should be done to resolve this problem.

Read the sample answer and try to write your own response in the comment area. I will try to give you an estimate score.

Note: Note: For 8 $, I will email you a detailed review of your writing tasks along with my corrections and recommendations. You can provide your answers in the comment area or email them to me to “contact@hightestscore.com”. I will then send you my reviews to the email you used while paying. Here is a sample of the review you’ll receive. 


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Task 1 Sample Answer

Dear sir or madam,

I am mainly writing to complain about your unsatisfactory services. Based on the advertisement, I have recently purchased a two year membership to fitness center. To my surprise, the advertised services compared to the ones offered are completely a different story.

First, the sophisticated equipment that you described are nowhere to be found. Instead, we exercise using old, sometimes rusty, fitness equipment. Second, showers are not sufficient to cover the growing number of registered members of the center. Most of us waste hours waiting for his or her turn to take a simple shower. To top it all, fitness advisors your advertisement promised do not seem to be qualified, granted we were able to consult one. We simply have to manage things for ourselves.

In an attempt to resolve matters with your manager in a friendly way, the latter gave no attention to me, denied all the issues, and practically mocked me. Hence, I would be grateful to you if you could refund my money, or better yet, resolve the aforementioned problems and satisfy the needs of your fellow members.

Yours faithfully

Task 2 is on the next page



  1. I strongly believe that we should have big cafeteria in the campus. However, we should also promote the culture of contentedly eating at a cafeteria rather than fancy restaurants.

    Firstly, the numbers of students that rely on meal cards are comparatively large. Bringing in restaurants in the campus might increase the business; nevertheless, it would create huge impact on those students who cannot afford the meals. In addition to it, this might give one group of students an upper hand to turn into bullies that would affect the self-esteem of another group.

    Secondly, there are many students who take care of their education expenses. To them, restaurants in the campus would create a financial anxiety. This might put them into a belief that they should work hard to buy meals rather than striving for their studies.

    Finally, in the current influencers’ era, I think we should encourage students eating at a campus cafeteria. This would create a harmony between the students. Moreover, they would learn everybody is equal and respect each other’s presence. As the cafeteria will provide wide varieties of food at an affordable cost, students would definitely be content, yet, this increases their academic performance. As an outcome, University’s reputation would grow two-folds in terms of both, education and food quality.

    As a result, setting up a big cafeteria should be prioritized.

  2. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am current member at your Fitness Goals gym at the Express Avenue vicinity. I found your fitness Centre’s advertisement appealing and based on which, I registered for a two year membership at the gym. I’m writing this email to express my disenchantment with the services delivered.

    Firstly, the gym is overcrowded due to which equipment is not available during my schedule. Secondly, most of the equipment seems to be old, rusty and dusty and not sophisticated as advertised. Likewise, the number of available bathrooms is inversely proportional to the registered members because of which, there is always a long queue to get a quick shower. Besides, the fitness advisors appear to be under-qualified and personal trainers are nowhere to be found as mentioned in the advertisement.

    Moreover, upon acknowledging the concerns, I decided to let the manager know. Nevertheless, he did not bat an eye to my requests. In addition to it, he tried to mock me in front of fellow members and answered rudely whenever something was asked. I was appalled to see how inconsiderate the manager was.

    Furthermore, I would recommend you to resolve all the aforementioned issues by bringing in new equipment, organize the crowd by scheduling the gym timings, assigning trainers in groups for regular membership and personalized for premium memberships. And, make the bathrooms in the first floor functional to avoid long waiting. Finally, I suggest you to talk to the manager about his unacceptable behavior towards the members.

    Yours Faithfully,
    Maria Lucas

  3. Task1:

    Dear Owner,

    I have purchased 2 year membership for Planet Fitness center located in Don Lands area. I recently moved to this area and was looking for gym which had multiple amenities such as Basketball court, Swimming pool, Spa, and Sauna. I was impressed with amenities listed in advertisement of this Planet Fitness center and decided to take 2 year membership since it’s near to my new home.

    I didn’t do walkthrough since I was assured on the phone that all amenities listed in advertisement will be available at the facility. But when I started my working out at this fitness center, I was flabbergasted that four main amenities listed in the advertisement were not available or fully operational. I usually do strength training and do swimming once a week for my cardio. When I went at floor where Swimming pool was mentioned, I found empty swimming pool with notice that it’s down for maintenance. Also there was no information on when this maintenance will be complete. On same day, I came to know that Spa, Sauna and Basketball courts were not available at this facility and were proposed to be built.

    I immediately put a request to talk to Manager (Mr. Bell) of this facility and I was able talk to him next day. But response from Mr. Bell was very inapt. He was also not able to provide clear dates on when these missing facilities will be built or when maintenance activities will be done. In light of this situation, I would like to cancel my membership and get full refund of amount. Also this false advertisement should be stopped immediately, so future members will not be deceived.

  4. To whom it may concern,

    Purpose of my writing today is to lodge a complaint about several things that I had to face after obtaining the membership of the fitness center in the sports complex.

    Firstly, I am regrettable to inform you that several services include in the advertisement are not available in the gym. I have purchased a 2-year membership, that include free trainer and free protein shakes with the membership. Unfortunately, I didn’t get both of these things from the gym.

    Moreover, I have managed to contact the manager, and explained the whole scenario, But the way he treated me is very unprofessional. Inserted of resolving the issue, he asked me to cancel my membership and rejoin a different gym.

    However, I think from my prospect of view this is really unfair to myself. Since I have brought the membership based on the advertisement. I request to add these facilities to my membership or refund my money back to me.

    Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Furthermore, an open line of communication, from you side, in this case would greatly help out.

    • So sorry for the late response; I was just on holiday. You would most probably score 7 in the CELPIP writing section in my opinion. Keep up the hard work!

  5. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing this mail to capture your attention towards unpredicted things that happened to your valuable members. A few weeks ago, I show the advertisement for your fitness center which is a walking step away from my house. After reading your flyer of gym equipment and all the facilities mentioned I am quite interested in becoming a member of your fitness center so that I had purchased 2-year membership.

    Being a member I visited your gym, to my surprised most of the equipment’s are rusty and nowhere found the new once which mentioned in your advt. I am disappointed that for this things. Moreover, when I visited the bathrooms, there are very few showers, and a growing number of members it’s really hard to wait in a queue, it is a total waste of the time of gym members.

    When I went to your fitness center manager to talk about this contrasting thing showing in an advertisement. Firstly, he ignored me and I ask for my refund to withdraw my membership, he mocked me. I am appreciating you if you take some immediate action on this matter, or refund my membership fees.

    Yours faithfully,

  6. Dear Fitness Center Owner,
    I decided to write to you so that you have a clear record of my concern. I became a member of the Fitness Center three months ago, but I just found out that there is no exercise bike in the facilities. I just talked with the manager, and He told me that they may have those machines next year.
    My family doctor advised me to work out. He suggested I should focus on cardio, that is why I bought the 2-year membership when reading the Fitness Center ads that you were fully equipped with those machines. I must take care of my health forthwith. I am very dismayed with the administrator because he did not seem to be willing to find a solution to my problem. He told me that it was not up to him the implementation of new facilities like new machines. He suggested that If I wanted swift action, I should send an email to the Regional Management, for He is busy with other issues.
    I want reimbursement of my money. There is a new Fitness Center nearby home that has just been opened, I will not need to drive to get there, I will walk to get to there, which is better health-wise.
    Hoping for your swift action in this matter,
    Luis Cornejo.

  7. To whom it may concerns,
    I want to opine that building a recreational park would be a best opportunity for this town residents because the green area we have in town is undeveloped. I have explained the reasons of choosing this option in the following paragraphs.
    Firstly, having sports complex in this small town would be a blessing for the teenagers and adult residents. the reason for that is we have not so many sportsman in our town because they have to go outside the town for their hobbies of playing.
    Additionally, our children and seniors also need something like big green area where they can spend their spare time, jogging, walk and picnics. they would have something where they could go every evening to spend sometime in fresh air.
    Moreover, the petting zoo idea which I really loved because we do not have any source of entertainment like this. Even by having this in the town I hope our neighbour towns would come to visit us there.
    Finally, I would ask you to consider the reason behind my opinion.

  8. Dear Manager,
    I want to discuss the problem I faced on April29th, at your restaurant. I booked your restaurant for my dinner with my family on that day. We were very excited about the dinner to dine at this restaurant because we heard from so many friends about there. After so long, I got chance to go out for dinner with my children and wife.

    Somehow, it was totally opposite of our expectations. Initially, we had to wait for half an hour for the waiter to take our order which was really annoying. However, we just let it go cause we thought they must be busy because the restaurant is very popular. Afterwards, the waiter did not replied my greetings, that was really insulting.

    Moreover, when the food been served the taste was horrible as if the food was not fresh. it really ruined my whole plan for the dinner with my family. my children did not eat anything on that night and I am very upset with the service and meal provided that day.

    I left the restaurant on that day because the receptionist said manager is not available but I want you to refund my money which I paid for reservations.
    Thank you

  9. DEAR sir or madam ,
    I am writing this letter to complain you about the unsatisfactory service of the membership . Based on the advertisement , I have purchased the two year fitness membership in your center . To my surprise , I have faced many problems in your center .
    Firstly , the service were offered in the advertisement the services I got are completely different . In addition to this ,most of the members having problems to get shower , they have to wait hours to get his or her turn and equipments were offered in the advertisement all of new but we were using old parts and old machine .
    Secondly , the staff were not cooperative at all , they are not listening the regular members instead of that fitness trainer are busy with personal customers because they got extra money from them .
    I would be grateful if you could refund my fees or resolve the aforementioned problems as soon as possible . in order to satisfy the needs of your fellow members

  10. My preference will be opening new restaurants on campus. A big cafeteria, nevertheless, will be a good choice in terms of providing meals in a low price, however, in my opinion, campus officials should consider the option of opening branches of famous restaurants to satisfy food quality for students.

    Besides the improved food quality, students can not only experience a wide range of taste from their famous restaurants, but also stay healthy with their eating habits. Students can stay more focused on their studies without worrying about lunch or dinner with the easy accessibility of healthy food. Students bringing their acquaintances and friends to the campus restaurants will thereby be economically beneficial for university.

    Option A will certainly meet the needs of all types of students, regardless of him or her being a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian. As the quality of food improves, the price will elevate accordingly which should not be a concern for most of the students.

    In this way, university is not only satisfying their appetite, but also providing a wide variety of healthy meals.

  11. Dear sir or madam,

    I am writing this letter to complain about the unsatisfactory services provided by your fitness center. I saw an advertisement of services provided by your center. On the basis of which, I had purchased a 2-year membership, however, after a few months of joining the fitness center I couldn’t find your services up to the mark.

    Initially, the advertisement provided a brief schedule of weekly routine, for instance, from Monday to Friday, a 2-hour Zumba class and on weekends, a special meditation session including Yoga were supposed to be organized. Moreover, the advertisement stated that your fitness center has been renovated with new fitness equipment, but all I noticed were the old, dusty and rusty equipment. In addition to it, the bathrooms and changing rooms were stinky and felt like they haven’t been cleaned for years.

    Upon acknowledging this situation, I decided to talk to your manager politely about the issues. Not only did he respond me rudely, but also started mocking me. He also asked me to take my membership to other fitness center without hearing me entirely.

    I am highly disappointed by his unsuitable behavior and would kindly request you to refund my full money back, or better yet, resolve the aforementioned problems.

    Yours sincerely,

  12. My vote is definitely for the cafeteria. There are many reasons why we should not have restaurants.

    Firstly not every student can afford expensive meal and most of the restaurants have extremly high prices. The cafeteria is relatively cheap option so all campus could come and enjoy the food.

    Secondly competition between restaurants is not smart move for the campus budget. To improve food services is necessarily to bring new options, but do not spend all money supplies. Opening branches could cost a lot of money, because of the different kinds of restaurants. It is a great opportunity for them to grow as a company so they probably will ask for huge amount of money.

    Another reason, in my opinion, is variety of food provided in one place which is cafeteria. You can choose from many dishes right in place or maybe order online. It would be really useful to create mobile application where you can pre-order your meal couple of days before.

    I think the best choice for the campus is to provide healthy and quality meal for acceptable price, not just another fast food center. In cafeteria all students could satisfy their appetite.

  13. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this letter to complain about the services in your fitness center.

    In the advertisement for the year membership you provide private lessons with 50% discount, but I could not get one. Also using lockers in changing room suposed to be for free, however I was very strictly informed that it is not true.

    When I talked to manager about these services he was extremely rude to me. He did not apologize at all and blamed me for my mistake. According his opinion I am not able to read carefully and should wear better eyeglasses. This behavior is very unprofessional and not acceptable.

    I was wondering if you could cancel my membership and give me my money back. I do not want to visit this fitness center again. Also I would appreciate if you talk to your manager about his attitude. I think it will be good for your prestige as well.

    Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.



  14. Dear Sir/Ma’am,

    I am writing to express my disappointment about the inconsistent services in your fitness center. I recently signed for a long-term membership however, I learned that several services are unavailable.

    Based on the advertisement, the services include free use of the sauna but only showers are available in the center. Next, there will be one available female fitness instructor to assist every hour. In my two weeks at the center, I notice only male fitness instructor is present at the gym. Lastly, there will be one locker allotted for each member but, I observed that most of the lockers are shared. Being dissatisfied, I thoroughly discussed these concerns with the manager however, he was inept to provide proper solutions. First, he told me to focus on my program and forget about the advertisement. Then, he said that I will be given free drinks to compensate for the deficiencies. This made me even more unfulfilled.

    In order to put a resolution about this issue, I demand to cancel my membership immediately and please talk to your manager about proper behavior in addressing customer complaints. I look forward to hearing from you this week.

    Lea Stuart

    P.S. Thank you hightestscore!

      • As a student, I have appreciated going to the school cafeteria than a restaurant.

        I find a large cafeteria to be reasonable for students. One, while sellers offer available “good” food options, the prices are affordable too. Being a student, I would rather purchase more on school items such as books and spend less on my food. Two, I believe the food variety is sufficient for the students. Often, I observed that students do not even stay in the food court to eat; instead, they hang out longer at this place. They enjoy a great amount of time chatting with friends during break time. Finally, students do their homework together with fellow students. In fact, I personally experienced this before when I was still in college. I liked doing my assignments in the cafeteria because I could still converse without bothering the loudness of my voice. Overall, compared to a restaurant, the vibe is less formal. Students want to socialize while relishing the food.

        Definitely, I will enjoy a big cafeteria with my fellow students on the campus, which offers various food choices at cost-friendly prices.

        • Nice try! I don’t think you will score more than 6 or, if lucky, 7 with this one. Keep improving!

  15. To Whom it May Concern,
    I had purchased a 2-year membership at your gym. I am writing this email to complain about the lack of services, which was earlier described in the flyer.
    In the advertisement, it was mentioned that the gym would be equipped with an in-house sauna. Since I like sauna, which is very refreshing and relaxing, I was thrilled to get a membership at your center. When I joined the gym, I was told by the manager that the sauna room is still under construction, and it would available in three months time.
    After three months, when enquired again, manager said that, the management has dropped the idea of sauna and it will no longer be an amenity at this center. Disappointedly, I requested the manager for refund since sauna was primary reason for me to join your center. But the manager unapologetically rejected my request and asked me to take it up with owner.
    So, I am requesting you to investigate into this matter and refund my fees, or better yet, bring the sauna into the premises as promised.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Ken Adams

    In my opinion, cafeteria would be a good option for our college. Though restaurants are not a bad idea, you will see that, because of the below reasons, they would not be suitable for our campus.
    Firstly, there are lot of students from marginalised community in our college. In fact, more that 60% of our students’ families make less that $60000 annually. For this reason, I believe cost wise, cafeteria would be suitable for students, as they would be able to afford a decent meal. Though, the restaurants have promised to keep the pricing competitive, I don’t expect them to be as nominal as a cafeteria.
    Secondly, we will have the flexibility to customize the menu to likings of students while imparting healthier eating habits. Most of these famous restaurants would not be able to provide a complete and nutrient meal to our students.
    Because of these considerations, I believe cafeteria would be a better choice for our college. I am sure the students would be happy with it. Anyways, these are my personal opinions and I will support any decision taken by the management in this regard.

  16. Dear sir,

    I am writing to you regarding a 2-year membership I’ve recently bought at your facility in my neighbourhood. The main reason for this email is to complain about a gap noticed between the advertisement and the reality.

    First of all, I was expecting numerous brand new equipment allowing each individual to work out in any one of them at any time. However, to my surprise, the amount of equipment is not enough for the number of people trying to exercise, which creates lines to use each device. I’m also extremely disappointed with the instructors. They are just a few and unprepared to support all training purposes. Besides these problems, I also had to bear with your manager, who didn’t pay proper attention to my request. He showed disrespect by saying I was making a storm in a teacup.

    As an attempt to solve this predicament, I would like to firstly receive formal apologies from your manager. It would be also important, to have more instructors available to assist us when working out. Last but not least, it would be fair if I had a discount on my monthly fee to compensate for the shortage of equipment.



  17. First of all, I appreciate you for giving me a chance to let me give my insight about this matter. I personally believe option B will be much better off for all students. Our campus currently has either high-end restaurants or fast-food restaurants. It will be a good idea if we can have not only the more affordable meals but also a wider variety of meals.

    Being a student, we have a very limited budget for daily purchases. At this important time of life, I believe we should spend more time studying but not working just to buy lunches. With having affordable meals available on campus, it can ease our financial burden and allow us to dedicate all our available time to academic learning. Also, the new cafeteria will provide a place for students to bond and strengthen the relationship as the meals are affordable for everyone.

    Considering these reasons, I advocate the option B. It will not only make our student life easier but also eradicate our financial stress. Since students are constantly overwhelmed by stress from schoolwork, being able to lessen the financial burden will be greatly appreciated.

  18. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction with the experience I had with your fitness center. The services written on the flier I received in my mailbox extremely appealed to me and hence, I decided to join the 2-year membership. However, soon after I joined the membership, I realized the services and prices were far different from what were advertised.

    My main reason for this complaint email was the membership fees. The advertisement emphasized on no additional costs but only monthly fees of $16. Indeed, there were no fees for joining membership, but the staff forced me to opt for health insurance, which costs another $15 a month. Although I told the staff how I am insured by my employer, he refused to listen to me and forced me to sign up for the insurance. I believe having insurance is not compulsory but the staff tried to sell it so he could get some commission. Secondly, there are only limited numbers of treadmills available in the center. I often ended up waiting for couples minutes before getting the chance to use it. As you may know, treadmills are popular equipment for people to use for warm-up.

    I would like you to discuss this aforementioned issue with the staff and convey my complaints to him. I hope you could refund my insurance fees and also increase the number of treadmills in the gym.


  19. I would prefer option of Big Cafetaria because of undernoted reasons:

    1. All students are not same same economic backround, some are wealthy and some are not. College Cafetaria has to ensure that No student goes hungry, Big Cafetaria by virtue of low cost meal would ensure that No student goes hungry.
    2. Cafetaria is not only a eating place but also a social place to catch up with fellow students and friends before, during and after the meals. A big cafetaria would serve the purpose of meeting point but in case of restaurants eating meals would take place in compartmentalised silos with each restaurant catering to its own customers sitting in their premises.
    3. Just like restaurants large variety of food Veg as well as Non Veg would be available to students only thing missing would be brand name of the restaurants.
    4. As the college is situated in heart of city, any of the students who wishes to eat out in restaurant can just step out of the college and have his/her meal in his/her favourite restaurnat as almost all of them are situated just outside the college.

    Last but not the least managing a single Big Cafetaria would be much easier for the college administration than managing many restaurants.

  20. Dear Sir/ Madam,

    I am Navjot presently availing services of your fitness centre (under 2 years membership) situated in my neighbourhood area of Panckula. In Nov 2020, I came across advertisement of your centre stating fitness centre with state of art facility under guidance of experienced trainers.

    However, upon joining it was found out informed there was only one trainer for whole of facility and he too had resigned in Oct 2020. All new members complained to Manager Mr. X however, he expressed no concern for problem faced by Gym members and declined to cancel the membership. \

    As a last resort, I am approaching you to advise the Manager to hire a new trainer and also till then withdraw the advertisements.

    Looking forward for long anf fruitful association.


  21. Dear Manager,

    I am writing this email to express my disappointment about the service at the gym. I currently bought a membership for two years.

    According to the advertisement that I read, there is a big shared hot tub, but there is only a shower room instead. This hot tub is one of the reason I decided to choose this gym. I felt dishonest of you about the content of the advertisement.

    Besides, when I talked about this matter with you, you only told me that the content of advertisement had already been changed and did not explain about it. Moreover, you did not even apologize of that. I felt extremely upset.

    Now considering these reasons, I am no longer tolerated so I would like to cancel my membership. Also as compensation for these problems, I would like to receive a full refund of my purchase.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Yours faithfully,

    Ken Atwood

  22. I would like to opine in favour of option B which is producing both version, It is seem to be a far better and more convincing choice for me than other. Though, the other choice is almost equally appealing, I would present couple of reason to substantiate my argument.
    To begin with, people are more depending on gadget but for me it is a good time to away for hours and read news offline. To add this, it will be reducing my stress level also, my gesture got relax. Moreover, reading news online is quite handy but, newspaper is tradition option for all.
    On the other hand, many of us are not able to access the internet due to some limitations, for them it would be hard to get rid of without print version. Also, stop printing of print version they reduce their one group of readers.
    Having all arguments, I believe that producing both versions are the more beneficial than stop printing forever.

  23. As far as i am concerned, both options have some advantages and i can see why some of my friends would go for option A. On the whole, however, there are a couple of reasons why i chose option B over option A.

    For one thing, if the college were to set up a Cafeteria where quality of the food is not compromised and and price is kept affordable, everyone in the college would be able to save some money by the end of the year. Many students, including myself, hardly yearn any money and they totally depends on their parents for pocket money and there by they cannot afford to spend much money on food other entertainments. Hence, taking this fact into consideration, in my view, cafeteria would be a great addition to our campus. In contrast, a restaurant is like to get a cold response from the students as it will be expensive and thus very few students can make use of this facility.
    Furthermore, unlike the restaurant, as stated in the survey question, a cafeteria is likely to provide vegetarian as well as non vegetarian options. As far as i know, there are at least a dozen students in our campus who are allergic to meat and thus a cafeteria would be an ideal choice. On the other hand restaurants doesn’t seem to have vegetarian option in the
    In a nutshell, the benefits of a cafeteria outweighs the advantages of a restaurant. As a matter of fact, for the reasons i have outlined above, it is loud and clear that option B is the best choice for our campus. Thank you for offering me a chance to provide inputs on this subject.

  24. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am one of the newest members of GoodLife fitness center on Bloor St. Despite being extremely happy about being back to gym after the lockdown, I am writing to you to complain about the advertisement that sold the idea to me to buy the two year membership at your sports center.

    The advertisement clearly stated that all members, who bought their memberships between December 1. and December 31., are entitled to have free three months pass for CityBike bikeshare. Unfortunately, none of the salespersons on their end are aware about that promotion. Besides the offer for bikeshare pass, you advertised that the gym was fully renovated during the lockdown. The only finished room is the woman’s changing room, and renovation works in all of the other rooms have just started. This causes plenty of inconvenience for me and other customers.

    First of all, I am sure it is inappropriate to advertise features that are currently absent in your gym, so I am asking to reduce my monthly membership fee by 10% for the time until all renovation works are completed. Secondly, I am asking to resolve the issue with bikeshare pass as soon as possible.

    Yours faithfully,

  25. Dear sir or madam,

    Since last month I have been a new member of HitFit5 fitness center. To day, I am mainly writing this email to complain about the fake ad broadcasted from your gym.

    First, all the equipments listed on the flyer are not available at your center. I specifically choose to enrol due to all the new machines you were suppose to provide as brand new bicycles, treadmills and showers. Although, I was not very motivated first I finally enrolled because of the good advertisement from your salesman.

    Second, I tried to discuss about this matter with your store manager who seems not pay any attention to the customers. He said he cannot do anything and we have to be patient till the fitness center sell enough membership cards to be able to afford the cost of the new equipments.

    Finally, I decided to contact you by email since I cannot meet with you in person.Therefore, I fell I am entitled for a full refund of my first month as I cannot fully benefit of your services. I would also like to end my membership with your fitness club.


    Mary Smith

  26. Hi Manager,

    It has been six months since the parking area of the mall is under construction. My family and I purchase our weekly groceries from the mall, and therefore we visit the mall frequently.
    We have been facing a lot of trouble because of the ongoing construction in the parking area. There is always waiting on the entry and exit gates, and it is troublesome finding a parking spot in the mall. For each visit, parking a car takes most of our time and leave us with a little time for shopping. To tackle the situation, we have been using a cab service for each trip to the mall. The cab service is expensive in this area and is putting a hole in our pocket.
    As per the construction notice, the construction work was supposed to complete within four months. The contractor has breached the period of construction. I got a chance to have a word with him on my last visit to the mall. He told me how there was a shortage of laborers on the construction site and how he’s unable to hire more laborers. I would suggest you help the constructor out with laborer hiring that will speed up the construction.
    Hope this email brings the issue to your notice and suggestion helps.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Monica Geller

  27. Firstly , I would like to appreciate the college officials ,that before taking any decision on Food facility, they have asked for the opinion of college students.
    In my opinion, the option B for making a Big cafeteria on campus is more appropriate for all students as well as the faculty too. In college own cafeteria, college itself can do audit on food whether it is based on quality standard or the nutritional value, variety of food options can be made for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians accordingly for native and outside students . On daily basis , menu can be designed based on orders. Order can be segregated in many categories like small meal, mid meal, large meal. Accordingly the price will be fixed. In this way ,student easily can opt for meals as per their need and budget. The meal price for sure will be cheap as compared to branded restaurants and also will be more nutritional.
    So, it is better to go for option b, as with option a , most students will go for food which is cheaper and unhealthy in order to save their money, which can lead to poor health among students.

  28. Dear Sir,
    I am writing this email to let you know that I am highly disappointed with the services of your fitness center. Last month when your fitness center introduced the 2 year membership program , I had enrolled for the same considering the advertisement which was published regarding the services . In that, there were many services which were mentioned that the fitness center will provide if one enrolls for a membership program.
    Firstly, It was mentioned to give sauna bath service once a week, but there is no section for the same. Secondly, In fitness center 20 equipment for each cycling and running will be available, however only 10 equipment’s are there. I have to wait for 25 minutes for my turn to come and in the morning I have to rush for the office too. I had tried to discussed same with fitness center manager also, but he is not ready to help and listen anything.
    I request you to cancel my membership for fitness center, as I am not able to use the services on a daily basis, due to lack of equipment available and short of time in morning hours or else incorporate the services which were promised.
    I hope you will consider my request the same and will take appropriate action.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Membership card No: 3juys12

  29. Personally, I prefer having a big cafeteria although having branches of famous restaurants on campus is tempting.
    First of all, students always look for ways to save money since living costs are so high! So, when it comes to vote or choose a place to go, I am almost 100% sure that students will choose a cheaper option.
    Second, the college could run a poll to get an idea for the cafeteria’s menu on what type of foods students are interested in or crave for. This way the variety of the available dishes will be increased and covers different types of foods from all over the world. Therefore, it will satisfy a higher number of students. Besides, it could be an opportunity for students to experience new cuisines.
    Last but not least, the college could have an eye on what will be served in the cafeteria! I believe this is good for students’ health and safety. The college could have some standards for the food being served at the cafeteria. However, this is not a feasible option when it comes to deal with restaurants.
    In the end, because of all the mentioned reasons, I believe that a big cafeteria is a better option for students. I’d appreciate the opportunity to provide input on this matter.

  30. Dear owner,

    I am writing this email regarding a situation I am experiencing at you fitness center. Some days ago, I bought a 2-year membership to use at the downtown unit due to the proximity to my house, and unfortunately, I figured out that some services announced on the advertisement are not available there.

    The ad that pushed me to become a member of this center included 2 swimming pools, 10 treadmills, 5 bathing rooms, 2 massage chair, and free wi-fi to use while we are working out. But during my first day at this establishment, I observed that there are neither pools nor massage chairs. I talked to the manager and he said I made a mistake about the understanding of that advertisement and so, he could do absolutely nothing to help me. He did not give me the chance to show him the flyer proving the services I had bought.

    Considering that I just bought this plan because I have to swim every other day as part as my knee rehabilitation, I am not interested in being member of your gym anymore and I want a full refund of my purchase.

    I look forward to your response.


    Corina Mayer.

  31. Hi Sir,
    I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction on my membership issues.
    I recently saw your promotional offer in Social media, I was extremely excited about the Yoga training at this facility. I had 2 Year subscription and started the schedules. Over last 6 month the experience was quite good and easily accessible on time.
    Firstly, from first week of may I am getting trouble in my Yoga training schedules. Eventually, i had very tough time with trainer and had a conflict. i have explained the details of the membership, even though he does not allow me to join the class from May 5th and told me to validate the membership with the office for confirmation.
    Secondly, The next day i tried to reached the customer relationship Manager Mr. Sam to report this issue, but he is not available on the day, i have sent many emails about this. but no response (attached the reference Email). I made all my effort to get this sorted out at the Branch, but there is no luck.
    So, I request you to spend some time and check on this issue and resolve to resume my Yoga class, if this is not resolved in a week, I would like to cancel the membership and refund my subscription charges.
    Looking forward your response and appreciate in advance.
    Thank you

      • Dear Sir,
        I purchased a 2-year membership in your fitness center on 01st of June 2020 based on an advertisement. However, I used to come to the location couple of days per week. I found that there are no weight dumbbells, treadmills, training bench and towels which were advertised. Treadmills and dumbbells are basic equipment for a fitness center.
        Advertisement showed that the center will provide clean towels for each member after every use of the gym. It is hard to get a bath without a towel. Members cannot do a proper fitness training without above said equipment. I complaint these matters to the Manager on duty on 25th June 2020. Unfortunately, he said that the center was just opened, and they are still waiting for fitness equipment which were ordered. It is not fair, that charging $750 for a 2-year membership of still-developing fitness center.
        I am looking forward for a reimbursement for my membership. I will hope a quick response as well.
        Thanking you.
        Best Regards,

  32. Hi Sir/Madam,
    I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfactory and Relationship Manager behavior in your Fitness center located at Brampton.
    I was excited about the recent promotional offer and immediately purchased 2year the membership.
    First, the experience in the facility center is not at all good as advertised, the equipment’s are not replaced with new and rusty. the shower rooms are all ways occupied and we are all wait for so long time for a simple shower.
    Secondly, the Yoga training room are small and not accommodate 20 people, I had tough time to attend the Yoga schedules and not published to all, trainers are not skilled and equipped with required materials. I had conflict with trainer many times and its very annoying front of others. Eventually I am ending up not attend or missing the class. It is very irritating to everyone in the center.
    I reached to Facility manager to report this and resolve the above issues, but he is not concentrating on these issues, i have sent many mails no response.
    I request you to cancel my membership and refund my money and look into the behavior issues this will case your reputed business.
    Looking forward your response and resolution.
    Thank you

  33. Personally, I think that a big cafeteria is a better option for students. This is because one, it promises to provide a diverse option of food items for students. Due to the busy schedule of students in this college, many students are forced to eat whatever they can lay their hands on. These meals are mostly lacking nutrients, leaving students undernourished and unhealthy.
    The second reason is cost. A big cafeteria in school means that students would not have to patronize expensive food vendors and restaurants, enabling them save money. This is because students are not typically financially buoyant. While famous restaurants might enable students to be spoilt for choice, the cost of dining at these establishments might not be suitable for many students.
    Considering these reasons, I genuinely believe that providing a big cafeteria is a better choice. This will help to improve the health of students and also provide financial benefits.
    Again, this is my personal opinion, but I will support whatever decision is made.

  34. Dear Mr. Johnson,

    I am writing this letter to complain about my terrible experience at your establishment. Recently, I saw a commercial for the Atlantic fitness centre listing a swimming pool, a state-of-the-art cardio room, weights room and an indoor track field as part of its services. I was excited by the thought of using such a modern gym and I immediately purchased a 2-year membership.
    After a few visits, I noticed that the promised state-of-the-art cardio room had only one treadmill and a faulty Stairmaster and that there was infact no swimming pool.
    When I complained to the manager about the absence of the services that was advertised, he outrightly told me that there was nothing he could do about the situation. I then demanded a refund, but he refused to provide one. He claimed that there was a no refund policy at the fitness center. Needless to say, I was furious about the deception and the attitude of the manager.
    I am asking that you take a look into this situation as it could tarnish your reputation as a business owner. I am also demanding at least a fifty percent refund as I did not receive the services that I paid for.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Blake Adams

  35. Dear manager,

    I am writing to you to express my complaint about your fitness center. Here are a couple of reasons to justify my thoughts. I purchased 2-year membership from your fitness center at Young-Bloor intersection. According to the advertisement, the fitness center will be able to provide individual hot water shower and personal trainer. But there is just 2 shower in your centre and not enough personal trainer.

    Firstly, I went to customer service to explain this issue. when I approach him to say my issue, he no paid attention to me. However When I was explaining this topic he cut my word and told me we have a shower and trainer as we said.

    Latter, his conduct was also very rude. He told me you need to read the advertisement again. we do not have provide to individual things. This center is not a luxury. what were you expecting? I didn’t believe my ears. I was shocked by his behavior.

    Please find attached my original receipt for your reference. I accept a full refund or another store membership as your advertisement.

    I look forward to hearing from you


  36. Task 1

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I would like to clarify a few discrepancies that occurred after I had enrolled to become a member at your Sport Center. The information provided in the online brochure was clearly stating that there is a large and deep salty water swimming pool, whereas there is only a tiny jacuzzi in place. Doubtful, that any type of pool exercise could take place in it, and they were promised by you, too. Moreover, the Rope Yoga classes are planned on weekdays mornings only, unfortunately nothing in the evenings is there as previously shown on your web site. The gym equipment is also a bit outdated versus the new, shiny one presented to me.

    The issues I have raised to the General Manager where totally ignored. Obviously, Mr. Smith had a very rough day. Just after hearing me out he shortly replied that I have to reach out to the headquarter, and then he hang up on me. Sad to say, but this was very unprofessional behavior, especially for such a prestige club you claim to be.

    As the whole situation is highly disappointing I would like to kindly ask you to refund me the membership fee. Additionally, perhaps it would be worth to consider to organize some customer service training for your teams in the future.

    Looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

    Kate Lee

  37. Task 2

    Both options have their advantages and it is understandable why some of the students would prefer the option B. If I had to choose, however, there are several reasons why I would go for the option A.

    First and foremost, opening a food court with diverse cuisine certainly would meet expectation not only local but also foreign students. In results, everyone would find something they enjoy the most. From the modern healthy vegetarian food thru the homemade dishes ending on the quick service restaurants. Inviting, and having on the campus brands like Tim Hortons, KFC or Pizza Hut would be a great differentiator, and a type of prestige for our Humber College.

    Secondly, renting the spaces for operating these restaurants could be an additional source of the profit for the Collage. Moreover, school would not have to take care of all red tape administration matters related to operating own cafeteria, as that would be solely a responsibility of the brands owners. Thus, could focus on its core activity which is tutoring. While the extra revenue could be invested in expanding the sport facilities.

    Having said that, in my best belief having well known brands who are the experts in operating restaurants is far better choice than the own cafeteria, where for sure the benefits would outweigh the drawbacks.

  38. Dear GoodLife manager,

    I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction with the GoodLife gym at Davisville-Yonge intersection.

    I’ve purchased a 2-year membership of GoodLife last month after thoroughly talking with a nice fitness instructor, Sarath Lee. I was looking for a gym in my neighborhood with a variety of classes and 24h service. These were the main reasons I registered at this branch. However, after a month of commitment to the gym, I noticed that there is no more 24h service at this branch, which was quite a shock to me.

    Besides, I clearly remember that Sarath was mentioning this gym membership will give me the option to attend both hot yoga and HIIT classes. Last week, when I was about to enter the hot yoga class, the instructor told me that I should register to this class separately!

    I was so desperate and decided to talk to the branch’s manager. I booked an appointment with him, but he never showed up to the meeting without any notice! I received an email from him later that week, apologizing for his amateur behavior.

    In brief, I would like to bring to your notice the unsatisfactory services happening in the GoodLife gym at Davisville branch. Since I was so annoyed with the manager’s attitude, I would like to either cancel my membership or ask for a granted full membership that I can attend all classes at this branch.

    Thanks for your time and understanding.


  39. Being healthy is crucial to the students academic success. Hence, I believe option B is the best option to the students. We can have a cafeteria that offers nutritious food with low prices while keeping in mind students’ diet preference.

    Most of the students’ expenses are food related. Unfortunately, because of limited financial resources students tend to make the wrong decisions when it comes to food. We rely on cost effective meals which can be junk food most of the time. Having an on campus cafeteria that offers: high quality food , low prices , and dietary preferences is a necessity to the students’ lives.

    Hosting famous restaurants on campus will negatively affect the students. These restaurants will not care about our nutrition because their main concern is making profit. In order to make the highest profit possible, they will cut corners when it comes to the quality of food they will offer.

    I appreciate the effort of our campus officials to provide better food service to the students. This is achievable by having an on campus cafeteria that will help keep the students healthy while considering their financial situation and food preferences.

  40. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing to you regarding the issue that I am facing with my membership at your sport center. While joining your club I was offered various activities, that I would be able to participate in, and they would be free of charge. Unfortunately, a tennis court and a swimming pool appeared to cost extra. Moreover, a gym and yoga classes are taking place only in the mornings, so I cannot attend them as I am at work. All that in your leaflet was mentioned as a benefits available for joining members, and the reality is different.

    On top of that, I have kindly asked your local store manager to support me with solving this problem. Said to say, I was treated harsh or even more simply just rude. Additionally, my complain was not addressed at all. That is why I have decided to write to you with hope you will be more empathic in this situation.

    Having said that, in my opinion the most fair solutions would be that you could; firstly reduce my membership fee for about 50%, and secondly to allow me to cancel the agreement before two years’ time. All that, due to the fact that you have not meet the terms of our contract.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

    Joana Dou

  41. I strongly prefer to Option B. In my opinion, having an affordable canteen on campus is a way better choice for university students and my reasons are the following.

    Firstly, I believe that we can all agree on lots of students are on a really tight budget during their academic years. Most of us have to save money for the tuition fee and for the study materials, we are working hard to ensure our future carrier. With Option B, we would be able to consume healthy and scrumptious food for low price.

    Secondly, in the capacious cafeteria we could find numerous variety of dishes and there would be meatless option as well. Nowadays a lot of people try to decrease their meat consumption by having only vegetarian food.

    Finally, I doubt that popular restaurants would be able to offer available pricing for us. They want to create profit and they also have high maintenance cost.

    I hope the management will choose Option B as well.

  42. Dear Owner,

    I am writing this email regarding to my bad experience in your fitness center. In the last month, I bought a membership card in your facility based on your advertisement. I was really enthusiastic so I made a two-year commitment in order to improve my physical strength.

    Unfortunately, I deeply disappointed right now because I am feeling that I am scammed. You have offered free personal training for the first 6 months, but when I started my workout program I did not get any assistance.

    Moreover, I tried to contact with the manager in the first week, but he was not available. However, I was able to talk to him on the following week, he was reluctant to help and he refused my request for a personal trainer. In my opinion, this is unacceptable behavior from a service provider.

    In this letter, I claim a full refund for my membership fee and I would like to cancel my agreement with your company. I hope you understand my decision.

    Best regards,
    Alan Harper

  43. Dear sir,

    I am writing you to express a concern i have about the services that i experienced in your fitness centre. I am the member with 2 year contract in your fitness centre which is located at Yonge street and close to my house.

    Apparently, the services included in the advertisement are not available on the gym centre. I joint the centre for all the facilities that are advertised like: the vending machine, training person, tanning and swimming pool. I was extremely disappointed when i found out that the centre lack those facilities which i joint for.

    However, i tried to talk with the manager about this situation, he turned his back to me. Instead of giving me a solution, he rudely behave with me which is unacceptable. likewise, he insulted me infront of all the member presented at the time. I was highly embarrassed so, i waked away from there.

    Although, i have a two year contract, i humbly request you to cancel my membership. Moreover, i will be grateful if you can return the money that i have spend there.

    I hope you understand my situation and accept my advice. thank you for your time.

    with Regards

  44. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this regarding misleading advertisement about my 2-year membership I recently purchased.
    On the advertisement, it said 2-year membership including access to swimming pool. However, I do not see any swimming pool in the fitness center. Swimming pool was one of the most attractive point to me to sign up for the 2-year membership, and when figure it out that there is no swimming pool on the site, I was very disappointed.

    I have talked to the location manager regarding this misleading advertisement and asked him if he could either cancel my membership and pay back the fee or transfer me to another fitness location has a swimming pool. Unfortunately, his answer was not professional, and he said it it not possible to cancel my membership or transfer me to another location because that will be too much work to do for him.

    This was very disappointing experience and I would like to suggest you to retrain your employees how to handle the situation and also to make sure there is no misleading elements on your advertisement before it is published.

    Yours faithfully,
    K S

  45. Dear Mike,

    I am writing this to suggest you this year’s family trip destination. From my experience this year, I want to suggest going to Walt Disney World in Florida where I visited with my friends last summer, and I believe we will all have a great time there.

    At Disney, there are a lot of attractions and shows that both kids and adults can enjoy. I saw a lot of families were there all smiling and enjoying their time. Since we have 7 kids joining this year’s family trip, the destination should be kids friendly.

    Another thing I am considering is our aunt Sara. She recently got surgery on her left leg, and she will need a wheel chair during the trip. A good thing about Disney is all the hotels and shuttle buses are barrier free! I also remember that all the staffs were very friendly and helpful to assist people need a help.

    I hope my advice helps you in some way. But I am open to any destinations if we can all have a good time, so please let me know if you need any help to look into more of the places.

    Best regards,

  46. Personally, allowing employees to choose a activity and company pays for the fee would be a better choice. Even though, having a gym in a company sounds attractive, I believe letting them decide their own place to exercise will be financially more affordable and satisfy our employees more.

    First, building a fitness club in our work place is very pricey. Some fitness equipment cost more than $10,000 and we will need to hire personal trainers. We have more than 20, 000 workers and to make a gym which is capable 20,000 people is not cheap.

    Also, Many of our employees used to play sports such swimming, baseball and basketball. They would enjoy playing those games outside of work more than just staying a gym and having a personal trainer.

    Considering those reasons, I would like to suggest allowing workers to decide their own activities outside company and redeem their membership fee has more advantages than having a expensive gym in our facility. Thank you for giving me a chance to input on this issue.

  47. Dear owner of Breeze Fitness Center

    I recently purchased a 2-year membership to your fitness center after coming across your advertisement in the local newspaper. But quite to my disappointment I found out that many of the services mentioned in the advertisement were lacking. First of all, I never found a training coach in the gym as advertised. My principal purpose to join a fitness center was to lose weight and this will not actualize unless my training is supervised by a coach. Secondly, the gym is closed on the weekends and this contradicts the information given in the advertisement originally. I have a busy work schedule and I relied on the weekends to be able to dedicate some time to my physical fitness. Moreover, the equipment in the gym does not seem to be renovated as promised; some of the gym equipment are broken and cannot be used.

    I reached out to the manager regarding these issues, but she ignored my complaints. As the last resort, I am contacting you to demand a full refund for my subscription, unless serious measures are taken to implement the services you advertised.


    Patricia Smith

  48. I believe a big cafeteria on campus would be more advantageous to the students. The student population is usually financially vulnerable as they are mostly dependent on their families. Therefore, a cafeteria which offers affordable menu would be the best option for them. Moreover, as students are usually occupied by schoolwork during the week, an easily accessible cafeteria which serves quick meals will be preferred. Additionally, a cafeteria will provide a space for the students not only to eat, but also to study.

    Even though there are advantages to having restaurants on campus, many students will find it hard to pay for an expensive meal at a famous restaurant on a daily basis. The option to dine at a restaurant will always be reserved for them as there are already some in the vicinity of the campus.

    Altogether, I think everyone would benefit from a cafeteria to a greater extent, but I support whatever decision that is made.

  49. Hello Sir/Madam,

    I am writing this mail to express my dissatisfaction towards the services of your fitness center and unprofessional
    behavior of staff.

    I have joined fitness center last month and taken two years of membership, after reviewing advertisement on your website. The
    facilities have showed on website like sonabath, shower room , separate swimming pool for women and all new equipments.
    I have got shocked when I saw the equipments are not working properly and swimming pool and sonabath is still under
    construction. Furthermore the most embarrassing part is to waiting in a queue for shower room.

    I have tried to explain all above points to your manager, but he didn’t give attention and behave in a rude way. Moreover on the
    next day he refused to meet.

    Considering all above issues , I request you to please refund my money, I am no more interested to be the part of your fitness
    center and suggest you to be loyal with your customer. I an attaching the screen shot of your advertisement and my payment receipt
    for your reference.

    Kindly look into this matter on the priority basis and an early reply will be highly appreciated.

    Thank You,

  50. Hello Sir or Madam,

    I hope you are doing well.

    My name is David Jacob and I am the father of Lucy who is a student of class IV-A in your school i.e Kennedy Public School.
    I would like to bring to your notice a few issues/concerns my daughter had at the school, would like to suggest a few recommendations
    and sit with you for some time to have a discussion.

    She informed me that two students in her class are continuously hassling her and making fun of her skin color and race, and a few
    students continue to make noise during self-study hours, she is unable to concentrate and is concerned that her grades would
    be impacted because of it. Also, the garden which is beside her classroom has a tad bit of wet garbage and that causes foul smell when they sit in
    the garden.

    My suggestions are to have a session on cross-cultural differences and diversities to start with for not only those two students but for the whole
    class, so that everyone can benefit from such stint. To have a rotating class monitor for self-study hours whose responsibilities would be to
    ensure that all students utilize the study hour and provides feedback to the teacher, and this class monitor changes by every class.
    Lastly, I would like to recommend to have some cleaning done in the garden and have different categories of bins places on the edge of the park.

    I would like to suggest that we meet on the coming Monday i.e 03/23/2020 at 10:00 AM. Please feel free to change date/time if this doesn’t work
    for you.

    Thank you.


  51. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing to let you know that the service mentioned in advertisement are not found in your GYM. I found your gym advertisement from my mail box. I was so impressed, so I purchased 2 years of memberships. But, later I found you don’t have all the services which was describe under brochure.

    Let me explain the situation in more detail. Firstly, In brochure it mentioned that you have shoulder and leg excise machines, but the truth is you don’t have these machine your Gym. Secondly, I found that gym is not following proper hygiene according you the advertisement. So that I decide to talk with fitness center manager to take an action to resolve these problem. Instead, of resolving a problem, he was blaming to staffs and try to ignore all other issues.

    I would very helpful if you can take action on these problems instantly. Otherwise please refund money, because I was miss guide through the advertisement.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Yours Faithfully,
    Nazim Ali

  52. Personally, I believed that big cafeteria would be a batter choice. Even though Restaurants also give variety of food, but the big cafeteria would give more benefits to the students.
    Firstly, big cafeteria Provides variety of foods in low cost, which help students to buy and save their money. As not everyone is doing part time job. Moreover, they all sit together and do funs with their friends. It helps children to get whatever they want in one place.

    Secondly, It provide fresh food which make students healthy and its help children not to worry about their lunch and dinner what to make or what not to make. Furthermore, students can give their request one day before, If they want to eat some special thing.

    Considering these reasons, I think that big cafeteria would be a batter choice for each student. Again, this is my personal opinion, I would like whatever the decision is made. Thank you for giving me a chance to provide input on this issue.

  53. Hey Yash,

    First of all, a big congratulation on your scholarship and admission in such a big university. It’s been a while; I didn’t see you. I got so excited after hearing the news from an uncle.

    Since this is my final year of the same college, I would like to suggest to you that how this degree can play a vital role in your studies and scholarship can enhance your future goals. At the beginning of the last year, I started getting offer letters from my field job, so that, a degree in the IT sector is perfect for you. Moreover, this college is providing internship after each degree course, which could be a significantly great experience for any newcomers.

    I’m aware of your student loan and you are trying to do the job by dropping a year. Honestly, it is not a good idea because you are not paying student loan at all while studying. After graduation, once you get a job; a certain percentage will get deducted from your salary, which could be bearable. Anyways you are getting a scholarship, which can lighter your student loan stress. Therefore, you must drop your plan of getting a year off.  

    I hope my suggestion might be helpful to you.


  54. Dear Sir/Madam,

    Being an honest customer of your authentic Indian restaurant, I would like to let your attention to our unexpected experience last night we had. We were very excited for yesterday night as it was our first anniversary so that, we reserved a table at 8:00 pm. By the time we reached there, the restaurant was packed, and we didn’t get a seat for 45 min moreover, food was tasteless and not cooked properly.

    On top of that, we never get a glass of water even asked after 5 times and the restaurant also looked understaff when it was the busiest day of that week. I would have complained about it, but you were not available.

    Since this restaurant has been opened, we never tried any other restaurant and gave you a huge business all the time. However, we would not appreciate this kind of service to the regular customer and for that, we would love to have a discount on our next visit.

    I hope we will not disappoint after last night with the quality and service of such great Indian cuisine.


        • There are some sentence structure issues, grammatical mistakes, punctuation misplacement, and few vocabulary issues as well. Let me know if you need any help improving your writing score. I do provide online classes if you are interested. Good luck!

          • To whom it may concern,

            I hope this email find you well! My name is Emmanuel Osimiri, and I am a new member of your gym, Glorious Fitness. I would love to draw to your attention to the deceptive advertisement on your centers website, and the unprofessional attitude of your manager.

            Firstly, it was stated on the website that new machines have been bought. Unfortunately, this is not a true reflection of the gym. Most of the equipment is rusty and damaged. Secondly, the advert mentioned that customers will be assigned free personal trainer if they make a full payment of two years membership. Consequently, I made this payment and no trainer have been assigned to me. it is worth noting that I am three months into my subscription. Lastly, the washroom is still in a terrible condition. Whereas it was stated on the advert that it has been renovated.

            Going forward, I was in awe of the managers unethical behavior when I brought the matter before him. First off, he was reluctant to talk to me when I approached him. Then after, his reply to me was rude, and he finally walked away without solving the problem.

            If at all possible, I would appreciate it if the unused part of my gym membership will be refunded back to me.

            Awaiting your response!



          • You can contact me on Skype. Here is my ID: “hightestscore.com” The first 30 mn trial class is free.

  55. I would prefer a big cafeteria. Even though having famous restaurants like KFC, Mcdonalds and many more sounds more fun. I would still choose a bigger cafeteria for all of us.

    Firstly, having a bigger cafeteria with a wide variety of food items would be much better than deciding everyday which restaurant to eat. And the cafeteria will be preparing and cooking everyday meals for the students which will be healthy and fresh. Everyday having different cuisine and menu for us would be a great way to learn and taste about cultures.

    Secondly, the price for meals in the cafeteria will be at a lower price and that would be student friendly. Not all of us are working part time, so it would be really difficult to eat everyday at a famous restaurant. Prices also do not include taxes so the entire combo meal at the fast food chain would cost us more than the cafeteria.

    Therefore I would prefer a bigger cafeteria over famous restaurants as I would like to indulge in healthy meals at a lower price.

  56. To sir or madam,

    My name is Alisha Green and I recently purchased your two year membership at She fit ,fitness center.I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction about the services that were mentioned in the advertisement and they were not delivered as per say.

    Let me explain to you in detail. As per your advertisement, the center was supposed to provide us hydro-massage services along with new technology of sauna. But recently when I visited the section, I was completely disappointed as the sauna room was out of order as well as there was no hydro massage machine.
    Secondly,I was very excited to use all the new equipment but then I realized that machines just got new paint and they were the same old rusty machines.

    When I approached the manager, Mr Andrew, he completely ignored me and another member who had a similar problem. After waiting for 30 mins, he finally spoke to us, and he simply decided to deny the problem and told us that all machines are new.

    I personally think that his behavior was very unprofessional and I am very upset with the whole false advertisement. I would really appreciate it if i can get my money refunded in my account.
    Since I no longer wanted to be associated with your brand.

    Awaiting for your reply,

    Thank you.

    Alisha green

  57. Dear Sir/Madam
    I am writing to you to express my concern regarding the misleading advertisement for your fitness center. Falsification is a serious issue to deal with.
    I’m Anna Chambers, being a fitness enthusiast, purchased a 2-year membership based on your advertisement. A few of the services which caught my attention are the Dietician on board, Sauna and swimming pool. I religiously go to the fitness center in the hope of meeting the dietician. To my surprise, I never came across one. Rather I made an interesting discovery. There is no dietician or whatsoever, to begin with, and the swimming pool and sauna are still under construction.

    I took up the issue with the manager. He dismissed my complaint stating that he is not responsible for what was advertised and didn’t provide any solution. He rather sounded rude and condescending. As a solution, I hope you make the required changes promptly. If you are unable to do so, I’m going to cancel my membership and request a refund.
    Thank you for giving the matter your attention and I hope to hear your reply soon.
    Anna Chambers

  58. It is phenomenal that university put the matters of high importance like this on surveys; as a result, students could have clear voices over their choices. Even though opening one big restaurant could have minor positive impacts, I ultimately believe that option A due to its huge advantages are a path that should be pursued.

    Firstly, having wide range of restaurants available would highlight the free will of students to choose their own food, as some prefer expensive and high rated food likewise some others priority is the low price as they live off a narrow budget. Some prefer low-calorie or vegetarians; however, some are fast food lovers

    Secondly, variety of branches and brands will automatically result in better quality as the rivalry among them would heat up. Each of them tries its best to attract customers with new foods, taste or with attractive and creative services like dorm delivery. In this such a condition everyone would enjoy as students are happy with the service and restaurants have their own customers based on the their quality-price ratio they offer.

    Although an enormous cafeteria will grantee the low price or even availability of different foods, in meanwhile the quality cannot stay convenient, as there is no rivalry.

    Thanks for hearing my ideas and examples

  59. thanks for your nice website

    Dear Sir or madam,

    I am writing this email to complain about the one of your fitness center branches, in fact the one located in 24, Metro Street. About a month ago, I bought a 2-year membership based on the TRX classes advertisement based on mentioned center. However, there are no sufficient equipment for the TRX class.

    Last week I went and talked to the manager, but he has not been cooperating so far. He said, he is not responsible for the advertisement and those are had been handled from the headquarter office like forever. . Although we had fully respected conversation, he has been ignoring since the day of our dialog. After that, he refused to talk about it anymore; moreover, he had left the situation unsolved so far.

    As owner of the this fitness center I expect you to solve this problem as soon as possible I expect one of these two method and your more than welcome to uses them to overcome this issue . The best way to solve this matter is for me to have full refund of my payment. Another way could be assigning me to one of the other branches in which has the TRX facilities. Thanks in advance for your precise attention and action toward this incident.

    I am looking forward to your replay as soon as possible



  60. Opening branches of restaurants on campus appears to be a more attractive option to me than having a large cafeteria.

    Many of the students, including myself, usually go to one of the restaurants outside of our campus, however, the problem is that those restaurants are quite far, and it usually takes us 20 to 30 minutes on foot. Therefore, it would be very convenient if we could have those restaurants available onsite. Besides, those restaurants come with varieties of food and very reasonable prices.

    Moreover, having a larger cafeteria does not seem very necessary at the moment because there is plenty of space where people can eat such as the park next to our building. I barely see people hanging out at the cafeteria just because people prefer to eat at different spots every day rather than stay in the campus. Therefore, I do not think people would utilize the cafeteria even though it was renovated to be larger. Could it be a total waste of money?

    Thank you for consulting us, and I hope my insights are helpful!

  61. To whom it may concern,

    I registered for a 2-year membership at your fitness club after I saw your advertisement sent to my email. In the advertisement, it said that the 2-year membership came with free access to all the facilities including the pool, and it also mentioned that people under the membership could join the monthly exercise class with an instructor without any extra charges. However, I recently discovered that I had to pay extra fees for both joining the fitness courses and using the pool, which is not what I saw in your promotion.

    Although I explained the situation to the manager, he just ignored the fact that the advert was misleading and poorly responded to my complaint rather than provided me with the course of action to solve the problem. I think how he handled the situation was very inappropriate and not fair.

    Finally, I still would like to have access to both the swimming pool and the monthly fitness class. If you still insist that I cannot have those services, I am going to cancel my membership and request a refund.

    Hope to hear back from you soon,

  62. Writing task 2.
    It is great that we can express our opinion on changes regarding food services! From the two options given, I would definitely choose the first one.
    In my point of view, if restaurants, we all know, open branches on our campus, we would have many different options. Restaurants with specialties from different nationalities is the solution to our problem. Every student will have the opportunity to choose among a great variety according to his/her preference or food restrictions. We would also have the chance to try food from each other’s country. It is a way to get to know different cultures and habits.
    I understand that a large cafeteria could satisfy our food needs up to a point in low prices, but, knowing that you must spend all your breaks in the same place can be boring and tiring. Different restaurants will provide us a change of scenery and allow us to enjoy our breaks. As for their pricing, I am sure that it will be affordable to everybody because all restaurant-owners will know that most of their potential customers live on pocket-money.

  63. As many international students are coming from all different countries, enhancing food services on campus is indeed an important plan for our school. Given the options, I definitely prefer the option B, expanding the big cafeteria for various reasons.

    First of all, considering the diversity of the culture on our campus, limited restaurant choices would not benefit all the students’ various food preferences. Instead, if big cafeteria opens up on the center of the campus providing numerous food options every day, that would be much more suitable for school’s society.

    Additionally, since the students’ budget for food price is limited, the cheaper option is better for the students. For my case as an example, I don’t usually go out to restaurants to eat because of the financial difficulties. I usually go to nearest food court to have a meal, therefore the big cafeteria is a great addition for me.

    Given the aforementioned reasons, I highly recommend option B than option A, and I look forward to see improved food services around the campus.

  64. Writing task 1.
    Dear Owner of “Good Health” fitness center,
    About a month ago, I noticed your advertisement for your new fitness center. I went through your leaflet very carefully in order to get all the information regarding the services you provide. I was excited to see that you offered swimming, Zumba and Karate lessons! I couldn’t take my eyes off those beautiful illustrated pictures in your brochure showing the activities of my dreams! I was thrilled that I would be able to attend those classes, I was always looking for, in my own neighborhood! Therefore, I bought the 2-year membership, without thinking twice!
    After joining your club, it didn’t take me more than 2 weeks to realise that the reality was very different! Trying to find the swimming pool, I discovered that it is still under construction and the instructors for Zumba and karate, haven’t been hired yet!
    As soon as I got know what was going on, I addressed my problem to the manager. I explained to him that the main reason I signed up, were those 3 activities that your ad described and showed in detail. He was nice and kind, but, not helpful. He told me that he is not responsible for what has been advertised and he pointed out to me all the other options I have, by being a member of your center. Since, I would never switch my old gym to your center, if not for those 3 classes, your manager could not solve my problem!
    In conclusion, I want to let you know that I feel deceived! I paid for a long term membership for services you are not able to provide me with.
    Therefore, I request the total value of the membership I paid you to be refunded to me in full. I am sure that you understand my frustration and you will take my demand in serious consideration. Please note that if I don’t hear from you shortly, I will be forced to make further steps and bring this to justice.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Joanne Smith

  65. I am mainly writing to complain about your unsatisfactory services. Based on the advertisement, I have recently purchased a two year membership to fitness center. To my surprise, the advertised services compared to the ones offered are completely a different story.

    First, the sophisticated equipment that you described are nowhere to be found. Instead, we exercise using old, sometimes rusty, fitness equipment. Second, showers are not sufficient to cover the growing number of registered members of the center. Most of us waste hours waiting for his or her turn to take a simple shower. To top it all, fitness advisors your advertisement promised do not seem to be qualified, granted we were able to consult one. We simply have to manage things for ourselves.

    In an attempt to resolve matters with your manager in a friendly way, the latter gave no attention to me, denied all the issues, and practically mocked me. Hence, I would be grateful to you if you could refund my money, or better yet, resolve the aforementioned problems and satisfy the needs of your fellow members.

    Yours faithfully

  66. Regarding the matter of how to improve the food services in our campus, in comparison with famous restaurants, having a big cafeteria would be the better option in my view.
    As a start, the cafeteria will provide a variety rang food to students who come from different countries and have different food preferences. The most striking part is it can serve both vegetarian and non-vegetarian cuisines which is appropriate because we have many foreign students who are vegetarian. A prime example of which is that my class , half of my classmates are from south Asian, they simply prefer taking food from their home as our current restaurant does not provide vegetarian food.
    In addition, the prices of the cafeteria are low, so that all our students can afford . As far as I concerned, some students in order to save money, they would rather just take a piece of bread as their lunch. the reason being is that the current restaurant’s prices are high even for people who are working our school.
    All in all, building the cafeteria would be definitely the better choice over famous restaurants in the long run. It is in that context I wholeheartedly support this idea and hope school officials will proceed with the same interests. Thank you for your chance to voice my opinion.

  67. Dear Manager,

    The local shopping mall is such a convenience for the community. Unfortunately, due to the popularity of the mall there has been an increase in volume. This increase has caused parking to be nearly impossible.

    It takes me at least 20 min on a good day to find a spot. If I have no luck around the lots, I got to scramble around the local neighborhood. Finally, after a successful gallivanting for spot’s and capturing one. This whole experience doesn’t give our shopping a good start.

    To solve this issue, I have few suggestions that can be implemented. Firstly, there is a vacant land across from the parking spot. This can be constructed into additional parking. Secondly, the current parking lot can be built within. That is having building additional parking floors. Hope you implement these suggestions as they are for the betterment for our community.

    Thank You,
    Calvin Klein

  68. In my opinion, having new restaurants on campus would be a better option. Even though the appearance of a big cafeteria may be fascinating due to its low-cost meals, the benefits of restaurants outweigh it for several reasons.

    First off, the students’ choices are always diversified that can be met by the presence of many reputable brands of restaurants. For example, some students can only afford junk food in the break time can find it convenient at McDonald’s or A&W; others prefer to have salad, organic or fine-dining cuisine despite the longer waiting time may appreciate services at Freshii or The Keg, to name just a few.

    Nonetheless, the more the number of well-known restaurants is, the better the meal prices would be. As we are aware, the Fork has a similar concept that gathers many different restaurants, which have brought huge benefits to its visitors and nearby residents: prices are very competitive.

    Anyway, this is only my personal belief, but I will support whatever the final decision is made.

    I appreciate the opportunity to provide my input on this matter.
    (Words: 181)

  69. Dear Mr. Prang,

    I am writing you to express my dissatisfaction with the services rendered at the California fitness center. I have just purchased a 2-year membership based on the information on your advertisement, however, the reality of benefit is a different story.

    To begin with, the services mentioned on your ads do not exist at the center. During two weeks of working at the gym, I had not been finding any personal trainer when needed. In addition, there was no weekly yoga class, and the hygiene of the gym was compromised.

    In an attempt to resolve these concerns with your manager, I received unsatisfactory responses that the personal trainer and yoga class could only be provided upon availability, and at the discretion of the center; shoe marks all over were natural parts of any gym center. I was really shocked!

    In order to resolve the issues, I would suggest you add services listed to your itinerary and improve the cleanliness. For example, a locker for members’ outdoor shoes and more frequent scheduled cleaning can be helpful. Otherwise, I would like a full refund to switch my membership to another center.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


    (200 words)

  70. To whom it may concern,
    I recently purchased a two-year membership to your fitness center and I am writhing to express my dissatisfaction with the service provided. Initially I purchased the membership due to the fact that the fitness center provided a number of different services, unlike several other fitness centers in the area.
    After using the fitness center for over two weeks now, I have discovered that several of the services included on the advertisement weren’t actually available at this fitness center. The swimming and crossfit classes are being held at different locations and the badminton and table tennis facilities are not available whatsoever.
    Upon making this discovery, I contacted the fitness center manager, who did not deal with my complain in a professional manner and had no solution. He said that the advertisement was outdated and were the services provided last year, since then the services have been moved to different locations, with no intentions of returning to this facility.
    Since theses services are not available at this facility and as these were some of the main reasons for joining this particular center, I would like to cancel my membership due to false advertisement.
    John Doe

  71. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am writing this to express my dissatisfaction about the services I have received at your fitness center. I purchased the Platinum Membership last month and am currently paying you $45 bi-weekly.
    I received an advertisement letter of your fitness center a couple of months ago and, I got really impressed by the services that your gym is offering; therefore, I canceled my agreement from another gym and joined your fitness center immediately. I think, cancelling my membership from the previous gym and joining your fitness center are two of the biggest mistakes I have ever made in my life because I could not find any services that your fitness center has claimed in the advertisement. Sauna Bath, new Cardio Machines, free Wi-Fi, and clean towels are nowhere to find.
    In addition, I have made many verbal and written complaints to your gym manager about these services. Not only did he not reply to my complaints, but also has started ignoring me. This is very frustrating because this is a completely unethical behavior. I am paying you $45 bi-weekly for using your facility; thus, I am expecting to receive a good customer service from your team.
    Anyways, I just wanted to let you know about this issue so that you can resolve this matter as soon as possible or I would like to get my full refund and cancel my contract. Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  72. Dear Jhon,

    I’m writing to thank you for your invitation. It is so kind of you! In fact, I found myself with happy tears looking at your invitation, but, unfortunately, I’m unable to accept your invitation because of the hectic work I have at my office.

    Let me detail you, recently few of my colleagues resigned to their positions because of their personal reasons. This made me accept for additional responsibilities until my boss finds the right employees and they get trained well. However, this doesn’t seem to happen in anytime near future. At least not before the holidays!

    Anyhow, I would be glad if you could suggest me some other time to meet you and spend moments with you. And I promise I would not miss it next time. It’s been ages since we both hanging out whole night while chit-chatting about all our acquaintances and having delicious food we like.

    Please let me know.

    Yours friendly,


    • After considering both the pros and cons of both options, I opine in favour of buying new dresses.

      With this proposition, we can solve the purpose of purchasing new attire for our upcoming Christmas shows. As our current costumes are already losing their shine and appeal, we are in imminent need of buying new clothes for our upcoming Christmas performances. As a volunteer attendance manager, I expect our shows to be well patronized this year. Therefore, we should not take a risk of losing our revenue and reputation just because of older clothing.

      As we all know, the stage inspection last month revealed that the stage is still structurally sound, and we reinforced its stares and the entire subfloor a few months back. Moreover, if we decide to reconstruct the stage, its foundation will also need to be redone, and the available budget might not be enough for all this whole project.
      At last, the stage work will take at least a month to complete, and we cannot afford to be without practice sessions for one full month during the busy season.

      Considering these points, we should spend our money on new costumes.

  73. It came to me that the college has intentions to improve the food services for students, and I found it very suitable to decide in a survey one of the two provided options. I state with the restaurant option, as it appears to be a better way of pleasing students for so many reasons.
    First, the famous branches will surely satisfy student preferences as they are already known from other food courts. Having some of the favorite ones at our college, it will provide a wide variety of food that can please the majority of students. Besides that, the renovation space directed to this improvement is wide and will surely be enough to install several restaurants and tables, providing students a new and pleasant area to spend their breaks.
    I appreciate the college’s initiative for this improvement, as it was for so long a subject of discussion between students and management. Surely everyone will be benefited by these restaurants.

  74. To Whom It May Concern:

    I had recently received an advertisement on your new fitness center in my neighborhood, I was very intrigued by the services it had to offer. As a result of that, I had decided to purchase the two years membership.
    Firstly, it was advertised that there are tanning beds but to my dismay I found nothing of that sort. Subsequently, I had to re-book my tanning appointment with my previous fitness center.
    Next, there was a hot tub also advertised but it was completely jarring to find an inflatable pool with hot water. I found that completely absurd and very misleading.
    Finally, I had spoken to the manager about these issues I was having. I was completely appalled after talking to the manager. He was very ignorant and insolent; he basically implied that if I wasn’t satisfied that I should leave the premises and not spread negativity.

    I would like for you to rectify this matter immediately by giving me a full refund of the membership I purchased. Also, an apology from your manager would also be greatly appreciated.


  75. Dear Mr. Lee,

    I am writing to complaint about a misleading advertisement distributed by your fitness center. I recently purchased the 2-year Membership for $1500.00, only to find that several of the services offered were non-existent.

    The pamphlet offered a 24/7 use of the gym facilities, however, when I arrived at 5 am last Monday, the gym was closed and nobody at reception answered my calls.

    Last Wednesday, I tried to use your “award-winning” sauna, only to be told by one of your staff members that it was still in construction and that it would not be completed for another two months.

    I voiced my disappointed to the manager in charge and he insisted that the discrepancies between the advertisement and the reality of the facilities are always verbally communicated to new members prior to signing up. I asked him if I could schedule a meeting with you but he denied my request and told me to “deal with it”.

    Due to your fitness center’s inadequacies and your employees’ lack of professionalism, I would like to request a full refund of my membership so I can take my business elsewhere.

    I look forward to your response.


    Mary Hynes

  76. Dear sir or madam,
    I am writing to express my dissatisfaction regarding the services provided at your gym. I was looking for the services those were mentioned in the advertisement but nowhere to found in the gym.
    Being impressed by the services including a personal trainer, a sauna, showers, swimming pool and highly advanced equipments, I took a 2-year membership at your Blueridge location. To my surprise, the gym is congested, and it took extra time to wait for our turn to take shower. Moreover, the equipments are few and rusty. Talking about the personal trainer as assured in the advertisement, there are not enough trainers as compared to members demanding for assistance.
    While expressing the discomfort about the services to the manager, he didn’t seem to be interested in solving them. Rather, he wants me to get comfortable with whatever is available in gym. Thus, I am expecting you to look into the issues and either provide the members with services promised in the advertisement or cancel my membership and give me a reimbursement.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Jasnoor Kaur

  77. I would like to opine in favor of having a spacious cafeteria in our college as this seems to be a convincing choice for me rather than a restaurant. Though the later looks equally appealing I would like to present a couple of reasons to substantiate my argument.
    To begin with, a cafeteria would provide a wide range of food options to people who have different food preferences. It will serve both vegetarian and non-vegetarian cuisines which is appropriate as many foreign students are either vegetarian or vegan by choice. Moreover, students surviving on pocket-money won’t be able to afford fancy food every day in well-known restaurants, in comparison to that prices of cafeteria meals sound reasonable.
    In addition to it, having a big place to sit during lunch hours will resolve the shortage of common areas. It is worth mentioning that, our college has less sit-out space, often during lunchtime I have noticed a queue of people waiting for a vacant table. Hence, opening a dining hall will reduce the space crunch issue.
    Considering these reasons, I believe that the cafeteria is more beneficial than restaurants. Again, this is my personal opinion, but I would support whatever management decides to do.
    Thank you for giving me a chance to voice my preference.

  78. I would prefer to see famous restaurants open on campus. There is already a huge buzz amongst students at the thought of having their favorite food places within the college facility. Here are the two main reasons why.

    Firstly, many of the students already travel off-campus for lunch. This is due to the poor choice, and food quality that the college services have to offer. By bringing these restaurants on-site, it is going to save the majority of student’s valuable time throughout the day, which will allow them to spend more time studying instead of traveling.

    Secondly, the food quality in already established restaurants is going to be much higher than that of an in-house cafeteria. Even if the cafeteria claims to have cheaper prices, I would much rather spend a little bit more and receive a higher quality meal. Along with this, a higher nutritional dish consumed in the middle of the day has been shown to increase concentration levels.

    To conclude, I really believe that a huge variety of famous restaurants is the best option. It will not only be advantageous for students but also the college. With increased time to study and greater concentration levels, this will lead to better grades.

  79. To the Fitness centre owner,
    Last week I bought a 2-year membership to your facility in Collingwood. I heard great reviews from friends, and I saw an advertisement showing a deal that included a free consultation, and personal training session. Unfortunately, I found out after signing up that this is a service you no longer provide. If I had this knowledge prior to entering into a contract with your establishment, I would have gone to anytime fitness on the other side of town. They offer the same deal.

    To make matters worse, when I approached the manager about the situation, he didn’t know what advertisement I was referring to. After finding out that he is a brand-new employee, this made the circumstances more tolerable. Although, I believe as a member of staff overseeing the operations of the gym, he could have done more to accommodate me and come up with a solution to the misunderstanding.

    This is the reason that I decided to get in contact with you directly. I am looking for personal training on a long-term basis, but I will not sign up without a free initial consultation first. Is this something that you can reinstate for me? If it isn’t, then I kindly ask that you consider releasing me from my contract.

    Best Regards,

  80. Dear Mr.Smith

    I am writing to you to inform you of the difficulties my son has been having in school for several weeks. It appears that a boy in his class has been bullying him and I would like to propose a solution to try and prevent this behaviour in the future. I would like this problem resolved as soon as possible as my son is afraid of going to school.

    There are a couple of options I can suggest to try to stop the bullying. Firstly, I can get contact information of the parents of the bully and I can arrange a meeting with them and try to resolve any issues the children are having with each other. Secondly, you could intervene and talk to both children and try to find a solution to their problem.

    If you would like to meet me in person to discuss the problem and my suggested solutions I am available any time.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind Regards,

  81. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am writing this email regarding the services provided by your fitness center “Fit for less”. Two months ago, I saw your gym’s pamphlet in my mailbox, and I was impressed by the offerings. Post that I bought a two-year membership to join your Kennedy branch. Unfortunately, my experience was disdain due to various reasons and circumstances.
    Firstly, the advertisement mentioned that your gym is well equipped with brand new instruments like ellipticals, weight machines, aerobic steppers, etc. However, to my dismay, they all are in poor conditions which makes it difficult to use. Moreover, necessary gear like cardio and treadmill are unavailable.
    In addition to it, no qualified instructor is on-site to conduct sessions on advance yoga or cross-fit training, as was mentioned in the ad. Despite all this, I tried to discuss with the center’s manager and confronted him on the aforementioned lacks, he dismissed my concerns in an impolite manner.
    I would request you to kindly look into the issue and provide a quick resolution before you lose your elite members as your reputation is at stake. Nevertheless, I would suggest to bring in better equipment and a certified trainer.
    Looking forward to a change at the center.
    Kind regards,

  82. I would like to opine in favour of opening a big cafeteria in the university campus to improve the food services as this seems to be far better and convincing choice than option A. I would like to present a couple of reasons to substantiate my argument.

    Firstly, a big cafeteria will offer a commonplace for everyone to eat together, share and enjoy the meal with friends. The variety of food option available in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food will allow each member of the group to have his choice of food on one table, hence making the bond of friendship stronger by sharing and eating together.
    Secondly, the prices in popular restaurants will be sky high, and not students of all the classes will be able to afford it. The cafeteria will offer budgeted meals in comparison to famed outlets while maintaining the same quality.

    In conclusion, a large cafe will not only provide the meals at an affordable price but will also strengthen the bond of friendship by providing the common platform to share and eat.

  83. Dear sir or madam,

    I have recently acquired a 2-year membership to your fitness center. I decided to become a member because I was convinced, by your advertisements, that I would have professional help to use the equipment available. After a few months attending your gym, I am not receiving good value for my money.

    Your video on YouTube shows many personal trainers helping people with a smile on their faces. The reality, however, is that there are only one or two trainers roaming around. I have never managed to get their attention. As a result, I am unable to use most of the equipment. I tried to talk to your manager, but he simply said I should wait for my turn or come at less busy hours.

    That being said, I strongly recommend you hire additional personal trainers before you upset more members. You have to offer exactly what you promise to captivate your public. As for your manager, I suggest your give him better guidance. He needs to learn how to solve a problem instead of creating more.

    I hope you can solve these matters in no time so the other members and I can have the services we are paying for.


  84. Dear Sir,
    I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to you for giving me the opportunity to organize this month’s staff party. I am writing this email to acquire some information regarding the party.
    I want to ask about the date, time and duration of the party so, I will arrange accordingly. To elucidate, I think we could arrange a party in Paradise hotel which is located near the outskirts of the city. As I share a very cordial relationship with the hotel manager, we can get a good discount. Moreover, the hotel has a jungle theme setup which looks eye-catching. There is a wooden bridge that connects two portions of the hotel and water flows under the bridge. Additionally, its high glass windows present a panoramic view of the beautiful lake, and every day they organize live show which portrays the importance of the jungle. The restaurant also offers a variety of cuisines especially “the buffet” so, everyone can enjoy it as per their choice.
    Kindly confirm the date, time, location and theme so, I will book accordingly. After receiving your approval, I will inform all the staff members. I hope you would like my suggestions and I will never let down your expectations.
    Yours sincerely,

  85. Considering the ongoing planning of library services with respect to library management, I would like to appreciate to develop a play area for children. I would certainly go for option B for the compelling reasons outlined below.
    Firstly, nowadays child kidnapping cases are augmenting day by day, parents feel unsafe to leave their child alone at home. So, parents can leave their children in the play area and they can study without any tension thus this facility becomes boon for them. Secondly, every parent cannot afford daycare fees so, sometimes they leave their study in between. If the library provides this facility, they can save their money as well as their children play in front of them.
    On the contrary side, in library everyone has their own preferences for TV channel so, they want to see different things at a time but it is not possible. Owing to this, quarrels occur in the library which spoils the library environment.
    To sum up with these reasons, I ratify option B would be preferable and likable to all members. Everyone would have their choice as per own thinking. This is my opinion but I will support whatever decision is made.

  86. I understand that a few of the customers might highly appreciate on your restaurant serving only organic food, however, I would strongly suggest you to discard this idea and continue serving both, the organic and non-organic dishes.

    At the outset, your restaurant is counted in one of the most prominent multi-cuisine food-chains and is favourite destination to customers with various food inclinations. With most of those exotic dishes being non-organic, I cannot imagine you moving in the direction of organic food specifically. With the advent of this move, you might loose potential customers, like me and my friends, who love chicken and lam prepared in your kitchens; and I’m sure, there would be countless such lovers in our city.

    Moreover, your eatery enjoys esteemed reputation in the market, and if you seek such a transformation, you might have to convince the customers again. I am sure, you understand on what it takes to establish yourself in the market with a whole new strategy.

    Therefore, considering monetary and reputation lose, I would opine in favor of the current format itself, wherein, you continue serving both, the organic and non-organic dishes.

  87. Dear Principal,

    I am mainly writing this email to express my discontentment and how annoyed we felt during the last parent teacher’s meeting, when two of my son’s teachers didn’t bother to meet the parents, even though they were present in the school.

    We were quite hopeful to meet all the teachers and discuss our son’s progress in all the subjects. Everything was going smooth, until we got to know that the French teacher might be a couple of minutes late, but eventually, those few minutes never finished and we waited for more than an hour. We, being from a non-French background, are unable to track our son’s progress at all, so we are thoroughly dependent on the teacher’s reviews itself, and unfortunately, we could not discuss his progress at all.

    To add to the woes, almost similar unprofessional behavior was displayed by the Maths teacher. My son performed poorly in the last session, so were hoping to discuss his progress in the current session, but that discussion could not happen at all.

    Therefore, to meticulously resolve this issue, I urge you to arrange a discussion between the French and Maths teachers as soon as possible, so that, we could get an exact idea of his abilities and performance. I hope they show up this time.


  88. It is indeed worth noting that the traffic issues have alleviated near the school premises over the past couple of months. Given these two options, I would certainly prefer to drop my kid at the school parking lot owing to various reasons.

    Children’s security is the first and foremost reason. I can’t imagine dropping my son two blocks away from the school and letting him walk those 400 meters alone. Given the situation, children are prone to kidnapping, or fatal road accidents. We should also consider a few naughty students, who might exploit this opportunity to bunk school. Therefore, as parents, we would be always in a dilemma whether our kids reached school and if they are in safe hands or not. Therefore, I would personally prefer to drop my son inside the school premises itself, doesn’t matter, whether it is the parking lot or the main gate.

    Also, option A is actually a temporary escape from the given situation, because dropping our kids two blocks away is simply shifting the location of the jam, instead of solving the problem. In a couple of weeks, I expect complaints from the residents of far block also, thus inappropriate solution.

    Therefore, with the arguments presented above, I would reckon in favor of dropping kids in the school arena itself rather than two blocks away.

  89. Dear Ms. Jones,

    I am writing this email regarding the job openings in your construction company. My name is Smanata, and I hail from Toronto where the headquarter of your esteemed organization is located.

    I would like to express my interest in the position of a receptionist in your main branch. Given my vast experience in front desk management and my education, Masters in Company Secretary, I find myself an idle candidate for this position. My dynamic personality, demeanour interaction skills, and fluent communication brings a lot of energy required for this job. I possess a great reputation in managing a clean and presentable reception area all the time.

    Additionally, I have had experience in managing the front desk for another construction company, thus I possess the domain knowledge required to introduce our company at any given situation.

    Therefore, I would request you to suggest a suitable time slot to discuss my candidature in detail. During this meeting, you can evaluate my skills and I stand a chance to understand your expectations. Looking forward to hear from you.


  90. Considering the ongoing planning of library services with respect to the library management, I would like to appreciate to develop a play area for children. I would certainly go for the option B for the compelling reasons outlined below.
    Firstly, nowadays child kidnapping cases are augmenting day by day, parents feel unsafe to leave their child alone at home. So, parents can leave their children at play area and they can study without any tension thus this facility becomes boon for them. Secondly, every parents cannot afford day care fees so, sometime they leave their study in between. If library provide this facility, they can save their money as well as their child play in front of them.
    On the contrary side, in library everyone has their own preferences for TV channel so, they want to see different things at a time but it is not possible. Owing of, quarrels occur in library which spoil library environment.
    To sum up with these reasons, I ratify option B would be preferable and likable to all members. Everyone would have their choice as per own thinking. This is my opinion but I will support whatever decision is made.

  91. Dear Jackson,
    How are you? I hope this letter finds you with the best of health and spirit. I just received surprise gift and CD which you have sent via courier. I am writing this email to inform you about CD.
    When I had given CD it’s in working condition but yesterday when I tried to start, it shows some technical glitch and some strange noise was coming from the player. Then, I tried another CD and it was working fine. I inspect the bottom part of the CD, found a crack. I think when you went for the trip you might kept CD in handbag so, due to pressure of laptop CD got cracked. I suggest you to keep CD in CD pouch from the next time.
    You don’t regret for it and I don’t want any money for CD but next time when you will find this same CD, without asking me purchase because it’s generally not found at every shop. I will pay whatever the amount for the new CD. Give my regards to uncle and aunty!
    Your lovingly,

  92. Considering the ongoing planning to develop public services with respect to the provincial government, I would like to appreciate the idea to build more universities. I would certainly go for the option B for the compelling reasons outlined below.
    Firstly, university plays an important role in student’s life. If number of universities will increase, seats will increase which helps to reduce the university’s fees so, everyone can afford it. To exemplify this, in Gujarat state several engineering colleges have increased in last 3 years which helps to reduce fees. Additionally, students do not have to apply in the abroad universities which helps to preserve nation’s treasure and helps to augment the nation’s growth.
    On the contrary side, maintenance cost of hospital is high compared to university because hygienic is the most important so, they have to hire several persons for it. Apart from it, patients always prefer to go in their regular hospital because they cannot trust on anyone for their health.
    To sum up with these reasons, I ratify option B would be preferable and likable to all citizens. Everyone would have their choice according to own thinking. This is my opinion but I will support whatever decision is made.

  93. Dear sir,
    I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to you for giving me the opportunity to organize this month’s staff party. I am writing this email to get some information regarding party.
    I want to ask about date, time and duration of party so, I will arrange accordingly. To elucidate, I think we could arrange party in Paradise hotel which is located near the outskirts of the city. As I share a very cordial relationship with hotel manager, he will give good discount. Moreover, hotel has jungle theme setup which looks eye-catching. There is one wooden bridge which connects two portions of hotel and water is passing under the bridge. Additionally, its high glass windows present a panoramic view of the beautiful lake and every day they are organizing live show which shows the importance of jungle. The restaurant also offers a variety of cuisines especially “the buffet” so, everyone enjoys as per their choice.
    Kindly confirm the date, time, location and theme so, I will book accordingly. After receiving your approval, I will inform to all staff members. I hope you would like my suggestions and I will never let down your expectation.
    Yours sincerely,

  94. Dear Jack,
    I received your last trip photos, surprise gift and CD which you have sent via blue dart. I’m very elated to see my gift. I hope you and your girlfriend both are well. Here I’m writing this e-mail regarding my CD which you borrowed before your trip.
    I feel very sorry to inform that; you made a bad packing because when I open the parcel, you put the CD is under the gift and photos. Moreover, CD is covered by only paper cover so, whole gift and photo’s weight on top of the CD. I think during currier transportation time it was broken.
    You don’t regret for it and I don’t want any money for this CD. This CD is unique; and it’s not available on all shop so, whenever you will get the chance you find the same types of CD. Meanwhile, I also try to find it. if I will find out, inform you. Additionally, I request you make habit to put CD in always CD pouch.
    Give my regards to uncle and aunty as well as you girlfriend!
    Your lovingly,

  95. I am quite certain that a few of my fellow students and the faculty members would always prefer hard copies over their digital correspondence, but I hold a different view, and favor in an investment towards digitization of all books due to various benefits it entails.

    With the advent of technology and given the availability of hi-tech products like laptops, tablets and mobiles, the usage of ebooks has become very convenient. You can have access to various books on-the-fly, without having to carry bulky masses on your back. Additionally, digital books are easy to compile, and hence, are cost-efficient.

    From the university’s perspective, maintaining an online book store is much cheaper and provides a fairly easy transaction system. The management might consider reusing library area for the external conferences and student presentations.

    Additionally, the digital books are virtual in nature, they don’t require paper, and hence, environment-friendly. Moreover, such digitization initiatives are a step-forward towards The Green Future, the vision of our university.

    Hence, based on the above arguments on the prospects of technology and digitization, I find myself inclining rationally towards option B.

        • Yeah! My ratings are out of 12 indeed. I haven’t heard of someone scoring 11 in years. If you get 10, then you are the best of the bests.

        • Food is the basic necessity of a human being. And according to me, it has to be healthy, hygienic and of course it should satisfy my taste buds. Just like my mother cook for me. Keeping all this in mind, I strongly suggest a big cafeteria. It offer students low priced meals so that they can afford easily as having limited pocket money. And additionally it will offer a large variety of food options for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. As I am myself is a vegetarian and I found very less variety of vegetarian food in restaurants. So, I always prefer to carry my own food. Like me, there are many students who do the same way. This cafeteria will solve the issue and we can have various cuisines under one roof.it will ease the stress of eating and can concentrate on studies and other activities. It will a big place to hang around, chit-chat and make more and more friends while eating. It can be a nice homely and friendly environment all around.
          Therefore, a bigger cafeteria is more achievable over famous restaurants. As healthy, hygienic food in lower prices is much favored for me.

  96. I am quite certain that most of our colleagues would share the same opinion as I do, and would opine in favour of organizing all the meetings during the working regime itself.

    At the outset, a dedicated schedule of 8 hours, and sometimes 9 as well, is hectic enough for a human body, and both, mental and physical recovery is required to continue the next day. Also, most of us have personal commitments, and families, as well as kids, to look after. Thus, demanding extra hours for meetings might not be fair from an employee welfare perspective.

    Additionally, it is worth noting that an individual cannot simply participate in the meeting for the sake of attendance; an employee has to be well prepared while jumping into such discussions. Thus, having such an expectation is a serious threat to one’s work-life balance.

    On the contrary, I would suggest our management to seek the solution from a different perspective and might consider restructuring our ceremonies in terms of time schedule, or by inviting a limited audience.

    Therefore, with the above points on the table, I would cast my vote towards option B itself.

  97. Dear Sir,
    Greeting of the day!!!
    I just received your mail and you assigned me to organize this month’s staff party in our organization. I am grateful to you for giving such type of responsibility to me. Here, I am writing this mail to get some information like date, time, duration of party time and I would like to suggest you for party theme and location briefly in below.
    To elucidate, I plan to host a dinner party in fine dining restaurant called “Jungle Bhookh” as I have had an overwhelming experience in the past. The restaurant is located near the outskirts of the city. Moreover, it’s only 5.5 clicks away from our office and popular for nature theme. The beauty of hotel, inside it there is wooden bridge which connects two portions of hotel, containing a water under it. There are various trees, animal and bird’s statues as well as bonfire. Also, its high glass windows present a panoramic view of the beautiful lake additionally the restaurant also offers a variety of cuisines especially ‘’the buffet”.
    Please confirm date, time, location and theme so, I can book accordingly. After receiving your approval, I will update to all colleagues. I hope you like my suggestions and I will never let down your expectation.
    I Look forward to your approval on the same.
    Yours Sincerely,

  98. Consider the ongoing planning to decide days off with respect to the company, I would like to appreciate the idea to give week off on Friday and Saturday. I would certainly go for the option A for the compelling reasons outlined below.
    Firstly, employees can do errands on Friday like banking, medical check-up and many other government services which is closed on weekend. Moreover, they can balance their personal as well as professional life. On Saturday they can spend whole day with their children and family. Furthermore, employee can do some part-time work or pursue leisure activities on Friday. To exemplify this, if he/she is excellent in their work, they can give an expert talk in industry which help them to earn name and fame and they can share their life experience to teenagers which help in growth of nation.
    On the contrary side, employees can enjoy 2 days with their family but they are unable to complete government related work however they have to take a leave to complete it.
    To sum up with these reasons, I ratify option A would be preferable and likable to all employees. Everyone would have their choice according to own thinking. This is my opinion but I will support whatever decision is made.

  99. Dear Jenny,
    It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you. I hope this letter finds you in the pink of your health. I am elated to hear that finally you will come to Toronto and today I can’t explain my happiness in the words.
    I want to ask when you will come and how many days you will stay here? Anyway, you’ve to stay at my home without any excuse so don’t book any hotel. I had learned some desserts and I know that you are chocolate lover, will prepare chocolate truffle cake for you. Furthermore, after a week biggest theme park will start in Toronto and our nature is audacious so, we would definitely enjoy it. To add cherry on the cake, the weather here is very pleasant during those days due to snow so, we will pursue snow activities like snow tubing, ice hockey and many more.
    I am excited even at the thought of spending the winter vacation together after so long. I have to tell you a lot of things and expect the same from you. Give my regards to aunty and uncle!
    Your lovingly,

  100. I am quite certain that a few members of our group are excited to get brand new costumes for our upcoming shows, however, I would opine in favour of utilizing recently raised funds on refurbishing the main stage of our theatre.

    To begin with, the main stage receives the most foot-fall during the whole year, as we not only perform but also use it for practice; thus, its maintenance is of utmost importance. Also, recently we have had a couple of incidents due to the broken stairs, adjoining the front row with the stage, resulting in sprains and minor injuries to our supporting staff. Also, we have been receiving complaints from our sponsors regarding torn carpets being used, especially during facilitating ceremonies. Therefore, renovating the stage and performance area is of paramount importance for the welfare of our crew.

    Also, given the recent agreement between various theatre groups on reusing costumes, gives us substantial options to choose from, without having to spend our funds.

    Above all, our ticket sales has plummetted since last quarter due to the lack of infrastructure, thus, leaving us with the only option to improve it.

    Therefore, to deny the financial crisis and keeping the artist’s welfare in view, I strongly suggest focussing on restoring our stage.

  101. It is quite evident that many of our colleagues are fed up with the birthday parties being celebrated every then and now, in fact, I also belong to the same group, therefore, I strongly suggest to organize a yearly event to celebrate all birthday parties together.

    First of all, small birthday parties are mostly time killers. Usually, many of us are occupied with assigned tasks, moreover, we have various scheduled and unscheduled meetings as well; taking time out of this busy regime is difficult on a short notice every week. In fact, I had to miss three out of the last five parties, even though I had contributed my part for celebration. On the other hand, a yearly mega celebration can be well planned, so that all of us can utterly enjoy the event. Moreover, we might consider inviting our families on an annual birthday bash.

    Secondly, organizing small parties are not budget-friendly. Based on a calculation, the mega event might cost around $1000 including drinks, food, and decoration, whereas individual parties cost anything between $200 to $250, therefore cost-inefficient. Additionally, given the fact that our company has a substantial outdoor area, we don’t need to worry about the gathering of a mass chunk.

    Based on above outlined points, I find myself inclining towards option B only. Thanks for considering our problem and seeking resolution over the same.

  102. I am quite certain that some of our colleagues might be interested in the installation of brand new copy machine, however, I would like to cast my vote in favor of replacing existing chairs with more comfortable ones.

    To begin with, most organizations are focussed towards employee health, and ergonomic problems top that list. These days, a significant number of employees are suffering from postural problems, be it spinal issues, neck pain, or persistent body aches, thus alleviating the demand of comfortable chairs in our workspace. In fact, existing chairs are more than 10 years old already, thereby ruling out any option to neglect their replacement.

    On the other hand, a new xerox machine might be handy to only a few of us, as most of the employees prefer digital documentation over hard copies. Additionally, the concept of a copy machine is against our organization’s vision of Digitalization and paperless workplace.

    Hence, option A seems much logical, as well as beneficial, over option B for the sake of employee welfare and compliant with our organization’s plan.

  103. Dear Sir Manager,

    I am writing this email to complain about few services I was unable to find in the fitness center I am attending for 2 months. The subscription was part of a promotion happening in a stand of the “The Moon” mall.
    On the advertising, was listed services as tanning, hydro and massage. In the moment I enrolled, I have been told to enjoy those facilities in any location, which I realized after that is not true, since my location does not have those services.
    To top it all, I spoke to the manager last week and he was not helpful. As per him, all information should be found on the website and it is the client responsibility check the availability of equipment in each location.
    I am totally disappointed and would like to request a refund of the full year payment I have done and the break of commitment without extra charges.

    I hope you can understand and attend my requests as related above.

    Viviane Araujo
    ID: 1064991

  104. Dear Manager,
    I recently received a commercial of the opening of your new store, providing a high discount on all items as a token of celebration. I was really excited about the sale, and I want to grab the things which I was interested in especially, the 52inches Samsung TV which was at 50% discount.
    However, on my arrival, not even a single item was available of my interest. Surprisingly, not even socks or belts were in stock. I enquired to one of your staff member about the discounted items, and he said that only a limited number of the stock was placed and maximum items have been sold out, only countable things were left. That was really disappointing for me because you guys didn’t keep your words of having an endless number of items as per your advertisement.
    I believe that it’s your responsibility to arrange sufficient stock for the store, as it was your first day. Therefore, I would request you to please provide me that TV at the same discounted price as your adverts, on my next visit, because it was your job to have satisfactory stock.
    Hope to have a positive response from you.
    K. Singh

  105. Even though few members of our society would opine in favour of afternoon visits, but I strongly reckon in having a museum opening its gates for morning visits only due to different benefits it entails.

    To begin with, most of us are working in the morning. By the time, the first slot of visitors arrive at the museum, we would be already busy with our work schedule. This makes it convenient for the residents and hassle-free experience for visitors as well. In fact, visitors can re-use society’s parking spaces as most of us travel to our offices by car.

    On the other hand, museum slots during the afternoon might cause noise and disturbance for students, who just came back from school and are preparing for studies or planning a refreshing powernap.

    Additionally, most of the visitors would prefer to dine in nearby restaurants, in case of afternoon visits, occupying spaces that are ideally preferred by the residents of our society, thus annoying them.

    Therefore, as a community-minded resident, I would suggest morning visits over afternoon visits for the welfare of society members and the visitors and moreover, for the success of the museum.

  106. First of all, including us in company decision making on such serious matters is highly appreciated. I strongly reckon in favour of reducing working hours and shrinking paychecks over laying off some employees.

    To being with, employees are biggest asset to any organization and taking care of their welfare should be company’s utmost priority. Considering that many people have families and kids to provide for, as well as financial duties to fulfil, it would be unwise to show them pinkslips during such crisis situation. Not to forget, these employees are the pillar of success that our organization enjoyed for long.

    On the other hand, cutting down salaries temporarily might affect our savings, but it will keep feeding our basic needs along with strong sense of security. At the same time, reducing working hours offers possibilites for employees, who need extra money, to seek part time jobs and offer wider opportunities in future.

    It is also worth noting that when the company would hopefully overcome the financial doldrums, it might not require to hire new employees; thus saving the extra cost incurred in painful recruitment process.

    Based on the above outlined points, I would suggest to reduce salaries and working hours to tackle the company’s financial crisis instead of getting rid of employees.

    • Also, could you tell me about spelling usage, about what to follow, the US English or UK English? For example, whether the correct spellings are “favour” or “favor”?

      • The Canadians favor the British spelling more, as in the case of “favour”. However, it tends to use the American spelling in some cases. Try to google this topic. You will get more details on the matter. Good luck!

  107. Both the opinions have their own merits, and I can see why people are choosing Option A. If I had to choose I would go for Option B, for the compelling reasons listed below.

    On the one hand, the event of used furniture and utensil market would help to attract people more. As not only people from our place but people from outside town will become part of this event. For example, many people want to buy and sell their old appliance for their personal benefit but didn’t able to find customer. This event would act as an opportunity for both vendors and consumers. Moreover, it will save time and energy; by showing and making the deal on the spot.

    On the other hand, our town is already having many grocery stores that sell fresh fruits and vegetables. Therefore, everyone could buy them as per their needs. For example, I remember once I had bought one dozen banana on a weekend, but due to some crisis I had to go out to my aunt’s place for 3 days, and by the time I came back they started stinking and was unfit to consume.
    Ergo, I think option B is better.


  109. Everybody likes affordable good coffee so, I think there should a cafeteria around. There are many reasons why there should be a large coffee shop not the popular eatery place. First of all, it’s going to be winter soon so folks drink more coffee than eating expensive food. Moreover, I heard there will special discount card for student that is $30 a month, which is great as that way they don’t need to buy the coffee from an outside expensive shops every day.

    Secondly, the cafe will create more on-campus opportunities for students that will help them in their future to get references for the previous jobs. In addition, there will be more gathering of students and they can discuss more class notes in shops. On contrary, the restaurant will charge them more money for the dishes which they going to provide which students can’t afford to spend. On top of it, I am not a meat eater so I think this place will have options for veggie lovers.

  110. Dear Gym management,
    I am writing you this report as I have been very disappointed about the gym and its services. When I registered with the gym, I was very pessimistic, as I thought there will be more equipment than my previous fitness club used to have and that was the main reason why I applied here. But, to my surprise this place does not have many of the tools like treadmill, massaging chairs, 10 kg dumbbells, barbells that was promoted in the pamphlets.

    Moreover, after one week I reached to the manager while he was on the phone with the customer
    Talking about the same issue I had, he ignored me. He was very rude and he communicated with me so badly that I left right at the movement and decided not to come back. However, it was written in promotions that there will be a personal trainer who will help the customers with weight loss and body build-up, but the fitness club didn’t had one.
    Lastly I just wants to resolve this problem by retaking my money back or giving me free membership for 2 month or else I will complain to the health ministry about the false advertisement.
    Paul Madison

  111. Dear Mr. Smith,

    I am writing you in regards of Canada Day community picnic that was held last week. I was thrilled to attend the event as it was my first time. Everyone was so proactive with their dishes however no one include a list of ingredients for their meals. As an allergic person I was very scared to try food.

    I believe it is important for food events to have a list with detailed ingredients for every dish. As the outcome might be very tragic for allergic people. For instance, last year one of my friend who has a honey allergy went into anaphylactic shock. Thankfully she had an antihistamine shot in her purse that literally saved her life. It was not obvious that the dish she had contained honey.

    I have a suggestion on how you could address this situation. Next time you would organize that kind of event you could send an email notification for all the attendees with the general rule on how to safely share the dish on the picnic. I am sure every allergic person would really appreciate it.

    Please tell me your thoughts on that matter,

    Best regards,

  112. Dear Anna,

    I am writing regarding the job interview you are going to attend next week. First of all, congratulations on your first professional interview. You must be overwhelmed at this moment and might be curios on the kind of questions that could be asked during this interaction. Most candidates feel the same.

    Remember to get dressed in formal attire to look professional and feel confident. Initially, you might be asked some basic questions about your education, recent projects, and favourite subjects. Some interviewers are also interested in knowing a candidate’s behavioral aspects like habits, choice of music, and books, etc. However, others could land you in a situation to examine on your presence of mind and evaluate your analytical abilities. Please do not hesitate while answering and try to speak as naturally as possible.

    Additionally, to alleviate your chance of selection, you must read about the organization’s business and its products beforehand. This signifies your interest in the job.

    Though I don’t see any reason why my neice won’t be selected during the interview, but still I would like to share my best wishes to you. Please let me know how it went.

    Best Regards,

  113. Dear officials,

    After taking your survey in regards to the upcoming changes to the food services on campus, I have decided to go with the option A. This option speaks for students that want restaurants to be implemented throughout campus as food service, I chose this option for several reasons. First, university is a place for matured students to attend and have a lot of freedom to learn and live as adults, a cafeteria is certainly something that interferes with this idea, imagine all the students attending the university having to go to one single place for food services, there’s a high chance that it would be very crowded. Second, a cafeteria may have very limited food options, on the contrary, implementing restaurants will allow students to choose what type of food they want to eat, whether it be fast foods, chinese foods, korean foods, expensive foods, casual foods, etc. Lastly, as I’ve stated above, university is a place where students learn to live as adults, they need the necessary freedom to choose how, what, and where they want to eat, whether if it’s delivery, on the go, or to stay, they need all the variety of options they can get to have a taste of what the outside world is like, additionally, these options can be flexible to their schedules, some students may prefer delivery for more time to study, some may prefer hanging out with friends in a small nice place, some may want to order to go if they are in a hurry.

    Please take serious considerations into not only my thoughts but others as well, it will definitely contribute to fixing the current food service issue.

    Best Regards

  114. Dear Restaurant Manager,

    I am writing to you to discuss my dissatisfaction of food and the terrible customer service which we had received in your absence at the restaurant.

    First, to start we arrived at 7:00 pm sharp. Even though we had a reservation at 7:00 pm, we stood at the entrance and waited for more than 20 minutes before someone finally arrived and took us to our seats. We sat down and began looking at the menus. In a few, we have decided our order but no server or order taker was paying attention to our table.

    Finally, our food arrived but for some reason we noticed something dangling from one of our burgers. For our surprise, we found a dead mouse in between the buns. We were disgusted and quickly informed the cashier about it. To our great disappointment, the cashier accused us and blaming us to put a dead mouse in the burger to spoil the restaurant reputation.

    We know that the restaurant has a good reputation but this situation shows some required training for your employees. I would like to come back and give another chance if I would get my full refund as the resolution of this occurrence.


  115. I am writing this email to draw your immediate attention towards cancellation my registration in Embedded hardware course due to medical problem.
    I have enrolled for the PCB design in embedded hardware course and length of the course is 4 months. Course fee is 200 CAD and I have paid my full fees for this course. I am very interested to pursue this course because digital market is augmenting day by day. Unfortunately, a week ago I met with a serious road accident and currently I am in hospital. I got a fracture in right leg so, I am unable to walk at least for 2 months. As per doctor suggestion, I need to take rest for four months thus I will return to my home Germany after discharge. I am requesting you to cancel my registration for the course and I need money urgently to pay my hospital expense before discharging. As you know my financial condition, please refund my money as soon as possible in my credit card and its number is 1345 6783 7645.
    I hope you will understand my situation and respect my decision. If you have any query, please let me know. I am waiting for your prompt and positive response.

  116. Considering the ongoing planning to build a new facility with respect to the city council, I would like to appreciate the idea to build a new recycling centre. I would certainly go for the option A for the compelling reasons outlined below.
    To embark, recycling helps to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators which help to prevent land and air pollution. Moreover, it helps to conserve the natural resources like timber, wood and minerals. Additionally, it will create more employment opportunity in recycling and manufacturing industries which will increase the economy growth of country. To an exemplify, if we recycle more paper and reuse those paper then it would reduce the deforestation.
    On the contrary side, most of the time visitors will come to see nature park by their own vehicles which increase traffic and pollution level in city. Moreover, visitors are throwing food packets and other things on roads which make it dirty and increases air pollution.
    To sum up with these reasons, I ratify option A would be preferable and likable to all residents’ members. Everyone would have their choice according to own thinking. This is my opinion but I will support whatever decision is made.

  117. Dear sir,
    I am writing this email to appreciate from the bottom of my heart for the library service which our city has received in last month. Citizens received several benefits from it.
    Library promotes the literacy because they provide a space where children and adults can develop their skills which they need to survive and thrive in a global world. Moreover, in the library they provide free access, it become economical for everyone. I specially appreciate the computer facility which they are providing with nominal charges per day. In the era of technological revolution, most of the things become digital however some people cannot afford computers so, this facility becomes boon for them. Apart from this, they have provided three charging ports on each table so, it is a good facility for those who are using electronic gadgets.
    I encourage to build another facility like recreational centre, gym and many more which leads citizens to healthy and better lifestyle. It also brings the enhancement in the development of city. If you need any support, we are happy to give our contribution.

  118. Considering the ongoing planning of a land developing with respect to the city council, I would like to appreciate the idea to build a park. I would certainly go for option A for the compelling reasons outlined below.
    First and foremost, park provide intrinsic environmental, aesthetic and recreation benefits to our city. Moreover, it boosts physical and psychological health and make a place more attractive to live and work. Additionally, it helps to reduce the urban heat island effect and sound pollution. Park has several trees which provides enough amount of oxygen to the citizens and it also helps to reduce the global warming effect. Last but not the least, it helps to protect natural ecosystem.
    On the other hand, museum shows cultural and heritage things. So, people does not use it every day. Furthermore, it’s maintenance and building cost will increase burden on people in the form of tax by government.
    To sum up with these reasons, I ratify option A would be preferable and likable to all community members. Everyone would have their choice according to own thinking. This is my opinion, but I will support whatever decision is made.

  119. Dear Sir,
    I am very glad to receive tomorrow’s meeting opportunity with foreign clients, but I cannot attend it due to medical emergency.
    As you know that, yesterday my father was admitted in hospital due to heart attack and his condition is serious. Today morning his angiography report had come, and two veins is totally blocked which is very difficult for them to survive. Cardiologist has decided to do angioplasty tomorrow and doctor insist me to stay at hospital with my mother. Moreover, my younger brother is currently out of country and he will come after two days. Me and Andy both are working on same project thus I am suggesting to give this opportunity to him. He has capability to handle this meeting, if you give me a permission to pass on documents, report and presentation to him then I will pass to him carefully. Meanwhile, I will be available on call if he needs any help from myside. After completion of meeting, I will collect notes from and make a brief report from it.
    Please understand my state of dilemma; accept my heartiest apology and give me another chance to prove myself. I will never let you down in future.
    Yours sincerely,

  120. Dear Manager,

    Based on enticing advertisements of your fitness club, Black’s Gym and Spa, I enrolled for a two-year membership last week. But to my dismay, those lucrative services are nowhere to find. So, I am writing this email to register a formal complaint.

    Those flashy leaflets caught my attention with the mention of facilities like high-end equipment, steam bath, aerobics session, and many more. Additionally, during registration, I was given assurance of the fitness coach’s availability in late evening hours as well. But now, I can’t find any of the mentioned services. We exercise using rusted equipments, wait in a queue for using treadmill and moreover, there is no provision for a steam bath. Adding to the woes, the aerobics trainer seems novice with the aerobic activities.

    My attempt to seek your manager’s attention for resolution went in vain, he simply dismantled the pamphlet I was referring to for complaint. Eventually, he suggested me to continue with the services as is. I was finding it difficult to pull myself together.

    Long story short, I no longer aspire using your services and to seek a full refund of my enrollment. I would appreciate a positive response.


  121. Dear Sir,
    I am very glad to receive tomorrow’s meeting opportunity with foreign clients, but I will unable to attend it due to medical emergency.
    As you know that, yesterday my father was admitted in hospital due to heart attack and his condition is serious. Today morning his angiography report has come, and two veins is totally blocked which is very critical for them to survive. Cardiologist has decided to do angioplasty tomorrow and doctor insist me to stay at hospital with my mother. Moreover, my younger brother is currently out of country and he will come after two days. Me and Andy both are working on same project thus I am recommending giving this opportunity to him. He has capability to handle this meeting and If you give me a permission to pass on documents, report and presentation to him, meanwhile I will available on call if he needs any help from myside. He will take notes and I will make a brief report from it.
    Please understand my dilemma; accept my heartiest apology and give me another chance to prove myself. I will never let you down in future.
    Yours sincerely,

  122. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am very glad to receive tomorrow’s meeting opportunity with foreign client.as you know last night my father was hospitalized due to heart problem. So, I am writing this mail regrading I will unable to attended it.
    The reason for my absence for the Monday meeting is my father is pass through heart attack, he is admitted in ICU, Sterling Hospital and his heart is working up to 20%. Moreover, as you know my brother already go to abroad due office work. Today morning doctor met and told us he will do operation and put two balloons tomorrow. So, he has insisted me to stay whole day with my mother. In additionally, I recommended to you give this opportunity to Henry. Because me and henry both are working in same project, so I had pass on my presentation and guide to him. He is smart and capable to take my responsibility meanwhile I am available on call if he needs any help from my side.
    Please understand my dilemma; Accept my heartiest apology and give me a chance to prove myself. I promise you that I will never let you down.

    Yours sincerely,

  123. Hi Jenny,
    I am glad to receive your camping invitation and appreciate to it, as you know I do not have any experience of this types of trip. I am writing this mail regarding why I am grabbing this opportunity in below.
    Firstly, I want to enjoy some memorable moment like stay, walk and rope climbing. Moreover, enjoy different climate, wake up to the sounds of birds, spend night in tent and fire camp experience. But you know I have some health issue, so I need more day wise plan information which is covered all detail like places, walk in distance, day event list, accommodation and stay duration. According to this detail I will take suggestion and some medicine from my doctor. Last but not the least, this is my first experience so please suggest me which types of clothes and food I will carry with me.
    Once, I am receiving all detail i apply leave request in office. Moreover, I informed to my parents and take approve then I will give you my final acknowledgment as well as I do complete all my formality process.
    Once again thank you for sending this invitation; I am waiting for your positive and prompt response.
    Kind Regards,

  124. Thank you for allowing me put my opinion for food services on our campus. It is always a pride to have one of the famous eateries in our college. However, in my opinion having a big cafeteria with variety of food option is more preferred
    Having a well-known restaurant on our campus will restrict students to choose meal from fixed restaurant menu, although they have good list of item but I will limit the student with only one type of taste that the restaurant will be serving. In addition, there will be long waiting time, and nowadays with compact schedule students will be wasting waiting for there food instead of focusing on studies.
    Having a Big cafeteria, student will have multiple option for there food. Will have both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food selection in one big canteen. I know there are many students who will love this option, as there are very limited vegetarian food corners near to our college campus. This option will meet demand for large groups. In addition, the price will be low that will have less burden on us, being a student we have limited money and we cannot ask our family for more when we run out. Having a low cost food option will help us to save more and put less stress on our parents.
    After considering both the option, it will be friendlier to have big cafeteria that will offer food at concession price, than having a renowned restaurants.

  125. Dear sir ,

    I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction with customer service .

    On march 21 , 2019 , I purchased a 22 inch TELUS television from your 2311 , jattitude location. It worked well for initial three day; however, after a problem arose. One fine morning when I started the device found the display screen not working and was demonstrating the total black colour instead of color screen. To mend the problem , I have reset the television many times , but all went unsuccessful .

    The product was still under the given 2 year warranty, So I went to the store contemplating the issue will be solved . Nevertheless , I was surprised with employees rude and arrogant behaviour. I had met the customer compliant department and a employee, Baskaran , was assigned to me to look the matter. Though, in the beginning he listened the problem attentively, I was astonished to hear his response after telling the price of television. In a loud voice , I was ordered to visit the repair shop .


  126. Considering the ongoing planning of a New Year’s Eve party with respect to the community association, I would like to appreciate the idea of evening party with dinner. I would certainly go for option A for the compelling reasons outlined below.
    First and foremost, evening party is the best time to celebrate and they can celebrate with their families. Moreover, parents can bring their children along with them, they can enjoy celebration without any worries because if they leave their children at home, they are unable to concentrate in party. Furthermore, scrumptious supper will be served in the Eve party and everyone can enjoy it on their table peacefully. Additionally, several games will be organised for each age group and DJ party will start after 9:30 pm to 12:00, which will augment their happiness.
    On the other hand, late night party will only allow adults so, several members might reject to come in the party because they have to leave their children alone at the home. Moreover, festivals are always celebrating with family, it makes your happiness double.
    To sum up with these reasons, I ratify option A would be preferable and likable to all community members. Everyone would have their choice according to own thinking. This is my opinion, but I will support whatever decision is made.

  127. Dear Jenny,
    How are you? I think you become a busy bee!! You had not called me since two weeks. Anyway, I am very glad to inform you that I get a promotion and I become a CEO of company. I am on cloud nine and I want to share my happiness with you. I am writing this email specially to invite you for dinner.
    I want to take you for dinner in the Hayat Regency which is five-star hotel. We will be go there after a day in the afternoon after 7:30 pm because I know that you are coming from your office after 6:30 pm. In the afternoon, hotel has arranged puppet show and games. Hotel’s interior is like an ancient time and we feel like a heaven. Moreover, they are organizing laser show on some days so, we might get a chance to see it. Additionally, it is especially famous for its foods; we can enjoy several types of scrumptious cuisines at one place. I know you like chole-bhature and you will get perfect taste here. Last but not least, its desserts are mouth-watering and it’s like an icing on cake.
    If you want to invite your fiancée, invite him definitely. I will also come with my fiancée, we will have more fun together. I will be happy if you will accept it and I am waiting for your confirmation for the celebration.
    Your lovingly,

  128. Hi Jenny,
    I am very glad, when I had received your camping invitation because I had never gone on camping, it will be totally new experience for me. I am sure, I will enjoy this camping if I will accept an invitation but I want to know more details about camping before accepting it.
    Firstly, I want to know the location of camping and where we have to stay at night in forest because I am very scared from wild animals and small insets. Moreover, I need to know the total days for camping because I have to apply for the leave at least a week ago. Furthermore, place is safe for girls or not because I have to take a permission from my parents and I have to explain everything in details.
    After receiving your answer, I will take permission from my parents and also apply for the leave in company. I am eagerly waiting for your response because I am very excited to come with you in camping. I hope to see you soon.
    Your lovingly,

  129. Considering the ongoing planning of special celebration with respect to the multicultural club, I would like to appreciate the idea to have s formal dinner. I would certainly go for option A for the compelling reasons outlined below.
    There are various reasons to support my claim. First and foremost, special celebration is always organizing once a year, it should be lavish and grand. Moreover, everyone can afford its expense, formal dinner has to be arranged and several scrumptious cuisines has to be served. Furthermore, people would sit down and interact with each other peacefully. They can discuss any topic in deeply. Additionally, they can enjoy table games which enhance their bonding with other club members.
    On other hand, light snacks would not appropriate for dinner because it could not satiate their appetite. Moreover, people does not get a place to sit, they can interact for few time and after completing their snacks, they will leave as prompt as possible.
    To sum up with these reasons, I ratify opinion A would be preferable and likable to all club members. Everyone would have their choice according to own thinking. This is my opinion, but I will support whatever decision is made.

  130. To whom it may concern,

    I would like to register a complaint for two year membership I recently signed up at your fitness club.

    In the advertisement it says people with membership have free 24 hour access to the gym plus free registration for one of the exercise courses with the instructors. However, when I tried to sign up for one of the courses I was told at the reception it was not free and I would have to pay for it although I had already signed up for the membership. I contacted the manager but all he told me was that the membership only provides the free 24 hour access to the fitness gym and not the free courses, which was not helpful at all and not the response I was expecting.

    Having free sign up for those courses was a major part of the reason why I decided to get the membership, and that was the deal described in your advertisement. I would still like to have the free registration for one of the courses or I will have to request a cancelation of the membership as well as the refund to it.

    Hope to hear back from you soon,

  131. I would much appreciate having a big cafeteria on our campus. Although having choices of restaurant branches on site sounds like a great deal, realistically, big cafeteria that provides affordable meals will be more helpful for many of us.
    The major problem we have right now is that the cafeteria we have currently on our campus does not have much variety of meals on the menu and students are fed up with eating the same food everyday. There are some restaurants near the campus, however, most of them are not quite affordable to many of the students. To top it all, there is no food choice for vegetarians in our cafe at a moment, and it is significant for vegetarian students including myself to have access to convenient food choice, since there are no vegetarian restaurant near the campus and many of us are too rushed in time for the assignments to spend time for preparing our lunch everyday.
    Thank you for considering our opinions and hope whichever choices are made will improve our school life.

  132. To,
    Whom so ever concern
    Sub: Inadequate service facilities
    Dear sir/Madam,
    I am writhing to you with your fitness center located at 25 richmont dr, I have recently purchase a 2 year membership followed by your advertisement flayer I received at my doorstep.
    After I joined the fitness center, I noticed lots of equipment and facilities flashed are not available at all, to list few of them washroom is not equipped with modern fittings, no hot water available in washroom, Few of Fitness equipment are rusty and not balanced properly. Doing work out with this type of paraphernal can lead to health issues.
    When I approached the manger of the center he was not at all cooperative, he put blamed on me I should have inquire properly before buying the membership and cannot do anything.
    As you understand, I have paid for the services advertised and not for the rusty equipment that can lead to any unforeseen circumstances.
    I request you please look in this matter and process a full refund for my membership fees. Looking for a prompt action from your side.

    Thanks and Regards

  133. Dear Manager,

    i am writing this email with respect to issue i am facing with my recent purchase of sony tv from your store

    i have bought sony smart tv 55 inch for $525 from your store located at eglinton avenue, the product comes with 2 year warranty.

    I was very exited to have a new big screen tv in our living room. We have used the tv for 3 days and it was working perfectly fine. We have connected our smart tv to our home internet, streaming of the movie and videos was very good we all loved the picture quality.

    But suddenly it is not detecting any internet we have tried couple of internet option, it is always showing no network detected . We got our home internet inspected from our service provider and it is showing good signal quality .

    I have called the customer support centre they are unable to solve the problem.

    I am requesting you exchange my tv as it comes with 2 year warranty ,if you do not have the same tv available in stock ,in this case i will request you to refund my full payment amount.

    Looking for an prompt and positive response from you

    Thanks and Regards

  134. Hi raman,

    I hope you are doing good ; it’s a long time since we met. Yesterday, I felt happy to hear the news of your born baby ,when your mother called me . After the birth of your younger brother, 25 years ago , a baby has taken a birth in your family. Therefore , each family member would be thrilled to love the child .

    Child always see their parents as role model and follow their footsteps . Therefore , always perform a good deeds , so , they can’t get distracted to adopt wrong path of life . I am sharing the lines said by famous writer bikka sheronwalia ” Children are byproduct of their parents deeds, behavior and attitude “.
    For short term , a wrong act can be benefited to you . However, one must accept the consequences that your child will not be reluctant to execute the same deed in the future to do it .

    Lived with you for 2 years in the university; i know you are very responsible person. A 100% will be given to raise your child ; humans do ,make some mistakes but i believe very few will be come from you . Also , for next to month, i am having days off for Monday and Friday . Therefore, i can babysit your child , if both of you are doing work shifts simultaneously .



  135. Dear sir ,

    I am writing this email to express dissatisfaction with the Mall ‘s parking system .

    I have lived in the mill-wood residential area since the last 26 years. Brenton mall, is the closest mall, which is only 5 miles away from our home. As the mall have walmart , famous clothes store and food restaurants ; We have visited the mall every week frequently to buy grociers , other household item , clothes , etc.

    However, last month we hadn’t shopped once in the mall. Even though we have arrived almost 10 times in the mall parking lot , but none of the parking spot was vacant due to which we went back to our house. Therefore , nowadays ,we have been going to other grocery store which is 15 miles away from our home . Being a father of young kids,I have reluctantly trusted their driving, and have worried of my children safety during the commute to long distance.

    I would like the measure should be taken to provide parking spaces to the customers . Also , i have heard from many resident that neary businesss employees have been using the spaces to park theircars daily . I beleive , if this is true , management ould consider to avaoid it .


  136. Dears sir ,

    I am writing this email to complain for the services mentioned on your advertisement are not delivered practically.

    On may 3, 2019 , i purchased a 2 year gold membership of your 1111 green-way location store . Inspired by the blue color pamphlet,who has details for all three membership , helped me to made the decision .

    To begin with , a free sauna bath was flamboyantly stated on the advertisement brochure ; however, last Friday the receptionist refused to unlock the sauna bath’s door until pays $10 fee . In addition,
    a new weighting machine is nowhere to be found on the gym . All others members are still using the old rusty equipment . Last, 24 hour open system has not been working effectively because couple of times iIvisited store and found the doors locked

    To solve the issue , i narrated the matter to the manager. Surprisingly , he was very reluctant to listen the issue, and suggested to join the other fitness center if unsatisfied with services.

    I would be grateful either all aforementioned facilities will be stored within a given time period or reimburse $1000 paid for the membership



  137. To whomsoever, it may concern:
    My family and I visited your restaurant last week. My wife is always fond of having delicious food served by your restaurant. Hence, we thought of having a mouthwatering family meal as a celebration. Both the food and service lived up to our expectations. However, I was overbilled, and that is why I am writing to you.
    My wife ordered the chicken with gravy and rice, my children had pasta and salad and I had the lentil curry with rice. We only order one soft drink with the meal. The total cost of the meal was 400 rupees. Unfortunately, today when I saw my credit card statement, I came to know that we were charged twice for this meal.
    Could you please credit the excess amount to my credit card? I have attached the invoice for your perusal. Or you can call me at 00889995566.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  138. Hi ravi ,

    I hope you are doing well . As i heard from your mother about your nervousness for first job interview next week, I am sharing some tip and knowledge which will help you to succeed .

    Start believing in yourself and as graduated student with degree in job related studies you are qualified to do the job effectively . Nevertheless , a good personality is still needed to impress the recruiter so, i suggest to wear ironed formal clothes .

    After the first interaction , mostly the Human resource people asks ” why you deserve to get this job,”? . Prepare the answer before the interview by adding with a mixture of study related information and personal interest . Also , revise your study related knowledge thoroughly because related question will be asked and your expertise will be judged accordingly .

    At the end be confident and maintain the eye contact with recruiter during the interview . Sometimes you forget and answer wrongly, in those situations, try not to loose your confidence and focus on the next question to give your best .

    Best of luck . I am sure you will give your best in he interview .



    • Hello Sir/Madam,
      I am writing this mail to enlighten about your misleading advertisement which I came across in a local newspaper. Trusting the advertisement, I took a 2 year membership and now I am regretting it. I expected a separate shower and changing room for women, upgraded equipments and a coach as mentioned in the advertisement. Inspite of these I saw rusty equipments, 1 coach for the existing members who has no time left for new members and 1 common shower and changing room which is just not acceptable. When I talked about all these issues to the manager, he rudely refused for everything and was trying to avoid me.i have no option left other then writing to you. Now I am no more interested to be a part of your center and demand refund of my money.
      So, considering all these issues, I appreciate you to look into the matter and reply on the prior basis.

  139. Considering the ongoing planning with respect to the community association, I would like to appreciate to build a swimming pool in our society by our organization. I would certainly go for option A for the compelling reasons outlined below.
    There are various reasons to support my claim. First and foremost, indoor pool is access throughout the year at any time. Moreover, indoor pool is equipped with heating facility which helps us to control water temperature as per our requirement. Furthermore, maintenance cost is less compared to outdoor pool. Last but not least, children can enjoy their leisure time in pool without any dependency and some of them are developed it as their career choice.
    On the contrary side, outdoor swimming pool water get polluted from dust particles which affects our skin. Moreover, we have to hire security guard who prevents strangers to access it which increase our maintenance expense.
    To sum up with these reasons, I ratify opinion A would be preferable and likable to all society members. Everyone would have their choice according to own thinking. This is my opinion, but I will support whatever decision is made.

  140. Dear Madam,
    My name is Maria D’Souza, a mother of Jack who is studying in 4th grade in your school. I am writing this e-mail to schedule a meeting with you for Jack’s progress in school.
    I want to express my gratitude towards you for imparting good moral values to Jack. I feel very proud because Jack is learning sharing with others, work in group and many others. Moreover, he has also improved his drawing and craft skills. Furthermore, these days Jack is playing more outdoor games which has improved his physical appearance and health. However, I cannot see any improvement in Maths and Science because he always tries to avoid these subjects. I am little worry for him because I thought that he had losing his interest in that after his mid-semester exams. As you know that, he had got very less grades in those subjects.
    I want to meet you and discuss this issue because you are Jack’s favourite teacher, he will never avoid your instructions. I will be elated if you will give me your suitable date and time for our meeting as prompt as possible.
    I am looking forwards towards your positive response. I solicit for your co-operation.

    Thanks and Regards,

  141. Dear Madam,
    I am Jack, father of Chris, who is studying in 4th stand in A Class. I am writing this e-mail to schedule a meeting request regrading to my child’s progress in your school.
    I am appreciating you and school management, to impart moral values as well as maturity in Chris. Moreover, he has faith on you, so he is blindly following you because you are role model for him. Furthermore, he is become an active in co-curricular activities as well as outdoor sports like volleyball. Owing of this reason, he becomes physically and mentally strong. However, I cannot see improvement in his writing. He never reaches at pinnacle state due to this reason. I had analysis some ways to improve his handwriting, so I want to meet you and discuss. You will suggest me the best suitable way so I will guide Chris accordingly. I know Chris never avoid your instructions. I will be elated if you will give me your suitable date and time for our meeting as prompt as possible.
    I am looking for your positive response. I solicit for your co-operation.

    Kind Regards,

  142. Considering the ongoing planning with respect to community association, I would like to appreciate to build a swimming pool in our society by our organization. I would certainly go for option-A for the compelling reasons outlined below.
    There are various reasons to support my claim. Firstly, Indoor pool access through year at any time. Owing to it we organize swimming competition every month. Apart from it, children are spent their leisure time in it, and they develop swimming as a hobby, or some are adobe as a carrier skill.
    conversely, outdoor pool will so difficult to maintain. Because water get polluted from dust particles which affect to skin. Moreover, we must hire security guard who prevents strangers to access it which increase our maintenance expense.
    To sum up with these reasons, I ratify opinion that option A would be preferable and likeable to all society members. Everyone would have their choice according to own test. This is my opinion, but I will support whatever decision is made.

  143. As a student, I would prefer to have a big cafeteria on our campus.
    One of the main objectives for on-campus food services is to present healthy and affordable dining opinions for all students. Many students are live on a budget, so big cafeteria fits their needs. While famous and fancy restaurants can offer an exceptional dining experience, it is not functional for students’ day to day living even with competitive prices.
    Also, unlike restaurants which have set menus, the cafeteria is more flexible. Students can purchase from light snacks to full meals at the same place. It also offers a variety of food options; I heard the chefs in the UBC cafeteria changes their menu weekly. The cafeteria is more feasible for quality control. The school’s management team l can monitor the food quality at the cafeteria’s central kitchen. I understand the school is looking to satisfy students’ needs, so the school can ask students to sample the foods between different catering companies before they decided which one to use for our cafeteria.
    Therefore, a cafeteria would be more practical for our college. Thank you for letting us present our opinions.

  144. Dear Fitness Centre Owner,
    I am a member of your Fitness Centre. I am writing in regarding of a miss advertisement. I purchased your centre’s membership based on your neighborhood flyer. On the flyer, it clearly printed the members are entitled to free training lessons provided by the professional trainers. However, when I started to visit the centre, I discovered there is no such service available.
    I addressed the issue with your manager, but he told me that the centre has never promoted any free training lessons and ask me to prove it. I presented the brochure to the manager the next day, and he exclaimed the flyer was for another location while throwing it away. What upsets me was the manager’s attitude, he treated me disrespectfully when I brought up a legitimate concern to him.
    This is a clear false advertisement. I am asking you to set up free training lessons as the flyer advertised in your centre within one week or offer a 10% discount to all members of the centre. If I cannot receive a solution by Oct 5th, I will report this situation to the Better Business Bureau.
    Best Regards,
    Vivi Shen

  145. In my perspective , the city council should built a new parking lot in the vacant downtown land. Our surrounding area is already filled with many shops and option B is not much beneficial to residents . Here are the reasons to support my choice :

    First and foremost , in present downtown parking situation, there is not enough space to park every resident vehicles . therefore, some people who are not fortunate to find a place have to commute 5-6 miles to tansy mall parking lot to park their vehicles. Additionally, residents time have been consumed because in morinng rush hour they have to travel to distance parking space to reach their cars . For instance , like busy metropolitan cities morning traffic , likely something goes wrong which becomes impediment for person to arrive the parked car location on time.

    On top of that, new space will benefit the visitors because I have seen travellers roaming here and there to find adequate space to park their vehicle. At least if not all, some of them will not have hard time to find parking place . On the other hand, our downtown is already filled with goods shop so I don t believe new shop will more benfits the residents.

    I hope my views ill be considered while making the decision

  146. I strongly endorse the restaurant ‘s management contemplation of menu items transition from serving organic and non-organic food to organic food only . Here are the following reasons:

    First and foremost, Having limited dishes to prepare for customers, the chef feels unstress and focus to prepare the dish with adequate quality. Given the aforementioned fact , I have noticed couple of time when I ate the food that the taste of food is different each time particularly when the store gets busy the food quality goes below the average. As I assumed the reason , preparing too many dishes cook forgot to put needed dish ingredient .
    Furthermore, in many instances , I have heard from friends’ the restaurant making both organic and non- organic are incompetent to deliver the each category food flawlessly. Whenever they have ordered organic food from those places, unfortunately , the food given was mixed with non -organic food may be because of using same frying pan. Rumors are widespread and people feel to take food from those stores who are serving particularly food only.
    Hence , I believe it will be lucrative for restaurants to sell particular food only .

      • To whom it may concern,
        I am writing you this email to express my dissatisfaction with your gym. I register myself to 2-years membership after entice to your extra-polished advertisement last month.
        First, advertisement emphasized on new yoga and swimming classes. When I started I was promised that everything will be started within a week as the fitness center did not have enough members to perform certain exercises for yoga and swimming. It has been almost 15 days since I have starting working out and yet no one disclosed anything. I joined the center especially for yoga and swimming classes to cut on some weight, however, I am just offered regular gym exercises which I could be offered cheaper in another fitness centers.
        When I talked to the manger, he could not answer me appropriately. In fact, he mocked me and said I can talk to the owner instead and he has no authority to act. Moreover, he said I will have to stick with my membership for 2 years otherwise he will charge me $300 for canceling it before maturity date.
        I would like to request to refund me full amount of money and should issue me one free month for misrepresent and adverse behavior of manager.

  147. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this letter to bring a situation that can turn out to be bad for your fitness center’s brand name. I got a very appealing pamphlet in my mail box while I was looking forward to join a fitness center from your brand. After taking a brief look on the benefits that come along two year membership I joined it.Unfortunately none of them turned out to actually existing.
    Firstly, like promised the sauna in the center is never operating. In my span of one month I have seen sauna being working only once. The tiles are coming off the floor and turning out to a potential trip hazard. Moreover, the pamphlet represents all span-ken shinny equipment being demonstrated by professionals. But to bring this to your attention i have never seen a professional and to top it all equipment are rusty and some even make rattling sound.
    I spoke about all this to one of your supervisor. he did not really looked like her care about anything while, he told me that he has no control over any of these. After all my struggle and patience I decided to bring this to your attention.
    I would like to get my membership cancelled with no cancellation fees applied.
    Hopping for a positive response.

  148. Dear Manager,

    Please accept this correspondence as a formal complaint for the misleading advertisement about services offered in the fitness center. The advertisement stated a list of services to be part of 2-year membership enrollment but sadly that was not the case.

    To start with, the advertisement mentioned all new weights and machines in the fitness center but during my recent visits I came across old and rusty weights. Moreover, half of machines weren’t even working. Also, three complimentary personal training sessions were included for the new members but upon enquiringly, the trainers refused of any such commitment. In addition to all, advertisement said weekly yoga class on the schedule; which has not been occurring over last few weeks.

    Upon bringing these concerns to the manager, he didn’t even bother to empathize to the situation, on the contrary he discredited of any such advertisement. Instead of taking ownership for problems, he blamed the online marketing team of the fitness center. Also, he was rude and disrespectful to the new members.

    Therefore, I would like to cancel my membership and strongly urge you to process the refund for the membership fees. I would also appreciate if you can have some training programs for your staff to deal with dissatisfied members.


  149. Considering the ongoing planning of annual function with respect to the school management, I would like to appreciate the sports day organized by our school. I would prefer option B because it will give an opportunity to each student.
    There are various reasons to support my claim. First and foremost, it will give a chance to each student to showcase their abilities and it will augment their confidence level. Moreover, it will help them to develop several qualities like, leadership, sportsman sprit and to never give up in any situation. Additionally, it will help them to increase their concentration and decision making power which will increase their performance in education. Furthermore, they will become physically strong. Last but not least, they will play in group, they understand and co-ordinate each other; they will understand the importance of team work. Owing to this skill, they will achieve success in career and reach a pinnacle state.
    To sum up with these reasons, I ratify opinion B would be preferable and likable to staff members. Everyone would have their choice according to own thinking. This is my opinion, but I will support whatever decision is made.

  150. Dear Manager,

    I am one of the regular shoppers at your shopping mall. I am writing this correspondence to inform you that from last couple of weeks it has become very hard to find a parking spot in the shopping mall.

    Recently over the last few weeks, the number of cars has increased manifolds in the parking lot which is causing a lot of inconvenience. This is resulting in waiting in long queues and everyone is eagerly looking to secure a parking spot.

    Last week, in order to avoid the long wait in the parking lot, we decided to take a bus. There is no direct bus service which runs from our home to shopping mall, so we had to change two buses to get there. In addition to this, on our way back the bus broke down as a result we had to take a taxi to reach home. Overall, the whole experience was unpleasant and expensive too.

    Therefore, I would suggest you to kindly resolve parking situation on priority basis. To start with management can come up with an hourly rate model for parking which will curtail the number of cars parked for long hours and also as permanent fix they should consider of adding additional parking spots.

    Looking for the resolution at the earliest.


  151. I would like to opine in favor of building a recreational park as this seems to be a far better and convincing choice for me than the other one. Though, the other choice is almost equally appealing, I would present a couple of reasons to substantiate my argument.

    To begin with, having a recreational park which would have a sport complex in it; will stimulate and promote the spirit of healthy lifestyle which is a must in today’s era of hectic work routine. In addition to this a large green area and small petting zoo in the park will not only add the charm to our small town but also will provide shelter to animals.

    Moreover, due to urbanization, it is very significant to preserve natural habitat and maintain the right balance of green quotient in the environmental ecosystem. Also, there is already a shopping complex which was built last year and is not very far from our town. Therefore, having a recreational park built will be a boon to our town.

    Having discussed all the arguments, I believe that building a recreational park would be more beneficial than a shopping complex.

  152. Dear Manager,

    I am writing this email to you to introduce to our charity called We Care for Children, a non-profit charitable organization which focuses on children’s education and fitness. It caters to children in the age group of 6-14 from low income group families by providing them books, encyclopedias and encouraging them to take up sports.

    In the fundraiser campaign, we are organizing a sport meet for all the participating children. There will be different types of sporting events such as soccer, tennis, badminton, baseball, basketball etc. This would not only inculcate a strong sense of team work among the children and but also would be a great relaxation for them as they have just finished their exams.

    Therefore, I would urge to kindly consider contributing to this noble cause. The money that we raise will be used to recognize and reward the deserving children with appropriate equipment and professional training.

    I would be grateful if you can help making the aforementioned event a success and make an impact on the lives of the children.

    Mark Smith

  153. Dear Store Owner,

    I want to inform you about the misleading advertisement being spread in our neighbourhood regarding your fitness centre. These advertisements claim that the gym has an indoor pool and a sauna, where, in reality, there is no facility of that sort.

    The first thing I did after realizing that I was duped by this advertisement, I addressed this issue with my trainer, as well as the lady at the front desk. To my surprise they not only avoided my complaints, but they also tried to convince me that it was a minor error in the advertisement and not that big of a deal.

    After getting such a cold response to my complaints from the staff members, I reached out to the manager of the gym Mr. Singh and expressed the concerns I have. Moreover, I showed him all the proofs like pamphlets, pictures of the posters etc. in order for him to understand my frustration. He at first, gave me the assurance that he will look into this matter and get an answer for me within 5 business days.

    At first, he assured me that he was going to look into this matter and respond to me within 5 business days, it has now been 15 days. He has since stopped replying to my emails and denied all my meeting requests. After exhausting all my options to resolve this situation, I have requested a refund but it went in vain as I was told there will be cancellation fees if I were to cancel my membership from the staff members.

    I would really appreciate if you could please look into this situation for me and help me getting my membership cancelled as well as a full refund for fees incurred by myself.

    Thank You in advance.


  154. Dear manager,
    I am writing to you to express my immense disappointment with your fitness center.
    A couple of months ago, I saw your advertisement for the yoga and cycling classes in the newspaper. You also advertised fully equipped and brand new gym and a pool. Reading about all the amazing features provided I decided to purchase a 2- year membership immediately.
    Unfortunately, after a short time, I discovered that the services described in the advertisement are far from what you published.
    First of all, the yoga classes you advertised are always fully booked and I could not register. On top of that, the bikes provided for the cycling classes are rusty and old.
    Additionally, instead of brand new equipment, I found broken and dirty machines. The pool was also under construction most of the time.
    I decided to speak with your shift manager, however, his conduct was very rude and unprofessional. He stated that he is not responsible for the owner’s decisions. He also added that he is not authorized to give me my money back.
    I would like you to investigate this situation and take some actions with regards to my experience at your facility. I also request a refund as this situation I faced is highly unacceptable.

  155. As per my opinion, Disney world is better than Niagara Falls. I agree that Niagara fall is near compare to Disney world but I still think option B has more advantages compared to option A.
    First and foremost, travelling distance is more compared to Niagara fall but in long distance we can enjoy the journey in bus as well and every one can spent more time with each other. Moreover, Disney land have variety of rides for each age group, everyone can enjoy as per their choice. Additionally, in Disney land we can spend whole day easily compared to Niagara fall because there are several other activities like, kids parade, music show, fountain show and many other shows had been taken place throughout the day. Furthermore, different types of food stalls are available in it, everyone can enjoy scrumptious food as per their selection.
    Last but not least, in our office most of the employees have adventurous nature, Disney land is perfect place for them to make their day more memorable. Because of all these reasons, I have selected option B.

  156. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I have recently joined your gym with gold membership, my card number is A358. I am writing this to express my dissatisfaction about the services of your fitness centre.

    Actually, I received your advertisement flyer stating free trainer for an initial 3 months, but after joining I found that there was only one trainer, who always stay occupied. Even though I tried to fix appointment time with him, he only gave me five minutes directions.

    As I don’t have enough knowledge about exercises, it doesn’t make any sense for me to continue the gym. So, I would like to request the cancellation of my contract.

    I look forward for your prompt response,
    Your sincerely,
    Arwinder singh

    • Dear Sir or Madam,
      I am writing this to express my dissatisfaction that I had experienced with your product. I had subscribed for premium membership program with your store based on the advertisement mentioned in television. Due to flat fifty percent discount, I had purchased an oven a week ago from A-one mall in downtown. The oven worked fine initially but suddenly broke down before two days while I was cooking.
      when I had started it, it was working properly for four days. I had prepared cake and cookies using it. On the fifth day, when I was preparing food it was suddenly broken and some wires were burned in it. I was shocked to see it and I had immediately called to your store but you were absent.
      Please consider this as my official complaint and try to resolve my issue as soon as possible. In order to compensate, I would like to replace faulty piece with brand new one and I believe cooperation is the key to success in every place. You can reach out to me on 678-912-5342.
      I am looking for your prompt and positive response.

      Warm regards,

  157. The complaint of foodservice was mainly about the available variety, so I think that the option of opening a restaurant will be an optimum solution of these consequences.

    Firstly, our campus receives a myriad of admissions of inter-regional and international students. Since food preferences varies as per culture, famous restaurants specialized in different cuisines could satisfy everyone’s need. Although cafe also can offer numerous dishes, it will be hard for them to match the taste standards.

    Secondly, more places to eat will save a lot of time. As we only have a single lunch-break and we previously discussed the issue that it is not possible to change that, cafe will get rushed due to the high volume of students. Consequently, the student will have to visit outside places. Therefore, management should attempt to spread the crowd for a better service.

    In my opinion, the restaurants are best option as per our situation, yet would happily welcome management’s decision.

  158. As an international student, I believe option B that is big cafeteria is apt and appropriate for majority of students as most of us are coming form middle- class family and paying extra for fancy food will lead to more burden on our family. Not only the food will be economical, but it will be healthy also.

    With Big cafeteria, everyone will be catered with same meals, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian which will bridge the gap between high and low level of income students whereas Restaurants, the food might be delicious however, it will be expensive and students, coming from higher income group will tend to buy their meal from there and others might envy them.

    Moreover, quality and standard are the most essential part when it comes to food which I do not think that restaurant will be able to deliver, on the other hand Big cafeteria will serve meals enriched with nutrients and vitamins through which we will be able to maintain healthy lifestyles. Also, for our college it will be convenient to govern only one body in comparison with multiple restaurants.

    In the end, I strongly suggest to open Big cafeteria in our college which will not help only students but also the college.

  159. The complaint of foodservice was mainly about the available variety, so I think that the option of opening a restaurant will be an optimum solution of these consequences.

    Firstly, our campus receives a myriad of admissions of inter-regional and international students. Since food preferences varies as per culture, famous restaurants specialized in different cuisines could satisfy everyone’s need. Although cafe also can offer numerous dishes, it will be hard for them to match the taste standards.

    Secondly, more places to eat will save a lot of time. As we only have a single lunch-break and we previously discussed the issue that it is not possible to change that, cafe will get rushed due to the high volume of students. Consequently, the student will have to visit outside places. Therefore, management should attempt to spread the crowd for a better service.

    In my opinion, the restaurants are best option as per our situation, yet would happily welcome management’s decision.

  160. Everyone is surely ready to welcome the new and improved food services on our campus. I think it was long overdue to have wider selection of foods in our campus. That being said, I strongly recommend campus officials to consider about bringing big cafeteria over restaurants. Cafeteria will serve fast and affordable options which definitely meets our needs.

    As students, we are tight on budget and schedule. We often times need to order the food for take out and eat while studying. Moreover, cafeteria foods are usually prepared quickly, or sometime even pre-made, which saves our time a lot. Price is another major factor for us. When sitting down at the restaurant, not only the food price is higher, but also there is gratuity that should be paid to the server. After all, the bill ends up being nearly double of the cafeteria food. For few occasions where we prefer going to a restaurant, we already have several decent places, Moxies, Keg, and more, not too far from the campus.

    For the above reasons, I believe cafeteria will serve us perfectly to our needs. Thank you for the effort in improving the services and I really look forward to it.

  161. Dear sir ,

    I am writing this email to complain the services offered on your advertisement pamphlet haven’t been delivered practically. Persuaded by the facilities written on the brochure , I purchased a gold membership from the 2311 Marine way location , Surrey. However, I haven’t enjoyed any of given services .

    First , a free Sauna bath mentioned for initial three months is appeared bogus because I was asked last week to pay $10 for the usage. On invoking a aforementioned membership benefit of free usage, receptionist has refused to answer me and left the place . Furthermore , fellow members are still using the old rusty equipment and a promised new equipment is nowhere to be found . Last, I visited the location couple of times around 12 p.m. and found the store locked , on the contrary , 24 hour open services is mentioned .

    Last Friday evening , I approached the manager and explained the issues. To my surprise , I haven’t gotten any answer from him and was completely ignored . On the Other hand, he started listening other bystander customers.

    I would like my money to be reimbursed or store all the aforementioned facilities in the gym including a time period . Also , please consider the employee’s customer service program for effective interaction with consumer


  162. Personally, as a college student, I would like to have a big cafeteria on campus. The food service manager should consider open a space that would benefit everyone. Taking into consideration that most of the students only work part time, low prices meals should be the most interesting choice.

    Firstly, the cafeteria can provide all students foods for a good price and also including meals for vegetarians and non-vegetarians people. Since I started my classes, four years ago, I have never seen a restaurant selling this kind of food inside college. It is a good moment to encourage students to be healthy. Definitely, we are not satisfied with the food currently sold and I can hear many students complaining about prices. However, we need to consider that a cafeteria is different from a restaurant, but if they guarantee a variety of options, certainly would satisfy students’ needs.
    Moreover, many students spend much time on campus, increasing demand for food. The cafeteria can offer fresh, healthy and fast meals, what makes people choose a new style. With a great offer, people will be more confident to buy their meals from the cafeteria instead bringing it home.

    Thank you for allowing me to express my opinion on this choice.

  163. Task2: Option B: Big cafeteria: The cafeteria can offer students low prices meals. It also offers a large variety of food options for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

    It was greatly appreciated that you asked for my opinions regarding the new food services provider at our university. As far as I am concerned, I think the big cafeteria would be a better choice.

    Firstly, most of us have a very tight course schedule, which indicates we don’t have much time to spend at lunch. A cafeteria definitely meets our needs because it could serve the food very fast. Besides, majority of the students doesn’t live on campus, instead they lived quite far away. As a result, we don’t have a huge demand for fancy food, but some light meals to fill up our stomach.

    In addition, our school has around ninety percent of full-time students, and student doesn’t have a constant source of income. Thus, we need to be very careful about buying things. Otherwise, we would run into financial problems. The cafeteria option promised to provide food at a relatively cheap price. I believe this would indeed help the students to save some money to do other things of interest.

    In summary, the cafeteria would be a better option because It not only provides us various food options but also helps us save some money.

    Thanks for your time in considering my response.

    Best regards,


  164. Task1:

    Dear Owner of Steven Fitness Center,

    I am writing this email to complain about my gym membership at your store located at 12345 nelson ave.

    Firstly, I was attracted by the store’s promotion at the 7-11 convenience store around my house. It clearly stated that the gym provides onsite swimming pool and sauna room. Also, I am a person who enjoys water activity a lot. Therefore, I decided to try out your gym.

    Right after I signed the paperwork for membership, I was checking out the gym, and this location does not have any water facilities available. As a result, I raised the concern to the store manager, but he completely ignored me, and told me to get out because I am asking him to cancel my membership. In addition, he threatens me that if I do not leave right now, he would call the police.

    I have no way to escalate the issue but reach out to you. To address this incident, I would prefer a cancellation of my membership as well as a formal apology from the store manager.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards,


  165. Dear store owner,

    I am writing you to express my dissatisfaction in your fitness store. I purchased a 2-years membership and found there are inconsistent services between the advertisement and real life. I also feel helpless about your customer service.

    There are several things different from the advertisement. The advertisement shows there is a yoga class on wednesday and friday weekly but i couldn’t find it on fitness schedule. In addition, the fitness equipment is still the same as before which does not seem to be renew as shown on advertisement.

    I also feel disrespect from the store manager. I tried to confirm the yoga class schedule and he replied that everything is in proceeding and i just need to wait for it. And he also can’t tell when is the new equipment coming and did not provide further helps.

    Given the seriousness of this issue, i would like to have a full refund on my membership or confirm either the yoga class or new equipment schedule as soon as possible. I look forward to your response.



  166. Personally, i think building a big cafeteria would be a better choice. Even though famous restaurants are more popular, i think big cafeteria would be a better choice for several reasons.

    The first benefit would be saving money for students. Many students have a student loan and they have low income even they have a part-time job so they have to plan a daily board expense. Big cafeteria offer low prices meals that fit students’ expense needed perfectly.

    The second benefit would save time for students. Famous restaurants might locate in a different area. For example, it needs 5 minutes to walk to the keg restaurant from the library, but it takes 10 minutes to subway. It would be more convenient to have different kinds of food in one area such as the big cafeteria.

    Considering these reasons, I believe it would be a better choice for having a big cafeteria on campus. Again, these are my personal belief, but I will support whatever decision is made.

    Thank you for giving me a chance to provide input on this issue.

  167. To whom it may concern,

    I am writing this email to express the issue I have about the membership in your fitness center. I purchased a 2-year membership and find that some of the services are not included and different from the advertisement. I tried to contact the manager but he did not provide effective help.

    The problem is that he did not provide efficient help. I saw that there is a membership yoga course in every Tuesday and Friday which show in the advertisement. When I go to fitness there is no yoga class these days. I asked the manager and he just replied the yoga course is coming soon but he can not tell the particular time.

    I suggest that fitness should confirm the yoga course as soon as possible and giving a particular time. I understand that the advertisement’s contents need to be multifarious but it should be consistent with what the contents described. Both I and my friends who are the membership in here can schedule our time to take the yoga course rather than keep waiting or cancel the membership.

    I just figured I would bring this to your attention to improve your services to the customer. Again, I think your fitness is a good place which locates near my home, but could you provide a more consistent and effective service?



  168. Dear Sir/ Madam
    I would like to express my great dissatisfaction with services in your fitness centre.
    On March 31, I purchased 2- year membership to “BCC”, located on 3333 Dundas Street E in Elora.
    I found your business advertisement in a flyer delivered to my home. Unfortunately, within just first few days I have had very unsatisfactory experience.
    For starters, your advertisement stated that you provide high quality and brand new equipment, that was nowhere to be found. I had to exercised on the old, rusty and broken machines.
    Additionally, the yoga classes you offered everyday at 7 pm were not available. Not only, were overbooked, but also scheduled only once a week on Wednesday at 6 pm. I must add I was looking forward to join them.
    To top it all, the showers at your facility are limited, and do not meet the number of the registered members to use them. Most of us had to debate on leaving the gym without taking a shower or wait long hours to actually take one.
    I have approached your shift manager with these issues. I thought he will be able to help. However, his conduct was very unprofessional. He also seemed to be overly preoccupied to give me any attention. At the end, he gave no importance to my issues and suggested to go to the gym elsewhere. I could not believe my ears. He was very rude, that I shouted at him and left the premises.
    Consequently, I would appreciate your concern and would like to ask for a refund. You could also take a closer look at the situation in your centre and additionally, take some urgent actions to solve the issues.
    I look forward to your prompt reply.
    Yours truly,

  169. Considering the ongoing issue with respect to the canteen menu I would like to appreciate the move by canteen authorities to modify the food and beverage services. I would prefer outlets offering low priced but nutritious food instead of branded fast food chains.

    There are various reasons to support my claim. Firstly, pocket friendly food would be affordable for all. Secondly, the nutritious eatables would result in positive health benefits for the learners. Thirdly, frequent special food options can be made available as per the festivals and seasons. Lastly, availability of food variety for folks with both vegetarian and non-vegetarian inclination would ensure students focusing on studies rather than food wandering.

    On the other hand, the famous restaurants would focus on the profits than the contents. Unhealthy food offered by them might make students inactive and obese. In the long run it would inculcate habit among students to consume fast food.

    As healthy young generation is of paramount importance, I would advocate for option B and go away with the famous chain eateries.

  170. Dear James,

    Hope you find this mail at best of your health.

    I am penning down this email to express my concern with respect to gym services in Ottawa branch.

    I was attracted by your new year advertising appealing corporate professionals to take up physical exercises to overcome the stressful work life. The marketing communication promised subscribers with complimentary monthly diet consultation and Yoga. Considering it as the need of the hour I immediately subscribed to it as a 2 year member.

    Unfortunately things did not went through as per my expectations. I was informed that Diet consultancy and Yoga services would begin once the full time Dietician and Yoga instructor is hired. With the issue unresolved for more than two months, the manager when contacted did not budge and blamed central office for not providing the adequate staff.

    With no floor level resolution, I am forced to write to you requesting to look at the matter urgently. Ad you are aware that it is of paramount importance to stick to service delivery promises, I suggest you to temporarily appoint part-time Dieticians and Yoga instructors to commence the promised services for the good of members like us who trusted your words. Lastly I seek for compensation for the mentioned services not received for couple of months.

    Awaiting positive response from your end.


  171. Task 2:

    It is greatly appreciated that you are inviting our views on either choosing restaurants or big cafeteria as alternative for current food service. Personally, I think restaurants will satisfy our needs.

    As a matter of fact, students are sort of picky when they decide what to eat; therefore, they need a huge variety of options on food and it’s better no duplicated meals. Even though big cafeteria is able to provide us with both vege and non-vege food, restaurants will be more professional and serve us better. Compared with cafeteria, restaurants have higher standard on food service and give us more cuisines. On the other hand, an open cafeteria also means a noisy environment. However, most of us would like a silent place. Finally, I believe cafeteria will just solve the problem in short-term, with the development of student’s demand, they will need professional food service and better environment, which means there is a risk of expanding or rebuild cafeteria to restaurants, so why not directly replace current food services with restaurants.

    In conclusion, restaurants outweigh the benefit of choosing big cafeteria because it will solve all problems at a time.

  172. Dear Sir/ Madam
    On March 31, I purchased 2- year membership to your fitness centre, located on 3333 Dundas Street E in Elora.
    I found your business advertisement in a flyer delivered to my home very interesting. However, within just first few days I had very unsatisfactory experience. For starters, your advertisement state that you provide high quality and brand new equipment, that was nowhere to be found. I had to exercised on the old, rusty and broken machines.
    Additionally, the yoga classes you offered everyday at 7 pm were not available. Not only, they were overbooked, but also scheduled only once a week on Wednesday at 6 pm. I must add I was looking forward to join them.
    To top it all, the showers at your facility are limited in number, and do not meet the amount of the registered members to use them. Most of us had to debate on leaving the gym without taking a shower or wait very long time to actually take one.
    I have approached your shift manager with these issues. I thought he will be able to help. However, his conduct was very unprofessional. He also seemed to be overly preoccupied to give me any attention. At the end, He gave no importance to my issues and suggested to go to the gym elsewhere. I could not believe my ears. He was very rude, that I shouted at him and left the premises.
    Consequently, I would appreciate your concern and would like to ask for a refund, or better yet, you could take a closer look at the situation in your centre. Additionally, take some urgent actions to try to meet members needs.
    Yours truly,
    Joe J

  173. Dear Sir/ Madam
    I am writing to you to express my great dissatisfaction with services, I have experienced in your Lola Fitness Club.
    I have recently purchased 2- year membership to your fitness centre, and to my surprise the advertised services compared to the ones offered at the centre are different story.
    First, you advertised a sophisticated equipment, that was nowhere to be found. Instead, I and other fellow members exercised on old, dirty and rusty machines. Second, there was an unpleasant smell coming out of the change room area and following that the showers number is insufficient to cover growing amount of members at the gym. Most of us waste lots of time waiting for his or her turn to take a shower. To top it all, fitness advisory seem not to be qualified for their jobs. We have to manage how to operate the equipment by ourselves.
    I have attempted to speak to your manager with regards to above mentioned issues. He gave no attention to it, denied that there is a problem, and completely disregarded my complaint.
    Hence, I would be grateful to you, if you could refund my money I paid for the membership, or better yet, took a closer look at the situation in your club, and resolved the issues we are facing. I am sure this would also satisfy my fellow members.

    Yours truly,


  174. Dear Manager,

    I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction of services in fitness center. I purchased a 2 years membership because of attractive advertisement, however, what they really offered is totally different.

    Based on the advertisement, if I bought a 2 years membership, then I could get a half year yoga course for free. However, when I came to the fitness center, I was told the yoga course is not opened yet and clerk at front door knew nothing about the yoga course. On the other hand, I only saw old and dirty fitness equipment are there instead of new and bright fitness equipment as promised on the advertisement.

    In order to solve these issues, I talked to the manager yesterday. Unfortunately, he have no idea when the yoga course would be opened and try to fool me on equipment issue. I think his attitude is very irresponsible and did not respect me. Therefore, I would like to get my monkey back, or other that than, renew those old equipment and start the yoga class as soon as possible.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you!


  175. In this survey, I would like to go with option B. Of course, option A seemed like to have a few rationales to choose by someone. But in my opinion, I prefer to make a choice option B with several rationales.

    First aspect, the students have the right to choose the meal according to their inclination. The college has to make an environment for them as providing different type of the food every lunch or dinner time, so everyone can get satisfaction from the choice as themselves.

    Second aspect has to do with monopoly market that can be harm to small restaurant business that is related with dwellers.

    If the college accept to run business to big box chain restaurant, there are no space for the small business that is ran by residents, and they can be a family or friends of students. We need to give them a chance to build themselves up the business and It can be the best way to develop not only for the college but also for the residents and students.

    The rationales that I mentioned above are the reason why I would prefer to go with option B and I really appreciate to get this opportunity to express my opinion. Thank you.

  176. In order to improve the services offered to the students on campus, I totally agree that with the change the university is planning to do. I am more inclined towards the cafeteria option than having a variety of restaurants.

    First of all, the budget for students is limited, and the meal price in the cafeteria is significantly less than the meal price in restaurants, therefore, the cafeteria would be more suitable for them. Not to mention that the large variety of food offered in one place is more attractive than having scattered restaurants all over the campus.

    Additionally, a big cafeteria would have a large eating hall where all the students gather together and one cannot differentiate between the rich and the poor. Eating in restaurants, on the other hand, can create barriers between students especially that some restaurants have higher prices than others. This can be a nucleus for stratification among university students.

    It is a great idea to have food services improved, and I fully recommend the cafeteria option.

  177. Dear Sir;

    I have recently joined your fitness center by purchasing the 2-year membership program, but I have been surprised to find out that some services claimed in the advertisement were missing in real life.
    For example, it is mentioned that the center opens from 6 am in the morning till 12 am. Since I am working in a bank, the 6 am schedule suits me and this was the main purpose for me considering your center. To my surprise, I was told by the receptionist that this timing is invalid anymore, and the new timing starts from 7:30 which is not suitable for me.

    In addition to the first false information about the timing, I was frustrated to know that the swimming pool which was mentioned in the advertisement that it would be open all year long will be open only in the summer time.

    Obviously, I raised my concerns to the fitness manager who was unprofessional in dealing with my grievance. In fact, he neglected my emails sent to him regarding this matter.

    Frankly, I am not satisfied with this service and thus I kindly ask you for a refund for the amount I have paid for the membership.
    Appreciate your prompt reply

  178. Task 2 response:
    Please review and let me know where I stand. Thanks in advance!

    Albeit both alternatives have great value of interests, however, I would like to prefer cafeteria instead of restaurants.
    There are several essential points why I am suggesting college’s internal space for variety of different foods.
    Main reason, I can imagine if the college will provide in house food services then how the food would be excellent to consider food’s quality, healthy and price wise as compare with restaurants’ services. Additionally college management will have more control to manage food services rather to follow up with restaurants owners.
    Moreover, food management would be able to change varieties of foods time to time as basis of demands from college’s staffs and students. Also college officials can organize audit facility to check food material quality and make an appropriate decisions based on results.
    Furthermore, I would like to highlight food prices always will be cheaper than restaurant’s foods, so in this way students will be able to manage without any financial issues. We all know very well most of the time students face expenses concerns during their academic studies.
    However, I can see why some of students can choose restaurants rather internal food services. Off course, many people like to eat tasty foods as provided by the reputed food chains, but maybe to consider health’s compromises. I fairly believe that restaurants never can provide cheap food options same as can provide in house food services.
    To conclude, as I have laid out a few reasons, I think internal food selection would be the best choice for us if we closely go through the benefits of choices.

  179. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I hope you are doing well!
    I am writing to you this mail to express my disappointment regarding services your health
    club is not providing which you offered via advertisement.

    Begin with, there is no any trainer who can guide to us for right of way exercise and help us
    for our diet plan. Such as what we should eat or avoid during exercise days in favor of reducing unwanted
    fat and get the attractive shape of the body. Although it was fairly mentioned that, full time trainer always available, in the package highlights.

    Secondly, message bed was pretty attraction of the plan which I bought, but again false commitment in this offer as well. There is no message bed in the fitness area.

    Thus, I had raised and discussed these concerns with present shift manager, yet he said trainer and message bed will be available within couple of days. I asked him again after a week, but he said he does not know when these facilities will be available.

    This is very unsatisfactory situation to me as because I bought this package to consider these facilities, specially trainer.

    I would like to you please look into this concern and please help to provide services as committed in the promotion otherwise I would like to break the contract with your fitness center and would prefer refund my full money which already paid.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Your sincerely,

  180. Task 2.

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am writing this letter to inform you about the inconvenience that I have to face because of the unethical mode of advertising technique followed by your institution. Although it was clearly mentioned in the advertisement that for 2 year membership, the fitness center will be providing free yoga classes on a weekly basis, which is not followed. It took me two weeks to understand that your gym is not proving any such service.

    In addition, when I tried to resolve this problem with your manager, the response that I received was so cold. He was not at all concerned about this, instead, he was trying to convince me to pay extra for the yoga classes, which is completely unacceptable. This is a clear case of misleading a customer.

    Hence, I demand that, either you have to provide the services as promised in the advertisements or should repay the money that have been taken from us. Otherwise, I will be forced to contact the legal authority.

    I hope that you can understand the gravity of the situation and will take necessary steps to resolve this issue without any delay.

    Yours faithfully

  181. You recently made reservations for dinner at a very famous restaurant in town. However, the meal and the service were terrible. The restaurant manager was not available to solve the problem, so you left without a resolutions

    State the problems you had with the food
    Complain about the services
    Describe how you want the restaurant to resolve the problems:

    Dear Restaurant Manager

    I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction with the bad experience I had at your restaurant. On
    July, 25 I visited your restaurant with my mom on her birthday dinner.
    I already did my reservation for evening at 7 pm. We reached at the restaurant on time and waited to be seated for 15 minutes, there is no one for greeting us. Finally someone came and took us to our seat. We seated comfortably and look at the menu .After that, again we had to wait for waiter to offer us drinks and food. Throughout the evening, the service was terrible. At one point service boy took someone else’s food on our table.

    The food was also very disappointed. we ordered some French fries and and lamps. The lamps were overcooked and fries were soggy .The drink that recommended to us tasted like one of the cheap table drink.
    Unfortunately, you was not present on that day to resolve my problem. We left the restaurant extremely disappointed in the experience. I know the reputation of your restaurant is good but my experience was not so much good. So, I want the full refund of our meal and discount on our next visit.
    I hope you will resolve this matter .

    I would look forward to your response.


  182. TASK 2

    Personally, I think option A would be a better choice. Even though having a big cafeteria with low price meals would be a good alternative, having a variety of famous restaurants would meet everyone’s needs.

    Firstly, having many restaurants instead of one cafeteria would offer a wider variety of meals. The college receives a large number of international students with different tastes every term, and this would make their life easier as they may have very different dietary habits. Therefore, it is better to guarantee they have many options to choose from.

    Secondly, having more than one option would create a competitive environment, thus guaranteeing reasonable prices. It is known that most colleges that have only one food supplier also charge higher prices, which would highly impact the students’ budget.

    Considering these reasons, I ratify my opinion that option A would be more beneficial to the college. Everyone would have their expectations regarding price and quality met. This is my opinion, but I will support whatever decision is made.

  183. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the services at your fitness center. I have bought a 2-year membership plan based on an advertisement promoted on your website. However, the services advertised do not match with the ones that are really offered.

    Firstly, the daily dance classes that I was extremely excited about have never happened. The only classes I have seen in the schedule are related to martial arts, which I am not interested in. Secondly, the equipment, advertised as high-end, are all old and some are even broken, making them impossible to be used. To make matters worse, I have been trying to schedule the free initial assessment with the fitness advisor for 2 months, but I have been told that there is no one available.

    I have tried to reach an agreement with the manager. However, he was terribly rude and ignored my request. Therefore, I would appreciate if you could please cancel my membership and give me a full refund.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours faithfully,

    Camila Alves

  184. Please check this

    Your niece has just graduated from high school with remarkable grades. She was the brightest student in her class. However, she wants to work immediately and does not consider going to college.
    Our email should do t e following things

    Explain how you feel her high school grads,
    Explain why going to college necessary
    Explain why working instead of perusing her college education is a mistake.

    Hello Marry
    Yesterday, I got your letter I feel jubilant when I read that you has just passed your high school with remarkable grades. I know you are also over the moon and a proud moment for our family. i was very confident about your success because I know that you was a very bright student in your class.
    According to me , going college and get the graduation degree is the basic requirement of life moreover without a degree you can’t be do a high profile job ,you just be a part of part time designations. Furthermore benefits of going to college is that you will make new friend and in college there is a lot of students from different places and different states so that time would be very precious for you and you will gain more knowledge from different culture and languages and with my experience college life is the best part of life.
    In my knowledge, you want to do work instead of perusing college I think it is your mistake to choose work. I can’t understand, what’s the need of doing work however you have a strong background. Independent is good thing as well as education is also very important in our life, with higher education you will be able to do a government job because every government job requirement is graduation and master degree. I think you should consider going to college. I hope you understand.
    Again congratulations for your success and good luck my dear.
    Best Regards


  185. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction from the services being offered at your fitness centre.

    I’ve recently purchased a 2-year membership at your fitness centre based on the services that are being offered at your fitness centre.But unfortunately, it was a complete false advertisement.There are only some services that are being offered among all the services those were listed in the advertisement at your fitness centre.For example, the advertisement says there a yoga centre and sauna bath available the fitness centre but when I went there, they didn’t have any of those.

    I spoke the current manager of the fitness centre about this and shockingly, he denied to help me resolve this issue. On top of that, he asked me to get my membership cancelled and go somewhere else.May be he was having a bad day but I was really disappointed with his behaviour towards me.I hope you talk to the manager about this.Meanwhile,I would like a full refund of the fees I paid for the membership.

    I’m looking forward to hearing back from you.


  186. Dear Sir/ Madam,

    I am writing to you regarding my dissatisfaction with the services provided by your gym. Last week, I enrolled on the 2-year membership at your center, as I saw your advertisement billboard near my house. However, the propaganda displayed that the gym was open 24/7 and there was a pool available. For my surprise, I not only did not find any swimming pools, but I was requested to leave at 8 p.m. during my workout, because the space was closing.
    Moreover, when I got to speak with the manager, he advised me that there was nothing that could be done, since these were the gym premises and rules. This kind of customer service attitude towards a new client is not what is expected at any establishment, so I feel very disappointed.
    In order to solve my situation, I would like to revoke my membership at your fitness centre effective immediately. If my request is not accepted, I will be contacting a lawyer to sue the gym for misleading advertisement.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Sincerely Yours,

  187. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction regarding a long term membership purchased recently at your fitness center. I came across a bill board next to my office which stated fitness center with the latest equipment, sauna and massage unit. Later that day, I purchased the plan via your website.

    To begin with, during my first visit yesterday, I was in total disbelief after checking out the amenities at the gym. While a wide variety of modern equipment is present as mentioned, there was no sign of either sauna or massage units, both of which were clearly mentioned in the advertisement.

    Furthermore, I spoke to the shift manager who was in the reception area. Although he seemed cooperative at first, upon confronting him about the false advertising, he started to ignore me and carried out with signing up of new clients. Which I felt was totally disrespectful.

    I request you to kindly issue me a complete refund including the convenience fee charged. If you can process the refund within the next week, I will stay away from further publishing any negative reviews.

    I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

    Yours Sincerely,
    John Smith

  188. Der Avis company ,

    I am writing to complain about your unsatisfactory service. I had booked a Toyota corolla from your website before I arrived in Toronto for Business trip . On July 13 , 2019 I picked the car form your shop located on 23 greenway road , Toronto .

    However I was allocated a bad condition car. The manual gear system of the car was so rigid it was making trouble to shift the next gear. Consequently , I travelled a distance of approximately 2 kilometer and suddenly heard a loud noise from the gear shifting area. believed the gear system was broken and car wen to the neutral . I tried to put the gears but unfortunately all attempts went successful .

    As it has specifically mentioned on the company website for 24 hour availability for road assistance program . I called many times your company contact number . To my surprise , nobody picked my phone.

    I would like my money paid for the services would be reimbursed .

    I am looking forward to hear rom you .



  189. Dear Scotiabank Management ,

    I am writing to make a request regarding my monthly instalments .

    Last year , I got a educational loan from your bank located on 23 East Broadway , surrey. The monthly payment each month was fixed for $ 200. I was not charged any interest rate on the amount borrowed owing to the fact that Bank has a no interest rate policy towards student loan had been established .

    I am working in the private animation industry. Due to the recession this year , the owner of the company has mandated Human resource department to reduce the working hours of all employees. Perhaps , I believe my monthly salary will be reduced to half this month. The amount is just enough to cover the house expenses , and certainly , I will miss the payment for the August month .

    I would like to pay the missed payment with September installment together .

    I am hoping you will consider my request



  190. Dear sir/madam,

    I am writing to complain about your unsatisfactory services . On July 11 , 2019 I visited your restaurant located on 23 east Broadway with my friend.

    The chicken curry ordered at your restaurant was not full cooked. When, I tried to ate a piece of chicken. the completely different taste astonished me . I quickly took it out with the fear of something wrong has eaten , and saw a blood visible on the meat. It assured my opinion that food is uncooked from inside .

    Also , the customer service was not impressive . We had waited for about an hour before we offered a table to sat. We understood the fact restaurant gets busy suddenly but sadly it was disrespectful that the waiter didn’t took any initiative to apologise for the wait .

    I would like the money paid would be reimbursed or if possible , issue a discount coupon for next time .

    I am looking forward to hear from you .



  191. Dear Amazon,

    I am writing to complain for your unsatisfactory services . Two months ago , I ordered two shirts and a jean from your online website www. amazon.ca . The total of $350 was accumulated for both items and it was paid through my Scotiabank visa card. To my surprise , the items has not been delivered till today .

    The company website exhibits delivery of any stuff within Canada will be delivered within 1 week . Consider that I was expected my parcel to be arrived on the last week of the April. However , instead of disappointment I didn’t receive anything .

    I would be grateful if my items will be delivered within a time bound period . If it isn’t possible,reimburse the money paid . Also, please find attached a copy of transaction receipt from my bank .

    I am looking forward to hear from you .


  192. Dear Mr. Robinson ,

    I am writing to inform you for unable to attend the todays meeting at 4.00 pm in Conference room .

    Since last night, I am having pain in my stomach. The pain is so severe it made problem for me to walk. Though I visited the medical clinic early morning to have treatment and go for meeting . On the other side , doctor recommended a complete rest for a week because the food poison virus has been spread all over my body. The physical moment can become risky for the body . Unfortunately , the problems blocked all my ways to arrive at the meeting .

    I prepared all architect plans for our company’s next building project. I apologize for causing a delay in the work . If it possible , could please defer the meeting next week. I

    I m looking forward to hear from you .


  193. Dear sir/madam,

    I am writing to you because last Sunday I forgot my red Rolex watch at your gym . I am member of your fitness centre located on the 34 east Broadway , surrey .

    As usually, I went to the lockers room to put my belongings including watch in my locker rom no.57. Though I insert all stuff in the locker; however, my watch was left behind on the table. The table is in the front of the locker no.68 and besides the changing room .

    It is the last gift from my grandfather before he died . I have lot of emotions attached to it .

    If you find it , please call me or message me at 404985877. If I couldn’t able to answer the phone, leave the meassage I will get back to you as soon as possible .

    I am looking forward to hear from you



  194. Dear sir/madam,

    I am writing to complain for your dissatisfactory services . Influenced by the facilities written on your advertisement pamphlet , I purchased a premium membership of your gym located on the 23 east Broadway on 23 may 2019. unfortunately , all the services mentioned on the flyer hasn’t been delivered .

    First, sauna bath was the most attractive facility to me , and it is nowhere to be found on the gym . In addition, I haven’t gotten any training from a personal trainer since last month because only one personal trainer is working and there is long awaiting list of fellow members . Last , the 24 hour open service of the store is not in practise, last Sunday I visit the store at 1.00 pm and found it locked .

    To fix the problem, I went to the store and explained the issue to the manager. To my surprise, I was shocked by his answer. Certainly , I was asked to leave the store in an arrogant behaviour when other customers was watching .

    I would be grateful if $1000 paid for my membership would be reimbursed or if possible , install the given facilities in the advertisement flyer within time bound period, Also , please consider a mandatory training program of employees for effective customer service .


  195. Dear sir/ madam ,

    I am volunteer of astha foundation and it runs as a non profit organization by trustees . The mandate is to provide financial and emotional assistance to abandoned children. It Is achieved by providing a free accommodation and paying all education expenses till graduated from high school . In addition, considering the children’s health , a team of cook is hired to provide them nutrition’s meals .

    Unfortunately, since last month the number of children coming to us has been increased. Although we are committed to help them , however, money is the hindrance on our way . In order to solve the problem , we hired a Nehru stadium to organize a basketball match with entry fee of $10 will be collected from individual peron

    I would appreciate if you would like to contribute some money . The money will be used to pay the

    I am looking forward to hear from you

    Regards Raj

  196. Dear team members,

    I am writing to share the planned trip details for our trip to Toronto , Canada. We will be having 3 days meeting with Randhawa Inc. from July , 15 2019 to July,18 2019.

    I have scheduled a flight with west jet on 14 July, 2019 at 3.30 pm and we will be reached on same day at 6.30 pm in Toronto . All members are suggested to arrive 1 hour before because Fridays road traffic is infamous for long hours delay.

    The taxis will be waiting for us on the Toronto Pearson airport , and will be traveled to the Landrace hotel located on the 23 marine way drive . The best dining award winning hotel in the hotel north America . With regards to the departure Toronto to Vancouver, the tickets has been booked for Air Canada at 3.30 pm on July 19, 2019 nd reached at 4.40 pm on July 19 , 2019 in Vancouver.

    Another thing , I want to bring your attention is regarding the lunch given by our client company in Sheraton hotel at July 19, 2019 at 9.00 am. The hotel is located besides the airport so we have to leave our accommodation place by 8.00 am .

    I would like to ask your opinion for the scheduled trip.



  197. Dear sir/madam,
    I am writing to complain for not following a no dog policy in my residential building by other tenants .I am living in one of your company’s building at 2311 , 154a Surrey and my Apartment number is 255.

    I hear a dog barks everyday next door apartment . The voice of the dog is at high level and more frequently in the night contrast with the day. It disturbs my sleep, resulted to my work and health affected due to less hour of sleep . In addition, apartment hall has been stunk and it has happened after they arrived last month . The reason , I believe dog feces is being dumped in the garbage inside the room .

    A similar problem, I faced in my last place and it made my decision to left the building. Considering the no dog policy written on the advertisement pamphlet , I chose your building to rent. Please spare some time on some day and Visit their apartment . I am hoping that you will find a dog .

    I appreciate if dog would be take away from the building . However, if it couldn’t happen , I am afraid that I will have to look for another place to rent.

  198. My choice would Option A: Restaurants. Although I do understand the benefits of a large cafeteria, I still believe that having various restaurants would bring more competition and variety to the students.
    My first reason is that students can easily become bored, that being said, having the many options that these famous’ restaurants would bring could curb some of this boredom and thereby creating a happier more productive student.
    Secondly, as college is becoming increasingly expensive to attend, most students will pick up part time work to make their college experience easier on the pocket. Students could work in these same restaurants on campus, it is close-by and convenient.
    To summarize, I think that having several popular restaurants on campus would help moral. Knowing that your favourite restaurant isn’t too far away would help save study and travel time.
    Thanks for letting me take part in this survey.

  199. Dear Randhawa fitness centre,

    I am writing to complain for not providing the services mentioned on the company’s flyer . Based on the Advertisement pamphlet ,On January 23 , 2019 I paid $2000 for the premium membership of your gym located on the 23 payal business centre , surrey. To my surprise^, I havnt given any of the offered services .

    The three amenities offered on the advertisement was free sauna bath , a personal trainer, and digital equipment . However, all fellow member’s are still using old equipment , and free sauna bath and a personal trainer is nowhere to be found in the gym .

    I approached the manager to fix the problem. Nevertheless , his arrogant behaviour made the situation worse. The manager mocked my speaking disability in front of customers and suggested to join other gym in case of urgency . I felt humiliated and left the store .
    I would be grateful if deposited money of $2000 will be reimbursed or if possible , all the facilities would be stored in the fitness centre within a time bound period . Also , please consider a training program for effective customer service for employees .
    I am looking forward to hear from you .

  200. Dear sir or madam,

    I am writing this email to you because I recently purchased a 2 year membership at your Gym and I found the advertised services either non-existent or in an almost unusable and quite frankly, dangerous condition.

    One of the biggest reasons that I wanted to join your Gym in the first place was to use the elliptical machines, of which there were none. I could only find several old and very rusty treadmills. Perhaps an elliptical machine is on its way?

    Secondly, I started to do some stretching on the ground after using one of the retro treadmills, and I was surprised to find that the wood was splintering through the rubber mats , I ended up with a few cuts on my buttocks and thighs. I approached the manager with these points in mind and was met with nothing but contempt. She laughed off the fact that I was bleeding from the decomposing floorboards.

    In an attempt to resolve these problems I don’t think it would be asking too much for a full refund.
    I would also be receptive to a talk with the manager to smooth things over.

    Kind regards.

  201. From my perspective, college authority meet the students better food service request in the campus , if more famous restaurant will be allowed . It has two folds :
    Firstly, For instance , if bigger franchise food chain restaurants like MacDonald’s , A&W or etc. will be opened in the campus. Most of the students have eaten food from one of these restaurant. Hence , they will have an opportunity to eat their favourite food , if any .
    Secondly, students can enjoy the benefits of decent food price . There is always a competition between food franchise company and , their company director always keen to do something in the competitive industry to look superior than others . Most of the times , they issue discount or coupons to attract more customers . This will help the students to buy their food frequently .
    Furthermore, there ill be increase in the customer service owing to the fact that fear of losing customer in franchise owner perspectice will work to give better service always .
    Thus, more restaurants in the campus is beneficial for the students .

    • Nice work! You would most probably score 6 or 7 at best with this writing style. Keep up improving!

  202. Dear sir/madam ,
    I am writing to express my concerns for services not effective mentioned on the company’s flyer. I paid $300 membership fee of your fitness centre located in the 34 while rock ,surrey to get facilities written on the advertisement pamphlet . However, I received the facilities completely different than offered .
    First and foremost , a free sauna bath is no where to be found in the fitness centre . Although , receptionist is asking every time $ 30 entrance fee to use it . Furthermore , a personal trainer has not been provided to our fellow member , and we do our exercise by consulting each other . Additionally, we are still using the old and rusty equipment , and digital equipment is still not installed in the gym
    In order to fix the problem , I approached and explained the matter to the Manager . To my surprise , situation became worse by his arrogant behaviour and suggested to join other gym in case of urgency . I felt humiliated
    I would like to have my membership fee refund or store all aforementioned facilities within a time bound period . Also, I would suggest a mandatory training of customer service for employees .

    • Nice work! Your writing style would get 6 or 7 at best. Keep up improving if you need a higher score.

  203. Dear sir/madam,
    I am writing email to complain the services offered in the advertisement brochure didn’t deliver by the management . On 23 January, i purchased membership of your fitness center located on the 2311 Marine way , Barnaby.
    For the first and foremost, a free sauna bath was specifically highlighted on the company’s flyer , however, i have been asked for 30$ entrance fee every time by the personnel to use it . Additionally , a free trainer is no where to be found . Furthermore , members are still using the old and rusty equipment , and waiting for the promised new equipment .
    In an attempt to solve the matter , i approached and explained the matter to the manager . To my surprise , he didn’t show an interest to find a solution. Initially , he was not paying any attention to my words and made a situation worse for his other fitness recommendation in case of urgency . I felt humiliated by his behaviour .
    If it is possible , store all facilities within a time bound period or $ 1200 membership fee should be reimbursed . A traing program should also be considered by the management to educate the customer servicve clerk for effective communication skills .
    I look forard to hear from you

    • Nice try! I think this one should score 5. You should work more on your writing if you need a higher score.

  204. Hi Sir/Madam,

    Hope you are doing good,

    I am just sending this email to raise my concern about the services provided by the fitness center. From the advertisement given in the newspaper, Fitness Center provides few amenities like Sauna and Swimming pools but I have not seen them in lively.

    I went to the fitness center few yesterday and I found there are less services than described in the newspaper which is very misleading to every customer. I have been going to the franchise of this gym in different location for over 2 years and I did not have any issue. When I report about this to the manager, he was very unresponsive and in return he advised me to cancel the subscription and visit another Gym.

    The way the manager responded to my complaint was even more painful. So I recommend you to provide the factual information about the services to the public via newspaper advertisements. Personally, I invested my time and money for gaining the disrespect and dissatisfaction. I believe if would be really helpful if you can provide me the refund or free subscription for 3 months in any of your franchise in our town.

    I look forward to your response

    Thanks & Regards


  205. Dear sir/madam ,
    I am writing email to express dissatisfaction for the amenties has not been delivered contrast with the published on an Advertisement brochure. I was impressed by the company pamphlet facilities and joined your fitness centre located in 2311 marine way road , Burnaby on 23th January .
    To begin with sauna bath, I had spent two hours on first day to found before manager told its non presence in the gym . Secondly, high tech equipment operates with button was offered, irrespective of that old equipment works with bar is being still used by the fellow members. Lastly, a trainer for free services has not been executed . Unfortunately ,I was asked by receptionist to pay $200 more to enjoy the service .
    To solve this issues , I approached and explained the matter to the Manager. Unlikely , I was shocked to hear his response to join other gym in the city .
    I would like my membership fee of $1200 be reimbursed or all the facilities mentioned on the brochure should be stored within a timeframe . Furthermore , a disciplinary action to held a manager accountable for his misconduct should be considered .
    I will look forward to hearing from you

  206. Dear Fitness Management Group,

    I am writing this letter for my utter dissatisfaction of the services which your fitness group was providing to the member of the GYM.

    I was engaged to this fitness center by countless advertised using the various mode of invitations for 2-year membership plan. Various facilities like free parking, free trainer, 24/7 service, hot yoga, and swimming are mentioned in the membership plan. Unfortunately, I never found a parking space and even a single service mentioned before taking membership was not running or not working. Sum up to that, more worst services include that, the washroom was not clean and the shower was also not working properly.

    I hope that all these issues mentioned would resolved as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Fitness manager should have to upgrade their GYM with good facilities and have to send an apologetic letter to all members of the GYM. Otherwise, I request for full reimbursement of my membership fee or else you can transfer my membership to another center which has all facilities included.

    Your Sincerely,

  207. College students are dissatisfied with current food choices available on campus. The opening of popular restaurant chains on campus will likely improve food services and ultimately, satisfy student needs.

    Firstly, popular restaurant chains will already have a reputation that precedes them, therefore marketing needs will be limited, reducing costs. A myriad of food choices will be available, appealing to a greater student population. Additionally, opening restaurants will provide a number of job opportunities for students on campus. Instead of leaving campus to attend jobs to meet financial needs, students can seek out casual positions on campus. Overall, this reduces the time dedicated to transport and this time can be spent to increase study productivity. Moreover, restaurants could be involved in hosting regular events, including trivia nights, karaoke, open-mic nights and stand-up comedy. This will encourage student participation, community involvement and overall increase student well-being on campus. This will, overall, have a cascading positive impact on overall student performance.

    In contrast, the opening of a large cafeteria, whilst financially viable and a considerable option, is not the most pleasing choice. Cafeterias are often large, dirty and unappealing. Opening hours would be restricted and there would be limited opportunity for holding events and encouraging campus engagement. Moreover, food choices will be limited and mass produced.

  208. Among colleges, one of the factors being anticipated by the students is the comfortable accommodation they can have during their free time. The main issue usually finds the students looking for a more pocket-friendly eating place on the campus.
    First, the campus official has to consider different types of eaters. Among them are vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free or meat friendlly eaters. Nowadays, people are vigilant about what they because of health reasons.
    Second, because students are always on the tight budget allowance, it should be more affordable for them to choose the plethora of food options they can have in a place where they can have a more relaxing and stress-free environment.

    To tap it all, restaurants branches out on the campus should have special prices for students as they would cater to all sorts of students with different food inclination. For some students prefer to have a quiet and calming environment whether they’re having a full meal, snacks or meeting up with friends. Whereas, a cafeteria with lots of students can be loud and more unwelcoming.

    Thank you for considering the students well-fare and hearing our opinion.

  209. Students in college are dissatisfied with food services on campus. To improve this, I strongly recommend encouraging well-known restaurants to open up smaller chains on campus. This would promote diversity and satisfy student needs. As well as having a variety of food choices available, restaurants are a fantastic way to build a well-developed campus. Additionally, restaurants could hold weekly events or promotional deals to encourage social connectivity. Overall, this would improve student-wellbeing and have a positive impact on student performance.

    Moreover, well-known restaurants already have a reputation that precedes them. This would mean there would be limited marketing needs. Popular restaurant chains would thrive on a busy campus and allow for a number of job opportunities to become available to students. Thereby, instead of having to travel to attend work off-campus, students can meet financial needs by working for a restaurant chain on campus, reducing cost and transportation time.

    Whilst the option of low-cost food provided in a large cafeteria is considerable and financially more viable, cafeteria’s can often become very crowded, loud and dirty. Variety of food choice is more limited and the atmosphere is often less preferred.

    I believe option A is a more favourable option when considering overall campus life for a student.

  210. I would like to go with option B – Big cafeteria.

    Big cafeteria with large varieties of food options for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians will serve all the students needs and this being a low-priced meal will also be good on the pockets of the students. With this option, I would have different options to choose, depending on my need for food for that day. I understand that, during peak mealtimes, with so many people in the cafeteria, the noise level might be little high, but am okay to make that compromise for the varieties of food it offers, at a relatively competitive price.

    Even though, large restaurant with a good setting and a variety of cuisines is a tempting option, we seldom can afford to go these restaurants daily. Being well known restaurants, the price of each meal falls on the higher side and am not sure all of us can afford it daily. If need be, students can go to these restaurants occasionally, to enjoy the setting and the cuisines.

    Thanks for providing an opportunity to voice my opinion. Being said that, I would like to go with whatever option the campus officials decide or by majority.

  211. Dear Fitness club owners,
    Based on the advertisement pamphlets that came through, I subscribed for a 2-year membership with the club, by paying $1800. It was supposed to include access to all equipment’s apart from 1 session with personal trainer per week, unlimited access to sauna and a towel each day.

    It is a month since I joined, and I don’t find a sauna in the facility. I was provided with a personal trainer for just 1 session, where I should have had 4 sessions.

    I tried to explain these to the manager yesterday. He responded back saying that, since the facility is new, there aren’t so many trainers yet. The sauna is being constructed and should be ready in a few months. I should wait for atleast 3 more months for everything. When I asked if I can transfer my membership to a nearby club with these facilities, I did not get a positive answer either.

    Given this, can you arrange for my membership to be transferred to a near by club with all these facilities. If that is not possible, can I have a full refund, as I didn’t get all that was advertised.


  212. Firstly, I want to thank college facilities for taking my opinion in such a matter and thinking about student’s need in general. I would prefer a big cafeteria instead of few restaurants.

    Me and my friends like different kind of food, but we still want to have lunch on same table with each other. Common cafeteria would allow us to take food of our choice and still sit together. We can also use the common sitting area for other purposes like discussing assignments and projects. Common sitting arrangements can be general hangout place as well.

    Students in our campus usually prefer something cheap to eat as most of us are on a tight budget. Food court will help reduce the cost, as there is no need for waiters or tips. Eating at restaurants is also time consuming. Students are usually in a hurry to go from one class to other and hardly have 30 minutes for lunch. They can just grab food to go very quickly from cafeteria.

    In conclusion, there are lot of advantages of having a big cafeteria which will be missing if we have restaurants instead.


  213. Dear sir/madam,
    On 23 January , a 2 year membership at Rexdale gym located next to sea train station , Vancouver was bourght, Infulenced by an advertisement brochure . nowadays, all trend facilities was demonstrated , surprisingly reality is different enormously . The facilities in service is totally different than offered.
    To begin with , weight lifting machines operates with touch screen was the highlighted product , however , we are still using the old equipment. In addition, sauna bath fee is significantly different than mentioned . The front desk clerks are asking $50 entrance fee ,contrasted with $1 offered. Furthermore ,Last week I visited the gym in the night , and found it locked .Nvertheless, 24 hour service is mentioned in the pamphlet.
    In an attempt to solve the matter ,I explained all issues to the manager. To my surprise ,lack of time for small things was surprising answer by him , certainly he didn’t took it seriously . I believe that management should provide the facilities within a time bound period . I would also be grateful if disciplinary action for the manager’s misdeed should be consider .
    I look forward to hearing from you

  214. Dear Mr. John

    I have joined your gym at the downtown location last Monday after seeing advertisement of your Fitness Centre in a reputed newspaper. It was really upsetting that the inclusions and services mentioned in the advertisement is different from what we get in gym. Please do consider this as a formal written complaint of the experience I have gone through.

    The package which I have opted included a personal trainer and a dietician, but I don’t see that happening. There is only one personal trainer for 5 people and dietician is available only in the evening that is nowhere mentioned in the leaflet that was given to me. Neither was I told this at the time of enrolment.

    I had no other option but to raise a complaint at the reception. As you were not available on that day, I had a chance to interact with the manager. I was taken aback by the way he started behaving once I explained the issue. It was devastating to be a victim of such a bad customer service.

    It would be grateful if you would look into this personally and provide me with a personal trainer and a diet chart prepared by well experienced dietitian as it is not possible for me to come in the evening because of my busy work schedule.

    Thanks in Advance

    Anmol Malik

  215. Dear sir/madam,

    On 24 january,2 year memebership for rexdale gym located in the toronto downtown location was bought , influenced by the facilities have been written on the advertisement brochure. However, the facilities in usage is completely different than offered.
    First , digital equipment operates with touch screen was promised,nevertheless it is nowhere to found and old equipment is still being used . Secondly , Sauna bath with $1 entrance fee for every visit was the prominent attraction , however , last weekend,restrained by the receptionist for usage unless $50 fee will be paid . Lastly , 24 hour open services is not rendered , visited the gym in the midnight twice , unfortunately , found it locked both times.
    The matter was brought in an attention of the manager to solve the problem. However ,He responded rudely, and suggested to join other fitness center because facilities will not be changed sooner . Hence , if possible , disciplinary should be taken for his misconduct . Also , i would like membership fee reimburse or all facilities installed within a given time period .
    I looking forward to hear from you .

  216. I think having restaurants in college campus is far better choice than cafeteria .

    Firstly , more restaurants will increase competition between them , leads to raise the bar of standard and each restaurant owner will work on food quality to attract more customers, and make their business proftiable . . On contrast with cafeteria , it will be worked as a monopoly,consumers quality will not be taken care because management are aware that students don’t have any other choice to eat . It is therefore quality of the food will be deteriorate .
    Secondly, more restaurants will make the customer service more effective , if they are not treated well ,they will not visit them again . On the other side , cafeteria will be worked as a monopoly, owner will focus to sell more quantity of food and will not work on customer service . . Lastly , some people like the specific restaurant food and having that option on campus will be beneficial for them
    Thus , Students will have more benefits with more restaurants .

  217. Dear sir/madam
    I am writing this email to express dissatisfaction for the services not delivered, specifically published on the advertisement brochure .On 20 April,2019 considering those facilities bought membership in downtown Vancouver location , located next to the sea train station .
    Firstly, high technology equipments operate with single button were offered , unfortunately, we are still using old equipments . Secondly , sauna bath was mentioned,however, it is nowhere to be found . Lastly, 24 hour accessibility is not working effectively, couple of times visited the gym around 1.00 pm,and found it locked.
    I rose this matter to Manager, firstly, was very reluctant to hear , and shocked by his statement ” i don’t take this matter seriously , if you have any problem ,there are many other fitness center in town, join them ”. I felt humiliated and left the place to avoid indulging into the argument .
    I want a disciplinary action should be taken against manager for his misconduct .Also , either reimburse my membership fee or install the facilities within a given time period .
    I looking forward to hear from you

    • Nice try! This one would most probably get 6 or 7. Keep up improving! If you need help with your writing, contact me on Skype. ID “hightestscore.com”

  218. Dear sire/madam,

    On 2 January , 2019 I joined your fitness centre considering the facilities mentioned on the brochure . I am writing this email to complain about those services not rendered in your fitness centre, mentioned specifically on the advertisement brochure, considering those facilities ,decision was made to join and felt deceived now.

    Firstly, High technology machines operate with button to adjust the weight was promised , however, it is nowhere to find it . Secondly, free sauna bath was mentioned therefore one day I went to use it, nonetheless receptionist restrained me until $20 fee will be paid. Lastly , I would like to mention specifically about 24 hour open and every time front desk employee availability factor not in deliverance yet, resulting many days work out cancelled, and was the prominent reason to become the member

    Last Sunday, I decided to raise the issue and narrate the fact howver, he shocked me by his answer saying”don’t expect anything with $100 membership fee , there are many other gyms in town , join them. We will not get affected by you , enough customers already joined to operate the business lucratively” I tried to resist my emotions , unforntunately , yelled at him and left the store .

    For one thing, I would like, if possible , to take the disciplinary action against him .Other thing , either reimburse my money paid from January to April or assure to provide the facilities within one month , if possible, and provide discount for the inconvenience
    I looking forward to hear from you .

    • Nice try! First, try to keep it within the word limit. I think this one should get 6. Keep up the hard work!

  219. To Fitness Center Owner,

    I signed 2-year membership contract at your fitness center on last Friday. It was mentioned in the advertisement that it includes all equipment including treadmill, rowing machine and indoor cycling. I like rowing and I wanted to use it few days every week. Availability of rowing machine was the biggest reason I choose your facility.

    I visited your facility on last Saturday for the first. Upon arrival, I found that there wasn’t any rowing machine available in fitness center. So, I went to talk to manager about it. Manager told me that they had one rowing machine which is currently broken. He also mentioned that he is not going to fix it and instead replace it with another treadmill. He was rude while talking to me. He shouted at me saying it was my fault that I didn’t checked facility before registering for membership. You shouldn’t advertise false information to prospective customers.

    Either you get the rowing machine fixed and put it back into the fitness center or cancel my membership and refund me my money. Also, please make sure to correct your advertisement.


  220. Firstly, I appreciate you inviting our opinions in this matter.

    Although both the options sound appealing but according to my perspective, opening of a big cafeteria is a wiser choice for a several reasons. Let me shed some light on my viewpoint. One of the important aspects of considering a big cafeteria is that it will not divert students’ concentration from studies to choosing from wide range of food and cuisines options. If we will have more options to choose from then we will have to invest more of our time in selecting our daily meals.

    In addition to this, restaurants are indeed more expensive choice as compared to cafeteria. I believe, students do not have much money to spend on food. A cafeteria would be more pocket friendly to all and all the students can get their choice of food under one roof.

    Considering all these facts, I believe Option B would be the better choice and would be more advantageous.

  221. Hi Raj
    Its been a long time since we met . I hope you are doing good . As you are organising the trip this year ,I am writing this email to consider the Arizona city . It is located in southern part of the united states of America.

    Last year , I visited the location for business trip. The duration of trip was short , spent two days only . Nevertheless , we manage time on both days to visit the scenic spot in the city. The scenic beauty of desert and city’s beach are the most prominent tourist attracts , reflects paradise on the earth .
    On the first day , it was amazing to explore the desert area located in sub urban of city . In the evenings , winds brought cold air, added flavour to the environment. Furthermore , surrounding desert mountains add beauty to the scene.
    On the other day, we visited the beach located on the eastern side of the city. Palm tress on the beach shore was significantly increases the beauty of mother nature . The place is famous for the amazing sunshine scene .
    I hope you will consider the location before making a decision

  222. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this email to express my concern regarding the services which was promised in your fitness-club advertisement to attract more and more members.

    I recently joined your fitness club during the 50% promotion on gold membership. As per my knowledge and advertised article, all the gold members are entitled to receive a personal trainer with unlimited use of amenities such as tanning, massage bed and steam sauna. It has been almost a month now since I joined and all these amenities are under repair. Furthermore, I have not been assigned any personal trainer as of yet. To top it all, there is also shortage of equipment and one needs to wait in queue to use particular machines.

    Firstly I tried to resolve this situation with club manager and even after complaining to him continuously for 4 weeks, he took no action. Instead of the resolution, he started to behave rude with me and situation became worst when he yelled on me yesterday. Now, I expect you to look in to this matter. If all the amenities can be fixed and I get a personal trainer by end of this week, I will continue my membership as agreed or if I can get my full refund that would be also appreciable.

    By writing this email, I am hoping a quick action from your end.

    Thank you
    Farhan Khan

  223. Hello,
    Thank you very much for take a look.

    I really appreciated the campus’s management decide to consult the student. In my opinion, the best choice is the restaurants. I believe that all the students is going to be happy being able to choose their favorite food in the famous restaurants with competitive price.
    As many of the students have digestive problems, allergies and different options, for example the vegetarians. Having more than one restaurant can eliminate many problems, not only the poor number of choices, but increase the quality and eliminate possible food contamination (allergies). Other important thing is that the competition among the restaurants can improve the quality of the food and better prices, compare to option 1.
    Every study in the campus will be able to stop to be preoccupied with the food and focus in the studies. After all, they will know that is going to have a good food close them with good quality and good prices.

  224. Thanks for reaching out to us for this issue as it is a very big concern to not find some decent pocket-friendly eating joints in the campus.
    Although asking restaurants to open branches inside the campus is a very good approach, i would like to go with having a big cafeteria with a wide variety of options.
    Firstly, no matter how competitive the prices are there on the restaurants’ menu, it can’t be low enough for many of the students whereas the cafeteria with various food stalls will be much less expensive.
    Secondly, we can provide plethora of options to the vegetarian/vegan community in the cafeteria as I can see an increase in the number in last couple of year. Me, being a vegetarian, will strongly support this.
    Finally, I think having a good and spacious cafeteria in a campus is a must where students can go between the lectures and sit even if they don’t want to eat anything or want to eat something light.
    Please consider my choice. Anyways, it is very thoughtful of you to feel the need for more food options on the campus and I really appreciate it.
    Brad White

  225. Sir,
    I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction with the promises made by your advertisement. I saw the ad of your fitness center on an advertisement which promised to provide a plethora of benefits on taking a 2 year membership worth 1200$. It mentioned free access to sauna, pool, recreational center and promised a dedicated trainer for one hour everyday.
    To my surprise, I have been offered nothing but free towels. When I approached your manager he was least concerned about my problem and told me that I won’t get everything mentioned in the ad and that is obvious. He asked me to pay another 1000 to get these benefits. He wasn’t even a bit polite and started shouting when I asked to speak to you.
    Please kindly look into the issue and either provide me the facilities promised or please refund my full money. Also, please train your staff on how to talk to customers if not with people in general.
    Hope you will provide me a solution for this.
    Steve White

  226. In this contemporary era, a cafeteria is must in the colleges for tutees. I reckon that a big cafeteria would be better where varieties of meals are served to the students as well as lecturers. I have some rational and logical reasons to support my opinion; which I will elaborate in forthcoming stances.
    Initially, there are multifarious reasons for the aforementioned opinion but the salient reason is that a big cafeteria with a plenty of food items or at reasonable prices will help the students to have their meals at same place and not bother about to go outside for food. Another cogent reason is, the guardians would take relief as there will no need of preparing breakfast and lunch for their children
    Another pivotal aspect is that there would most probably be vegetarians but non- vegetarians either so in this cafeteria they would have more choices according to their taste. Moreover, it would also be beneficial for the tutors as they will take snacks with tea or coffee during short breaks.
    To recapitulate, no doubt, restaurants would give more facilities and quality food but in the college campus there are numerous scholars who will not afford costly food due to economical circumstances. So, according to my perception, cafeteria would be the best option for college campus.

  227. I am going to go with the option of having a big cafeteria in the college campus. I have quite a few reasons for it.

    Being a college student myself I understand the budget constraints we have. We don’t always have the money to splurge on big restaurant meals everyday. Having low price meals would really help students like me keep their monthly budget in check. Also, it has vegetarian and non vegetarian options, which is a bonus. It also has a large variety of food options, which means it has something to offer for everybody. On the other hand, big restaurants mostly have their own fixed menus, which are not very customizable either.

    I think if someone really wants to eat those restaurant meals, they always have the option of actually going there. However, if we get this big low price meal cafeteria, it would really help college students not worry about packing a lunch for themselves every morning like we do now, and just focus on studies and classes.

  228. Hello,
    I, Jane Doe, am a relatively new customer of your fitness centre. I purchased a 2 year membership almost 2 months ago seeing your advertisement in the flyer. I have to say, I am quite displeased with your fitness centre services as well as the management.

    To start with, the flyer said that your centre has showers with 24 hour hot water supply, which is untrue. I did not find any showers on the premises. Also I was promised a personal trainer to help me get acquainted with the equipment in the gym, but there was no trainer whatsoever in the centre. When I asked the manager about it, he said the trainer is only available at specific times on specific days, which I found very unfair.

    I also tried to talk to the manager about the other concerns, but he did nothing to help, and just dismissed me by saying that there is nothing he can do.

    I would like you to address these issues as soon as possible, and if that’s not a possibility, I would like a refund on my membership.

    Jane Doe

  229. Really Appreciate your suggestion

    I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the services in your gym on Queen Ave. This is my second month of annual membership and there are huge differences between the advertised and actual service. First of all, the most attracted service for me is the 24-7 swimming pool, however it is on maintained for most of time and I just used it once in two months. I have discussed with other members, they found the same issue as well. Another thing is that there is only one bathroom in man exchange room, so there are dozens of people waiting in the line. I spent one hour to have a shower. To top it off, the gym equipment is almost rust and some are even broken.
    I have talked with the manager John but he said he could not do anything about it. To Tackle this problem, I am looking for either fixing those issues or returning the membership fee, otherwise I will complain to the Toronto Gym Association with other gym members. I am looking for your response.

  230. Dear Sir or Madam,
    The main purpose of my email is to complain about the 2-year membership recently purchased by me. Unfortunately, the services described on the advertisement are quite different from what we have available in the center.
    This is my second week using the fitness center installations and for my big surprise everything that I was expecting to practice and use were not available, at all. The jiu jitsu classes as advertised does not exist. The spinning classes during the weekends are only available during Wednesday nights. The swimming classes for beginners unfortunately are being hold on Monday mornings, only, and not every day as advertised. I am very disappointed with this type of fake information provided by your marketing team.
    I tried in every way explain the situation to the operations manager in charge but without success. He barely heard the description of my issues and simple picked up his phone for an emergency.
    I would like to suggest a refund of my money or transfer my subscription to another fitness center where I can have all the services described on the advertisement.
    Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon.
    Best regards
    Luis H.

  231. I personally would lean more towards opening some famous restaurants on our campus for varied reasons.

    This will give students a variety of cuisines and we won’t have to go far to have some good food. Going out of campus for lunch a lot of times makes us late for our next lecture. And, if we have these restaurants on campus that would make things a lot more convenient. Moreover, if there are more than restaurants, each one will strive to attract more students and thus they will serve better quality of food at lower prices. Furthermore, having more restaurants will result in more on-campus jobs, which will help students make some money while they are on-campus so they do not have to go far to take shifts in-between lectures.

    Whereas, if we just have one cafeteria, it will always be crowded, and in a way, it will be a monopoly, thus, they would have no incentive to improve their quality and service. Needless to say, cleaning will be hard and it won’t a piece of cake to keep a track of the grade of food being served.

    Thus, I believe option A would help meet the needs of students in a more effective way than option B.

  232. Sir/Ma’am

    I am Garima Singh, a new member of your fitness member. I joined the center after seeing your advertisement, and to my surprise the information was extremely exaggerated and nowhere close to reality. I am writing to express my concern regarding the same.

    The center has very limited equipment for members due to which we have to wait for a long time to be able to use it. The air conditioner does not work most of the times which results in suffocation. The swimming pool is never cleaned and the water has a very stinking smell. Moreover, the washrooms do not have access to hot water and taking a bath with cold water after an extensive workout has led to a lot of people falling sick.

    When I brought all of this the manager’s attention, he said it will be fixed soon, but it has been 3 months and he is just procrastinating. Which is why I decided to write to you.

    I strongly recommend you take an action because this is very inconvenient for the members. Most of these won’t take too long to get fixed.

    I hope you will consider this letter seriously.

    Thank you,

  233. To Whom It May Concern,

    I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the lack of facilities offered at the gym. I am currently, signed up for a two-year membership at the gym. I had learned about the gym through a local advertisement that mentioned about various facilities at the gym, and more specifically about the swimming pool and the spa with the gym membership. However, after joining the gym, I discovered that the gym does not have a swimming pool and spa facilities.

    Upon discovering this, I reached out to your manager. I had expected the manager to give me a proper explanation or at the least considered giving me a discount. To my surprise, the manager did not answer any of my questions and refused to meet me after making me wait for him for an hour.

    I am very disappointed with the false commitments made by your gym advertisements. I had joined the gym specifically to learn swimming. Since the gym does not have a swimming pool, I would like to discontinue my membership and would like to have a full refund on my credit card. Please feel free to call me at 000-000-000 or email me at gamil.com if you have any questions.

    I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


  234. Dear sir/madam ,

    On 10 February ,2018, I received an advertisement brochure of your fitness centre in my mail box. While reading it , I was astonished with numerous facilities written on the pamphlet . So , I decided to join it . However, the experience was not good . I was looking for the treadmill all day ,but didn’t find it . Furthermore ,sauna bath was specifically mentioned on the brochure . But , was not physically available there.

    So , I decided to take this matter to manager . However, his behaviour was not appropriate .He was very reluctant to talk ,somehow , we managed to initiate conversation . But , his answer was very disrespectful. He said this matter couldn’t be resolved sooner than two moths because he is dealing with some priority task .

    I am writing this to solve the problem by installing the treadmill and sauna bath . However, if couldn’t be possible . I want my money reimbursed . Furthermore , 2 year membership contract must be quashed with legality . I am looking forward to hear from you soon .

    Thanks four your prompt attention , Best wishes


  235. Dear Sir/Madam,

    This mail is regarding the services offered by your fitness center. I have so many concerns related to your center. Firstly, I have found so many services which was offered in the advertisement but actually not available like all machines which were mentioned the advertisement but some of them are not available in the center also the instructor is not available in the morning hours.

    Second issue is related to the manager, I have communicated the same thing to the manager but he is taking things for granted and not at all working on this matter. I was not expecting this behavior from the manager because it’s his major responsibility to listen the customer problem and resolve their issues on priority.

    Finally I am writing this mail to you so that something can be done on this matter and resolve this issue. However, I have some suggestions like new machines can be purchased or repair the existing ones which are not in working condition. Also you should talk to your manger about his rude behavior. Manager should be polite and should listen customer problems. Please do the needful.

  236. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am writing the following email to complain about your services. I recently purchased a two-year membership of your Fit First Gym, based on the advert, in the Downtown area of New Dubai.
    However, within the first few weeks of joining, I realized that the services provided were not even close to the ones mentioned in the advertisements. In the advert, the gym showcases a large variety of new and upgraded machines, whereas in reality there are only a few and most of them are in a dilapidated shape. More-over, the cycling classes along with steam and sauna, are no-where to be found. In addition, the showers in the changing area are not enough compared to the growing members, leading to a long waiting time.
    Consequently, when I raised this issue with the on-floor manager, he just brushed it off by asking me to join another gym if I am not satisfied with the services. Such a behavior from the staff is completely unacceptable.
    As a result of the aforementioned reasons, I would be grateful if I could get a full refund of the $10,000 of the fees or move my membership to a branch with all these facilities.
    Look forward to your cooperation.
    Your Sincerely,
    Amy Buth

  237. I truly appreciate the school’s efforts to survey with the goal of doing what is best for its students. The school’s options, building several famous restaurants or one big cafeteria, both have their own merits. Although the cafeteria can provide tasty lunches at an affordable price range, I think that building some restaurants will be most beneficial to its students for several reasons.
    Firstly, the restaurants will enable students to choose from a greater selection of cuisines. This will immensely facilitate the different dietary preferences of each student. Moreover, a group of students can purchase different types of cuisine each day. In contrast, school cafeterias often stick to one type or two types of cuisine, vastly limiting the students’ options.
    Secondly, the restaurants will offer students with healthier diets. Restaurants are usually more expensive then the school cafeterias, allowing the restaurants to afford higher quality and healthier ingredients. Being healthy as a student is of paramount importance as they can fall behind quickly if they ever become ill. Furthermore, it will bring higher satisfaction to the students which will enhance the campus experience for each student.
    Thus, I think that the school should build restaurants instead of a big cafeteria.

  238. In my opinion, the campus officials should consider Option A. Typically this would include the all the major fast food services that are popular among the student masses. These restaurants offer a plethora of food options to choose from. I can state numerous benefits in support of Option A.
    To begin with, the students will not have to wander outside the campus in search of their favorite food. This in turn would ensure reduced absences during college hours. Additionally, as most of these restaurant chains have standardized ingredients and recipes, students will not be pressurized into bringing home food for health or hygiene reasons. Not to mention the discounts associated in this competitive market to pull the crowd.
    On the other hand, having a big cafeteria would be a thumb down for multiple reasons. Since the cafeteria would be owned and run by local caterers, they might offer cheap food, using low quality ingredients to cut down the costs. As a result, if the students do not like their food, there would be more food wastage and recycling leading to health impacts.
    In conclusion, I believe investing in trustworthy food brands is a wiser safe option than taking a risk with a big cafeteria, which may or may not go well with the students.

  239. Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am writing you to express my dissatisfaction with the experience I had at your fitness center. Three months ago I was lured into taking a 2-year membership of this gym.
    Owning to the widespread publicity of your fitness center, my husband and I decided to enquire for enrollment. The enormous hoardings all over the city boasted of an indoor swimming pool, a hot tub, sauna, spa, tanning and massaging room apart from the regular gymnasium equipment. Therefore, we were quite enticed with the attractive advertisement and visited the local gym premises.
    At the gym, we met with the manager, Mr. Shaw, who showed us around the entire fitness center area. We were startled to see some of the facilities, still under construction. Nevertheless we were assured that it was regular maintenance that would be completed in a month. Furthermore, he presented a deal, that if we paid for a 2-year period in full, we would get additional discount. Unfortunately, even after 3 months there are no signs of work getting finished. Due to the your reputation, I would give you another chance. We would like to get our full amount refunded for being misled into the membership.
    Looking forward to your response.

  240. Thanks for giving your precious time to review my writing again..just another query..if we exclude article mistakes, can I score 9 with this writing style?

  241. In regards to the restaurants survey, I believe having a cafeteria in the university campus is a more preferable option for numerous reasons stated below.
    To begin with, for students, money is always more important than organized services; as they depend upon the allowances provided by their parents for their expenses. Therefore, a considerable & competitive priced cafeteria will be more appreciated by them in contrast to the luxurious franchised stores. I have some reservations, given the number of our students, whether it would be feasible and tempting for these stores to operate in our university premises.
    Secondly, I must concede, for students, cafeteria is not only a place to eat their meals but, also a chilled out atmosphere to relax with a sizzling cup of tea and friends; after their long hours of working on projects and assignments. However, franchised store usually have a timely operation and will not be available for students around the clock.
    Although, I understand that in terms of quality and hygiene, famous restaurant are unparalleled but, this is something which our students’ services department should monitor and ensure that it is not compromised.
    I and hopeful that the decision makers will choose the option which is the best interests of the students.

  242. **Re posting with corrections**

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing this letter to express my immense displeasure towards the services provided at your gym. I am an active member & have taken 2 years membership. Your advertisement enticed my attention & I enrolled myself without even thinking twice.

    To start with, there is only one treadmill available instead of two, which is total opposite of what is being mentioned in advertisement. People have to wait, if it is occupied which build up waitlist and queue. Another reason is, unavailability of shower rooms which is frustrating for a person like me, who prefers to leave for work directly from gym. Eventually, I have to visit my home after gym session for taking shower.

    I tried to convey my issues to manager, but he seemed preoccupied and couldn’t pay attention. To cut long story short, he asked me to leave by saying, “If you have concerns, you can leave.” I felt devastated of being victim of such a rude behavior.

    To solve this issue, I would expect a refund as soon as possible. Also, I would request you to train your employees to treat customers in a polite way.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


  243. I truly appreciate for giving students a chance of providing their opinions on whether to have a restaurant or cafeteria. For the reasons I provide below, I strongly believe having a cafeteria would be a better option in this case.

    First, Big cafeteria can serve us variety of food options and would not be expensive, hence on price front it would not create an issue for us, as we are students and not earning individuals. Second, it can open options for those who are non-meat eaters, considering the fact that they have vegetarian options in their menu.

    In contrast, restaurants giants will have all fast food chains that provide unhealthy menu options such as pizzas, burger etc. This can make us sick, if we eat it on daily basis. Whole idea is not to advertise unhealthy eating habits. Besides, restaurants would be way more expensive as we think, and spending money will not serve the right purpose.

    To sum up, it’s a great initiative to open a nice food services for students and that can only be beneficial and achievable without compromising on health and should be cost effective. A cafeteria has all the essential elements to achieve this goal.

          • I truly appreciate for providing students a chance to express their views on this survey. For the reasons provided below, I would like to choose Cafeteria as my option.

            First thing that caught my attention is “low price meal”. Since cafeteria is opening in a college campus and their customers are mainly students who are not earning. I believe, offering a low- price meal is a great deal and relieve, as it serves us better in financial front. Meals would be affordable and cost efficient on daily purchase.

            Second, nowadays, most of the individuals are preferring vegan diet. Even, majority of my friends have turned into vegetarian. Here, cafeteria has another advantage. Its menu has options for those who are non-meat eaters. Additionally, its not feasible to eat meat 7 days a week and there should be variety of other healthier options (vegetarian) provided in college

            In contrast, Restaurant giants may brings us a lot of unhealthier and fast food options such as pizza, burger etc. which can make students sick if consumed regularly.

            To sum up, Cafeteria obtains more marks due to cost effectiveness and vegan choice as compare to restaurant.

          • Good work! You would probably get 7 with this one. You should pay attention to the use of articles. Good luck!

  244. Hello sir or mam,

    I am writing this email in order to complaint about services not provided at gym centre as promised in your advertisement. I joined your gym on 1st January 2019 with one year membership. I also paid extra $2000 for premium package . According to your advertisement, premium package comes with weekly body massage, quarterly tanning and swimming pool. All of these services were not as i expected. Your body massage therapist was not certified, tanning machine is outdated and swimming pool was not clean.

    when i talked with your manager he said that certified therapist is on leave and so you have hired a temporary therapist. How can a non certified therapist be allowed to serve at such premium gym ? . In addition to that when i complaint about tanning machine and swimming pool, manager got angry and said he does not have time to listen to such complaints.

    Firstly you charge so high for those services and when you cant make up with them you treat your customers with such a disgrace. I want full refund for my membership and package. also i will email to your franchisor to cancel your license.


  245. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing this to express my disappointment that I experienced with your services. I subscribed for a 2 year membership program with your gymnasium based on the advertisement mentioned in the pamphlet. However, I recently figured out that the facilities mentioned in the advertisement are just promotions and are not being offered in reality.

    Firstly, it was mentioned that we can use the steam bath once in a month. However, this is not working out because there is a technical glitch in the steam system and this has not been addressed for several months. Secondly, the multi-gym machine which we use on a daily basis has got a lot of rust and is in very poor condition making it useless for the members.

    In addition, the advertisement mentioned that cross training workout sessions will happen once in two weeks but it has been three months now and we never had cross training sessions. Furthermore, when I confronted about these issues to the manager he did not even bother to take up the complaints.

    Since, I did not get the service that I signed up for I would want you to refund my 2 years membership at the earliest.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Eating healthy food is considered as the first step towards leading a healthy life style. I appreciate the college officials for addressing the students issue with regards to the food served in the canteen. I prefer option A, having famous restaurants at the campus which I think would be a better idea than having a big cafeteria.

    Firstly, allowing giant and renowned restaurants to open their branches in our college campus will help students to explore a variety of cuisines of their choice. Secondly, these restaurants will pay rent because they will be occupying the area that belongs to the college which turns out to be a lucrative investment for the college.

    In addition, when we provide an opportunity to set up branches of popular restaurants in our campus the prices will be relatively cheaper and the quality of the food will be the best due to competition. Furthermore, these restaurants have a good reputation for them, so it will also attract outsiders who might visit the campus and eventually get to know more about the college.

    To Conclude, based on the reasons mentioned I personally believe that allowing different restaurants to set up branches in our college will be a win-win situation for both the college and the students.

  246. Hi Mr. Brown,

    I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with your fitness center. The main reason for me to join in your fitness center is I want to learn yoga, and I noticed on your flyer that the fitness center offers Yoga class. I bought 2-year membership last month and almost visit the center everyday. But I am very disappointed because there was no Yoga class since I joined in. I talked this issue to the manager Bill several times, he said the yoga class will be available soon but refused to give me the specific date. He mentioned as a new operated fitness center, it takes a while for everything gets ready, I need be more patient.

    I am super unhappy for the service I got from your fitness center and the way your manager handing complain. I paid for the membership basing on your advertisement, but I could not get what I expected. Your fitness center manager also not qualified because he doesn’t know how to handle customer’s complain properly. I strongly request to get my money back and cancel the membership.

    I look forward to hearing from you within the next five days, please contact me by phone at (305) 123-4567.


    Annie Smith

  247. In regarding of the respective survey, I truly believe that in order to provide a satisfactory food service enough suitable for the students, the Campus should focus to offer a bigger cafeteria with affordable prices and more food options.

    First, most of the students do not work, have their parent’s allowance or work in part-time jobs that might characterize in a financial constraint. Therefore, it is not a wise decision to have recognized restaurants branches in the campus when the students will not be able to appreciate their food very often, because they prices are not as cost-effective. Second, it is a favorable opportunity to support a local business. A new cafeteria would reach approximately 1000 students per day by offering fresh and quality products from local producers. It would be definitely convenient for students with food allergy or who can decide by their of their food preferences or believes.

    On the contrary, offering well-established restaurant branches will limit the students to try new food from a different location. Therefore, I most likely to support our campus to invest in a wider food facility, financially convenient for the students and satisfactory to all taste’s requirements.

  248. Dear Fitness Center Owner,

    I am mainly writing to express my disappointment regarding a 2-year plan membership signed at your business. I came across an online advertise offering Yoga and Zumba classes five days a week. Those particular classes called my attention mostly because my wiliness for weight lift workouts and by the convenience to exercise closely to my residence. Nevertheless, for my surprise, in the past two weeks, when the plan became effective, I have not encountered any of those classes.

    Considering the situation, I tried to reach out the fitness center manager, Jim; however he was not very helpful and could not handle the situation appropriately. When I requested his assistance about the missing classes, he left me waiting for over than 15 minutes. When he returned, I was communicated that there was an information error in the advertising material. I am extremely frustrated for the poor customer service conduct and his unacceptable lack of empathy.

    Therefore, in order to make up all the damages and inconveniences your company has caused, I strongly appreciate a full refund of my membership and, not less important, an intensive front desk orientation to provide a better customer experience.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Margareth Smith

  249. I am really glad that the campus officials are taking some actions with regards to the food services available on campus. I am of the opinion that they should consider having different restaurant branches on campus.
    I am really particular about my food as I am sure most of the students are. I believe having franchise of different famous restaurants will allow students to have more options to choose from. You could also make sure that these restaurants represent different food options vegetarian, non-vegetarian and vegan to satisfy everyone. Having restaurants instead of cafeteria would also reduce wait time for students since you don’t have to stand in a single queue. Currently, a lot of students travel off campus for their lunch/dinner since most of these restaurants are at least 15 mins away. If these restaurants are on site it would certainly make it more convenient and save time.
    In the end, I believe having either of the two options would be a better choice than the present. I am really looking forward to seeing some changes around the campus which could make student life easier.

  250. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am writing to you with regards to the unsatisfactory services being offered at the fitness center. Six months ago, I signed up for a two-year membership at the fitness center after being impressed by the services advertised on the website. However, the experience has been nothing like I imagined.
    Firstly, I am a swimmer and was really looking forward to the newly installed Olympic sized swimming pool as advertised. However, the past six months that swimming pool has been under repairs with no signs of opening up anytime soon. Secondly, there are only two showers each for men and women and there are probably 50 people each day during the time I visit. This creates a really long wait time and dirty shower rooms. Also, as advertised there was supposed to be a yoga class every day at the fitness center but from what I have experienced that class keeps getting cancelled every now and then. The notification for cancellation goes out half an hour before the class by then I am already on my way to the center.
    I have tried approaching the manager and raising my concerns but to my surprise he hasn’t taken any kind of action. On the contrary, he seemed to make light of the situation. I would really appreciate if you could look into this matter and take some action or else refund me the amount I paid for the membership.
    I would appreciate your help on this matter and I look forward to talking to you in person soon.
    Thank you
    With Regards,

    • Good work! It seems a bit longer though. Try to keep it within the word limit please next time. I believe this style should get 8. Keep it up!

  251. Dear Sir,

    I am writing this email to express my high disappointment about the service provided in your Fitness center.
    I joined for 2-year membership in your gym But, I am not getting the services that you have
    written in your advertisement.

    As per your advertisement you mentioned, you have a monthly Health checkup facility,
    better equipment in a gym, shower facility, Diet Plan, and Personal training. but after I joined your center
    I realized that its so crowded gym, low quality of equipment. sometimes, I need to wait long
    for using the shower facility.

    I have spoken my concern to one of your Manager in the Gym. But, he seems to ignore or either avoid the
    conversation about the issue moreover, he was so rude in talking.

    I want either cancellation of my membership and refund or
    I should be provided the required service as you mentioned in your advertisement

    I hope I will get your reply soon.


    • Nice work! You need to improve your writing style if you want to get a higher score. I think you should expect 6 for this one. Keep up trying!

  252. Current food services on the campus are not good. Management has taken the right decision to change the services. According to me, Option B would be a better choice for several reasons.

    Firstly, a big cafeteria has a huge variety of options, which includes both, Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian. The quality of the food is also very good. Students will enjoy it. It has a vast variety of options available for veg food, which will not be the case in Famous Restaurants. I know few famous restaurants where food quality is pathetic, which will impact to student’s health and health will be our topmost priority.

    Secondly, students will be getting the food at a low price, which is a vital thing. The student cannot afford to buy a food which will cost them a more compared to the big cafeteria. The big cafeteria is providing a full meal in 10$, while same meal we will be getting in 15 or 20$ in a restaurant, almost double.

    Considering these reasons, I believe a big cafeteria would be a better choice. I think most of the students would be overjoyed. Again, this is my personal opinion, but I will support whatever decision is made.

  253. Dear Owner of the fitness center

    I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction on the services provided in your center and the problem dealt with by the center manager.

    Based on a very good advertisement, I have bought a 2-year membership in your center. But when I started going to the center then I have found that most of the equipment was not available in the gym. The Yoga Ball, treadmill, dumbbells and most importantly trainer which was mentioned in an advertisement, were not available in the center.

    When I talked to the manager of the center, initially he was not responded. But after asking multiple times, he was angry and told me that whatever you see in an advertisement that does not mean you will get all the equipment. That advertisement is for people to join our center. I could not believe on my ears what I had heard.

    To apologize for such a bad experience, I would like you to either refund all my money or give me a 50% discount.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Pratik Desai

  254. I am an active member of XY Fitness for 15 days with silver plan. I got enrolled with the gym through an advertisement that was presented on a flyer that came up to my mailbox last month. According to that flyer if a member takes silver plan he/she will be entitled with 1 hr advice session with a personal trainer once in a month providing information about the training and diet plans.
    After 15 days of my membership I checked with the manager about setting a session with personal trainer but I found out that if I need those sessions I have to pay 40 $ extra. This ambiguity in the communication led me to have a clear conversation with the manager. When I stated these facts to the manager he simply denied stating that the flyer was outdated and this one on one session will not be provided with the plan I opted for. Apart from his denial attitude, he was being unkind and spoke in a rudely manner.
    Businesses runs with customers, without them there is no business to run. I understand that it must be difficult for you to keep track of all your locations but I wanted to bring this to your concern, as this has been a fraudulent act from your Gym.
    I am sure that you value your customers and will be willing to keep them with a proposed settlement. I would like to get one to one session with the personal trainer at least twice a month within the same plan that I got enrolled in. Also, please train your managers well so that if an unhappy customer comes to talk they should listen and put customer’s needs upfront. Happy customer satisfied business.

  255. College life brings a lot of stress in a student’s which comes with assignments, labs and what else. I amidst of all the study they tend to miss their appetite as there is no much time to leave the premises to eat. I will like to bring the concept of big cafeteria in the college premises due to several reasons.
    First of all majority of the collegiate are working part time so they have to manage their cash flow very carefully. With the idea of cafeteria, providing several food options at lower price will be very student pocket friendly. These way students will be able to enjoy good variety of food on campus within their budget.
    Secondly, since nowadays, many millennials are converting to vegetarians and respecting their choice big cafeteria will be a good option. Providing both veg and non-veg will also be fulfilling the religious sentiments of 10% international population who would prefer vegetarian diet.
    Concept of cafeteria is a friendly approach which will bring everyone together on a same table. Since it is providing a different variety of food options, everyone domestic or international will be able to enjoy their food and distress themselves or herself having good conversations in person.

  256. To improve the food quality, I will definitely suggest restaurants. Restaurants can provide a better service comparison to big cafeteria. Therefore, I will prefer option A as restaurants can provide us much better as well as heathy food.

    I have seen so many students complaining about the food quality provided at our college campus. Restaurants can overcome such food related problems. Restaurants means “More options, More chances”. Everyone has their own food preference. So, big cafeteria can not fulfill everyone’s food requirement. However, every restaurant is well known for their food and can serve us a huge variety of food under one roof which can satisfy our food needs and nutritions as well.

    Moreover, there will be competition between restaurants to attract more customers towards their food product. Thus, they will provide us a better food quality which can convince us to visit there again. Furthermore, we can definitely see price beat. So, we can get good quality food by paying small amount of money.
    To provide better food with more food choices, restaurants will be best place.

  257. Dear Sir,

    This is to inform you that incomplete services are provided in the fitness centre than advertised for 2-year membership program.

    First and foremost, In my program plan I was let that I will be accessing 20 services, by that I was so excited and joined the fitness centre. But few days later, I have came to know that fitness center carries only 15 services among which I was offered.

    Furthermore, I was so disappointed as I was missing few of my favorite services. I have complained to the manager of the fitness center, he did not provide any assistance. By the way he was so rude in the conversation, he was saying it was mistake of mine.

    However, I prefer that there should some sought of discounts or refunds to the amount what I have paid, as I was not receiving all the services which are promised.

    Have a Good Day, Please take an action on this request.


  258. Hello Sir/Madam,
    I am writing this letter to complain about the services which were mentioned on your advertisement but did not provide in the fitness center. On the behalf of your advertisement, I purchased a 2 year membership. However, i am completely disappointed by the service you provided in the gym.
    Firstly, it was written in your advertisement that fitness center is very spacious and would make us comfortable to exercise there in a open space. However, the reality is totally opposite. Very less space makes difficult for 15 people to exercise together. Moreover, you promised to provide latest equipment, but some parts looks old and do not work properly. Also, swimming pool’s picture was highlighted in your add, but still I did not get the access to swimming pool. To get access to the swimming pool, I talked to manager but every time his answer was ‘wait for the next month”
    To solve the above mentioned problems, I talked to the manager, but nor he gave me proper answer neither solve the problems. He started to make excuses. I will be happy if you refund me my money and cancel my membership because I am totally dissatisfy.
    Yours faithfully

  259. On my opinion, a big cafeteria at the school campus is a better option. It could cater all kinds of diet for each student and also is budget friendly.

    Nowadays, students always look for variation, especially on food they eat. A centralized cafeteria offers different kinds of menus that may cater each student’s cravings, from Mediterranean to Asian cuisines or American style. This may give students choices on their food selections everyday on their whole school year. Some also of our Muslim students prefer halal foods that is very limited if restaurants are to be built. In addition, students have tight schedules and are always on the run, therefore an always open canteen can be a suitable remedy. Students don’t have enough time to wait for a menu to be ready just like in restaurants.

    On the other hand, restaurants inside the campus in not a good choice because of the fix rate and menus that they may offer. If restaurants are to be opened inside, more likely that the price is a bit higher because of its brand. Students may also find the food selections repetitive because of the fix menus.

    Thank you for hearing your students’ opinions.

  260. Dear Fitness Center Owner,

    I am writing with regards to the services of Vancouver branch of Awesome Fitness Center. I have purchased a 2 year membership of your newly built gym and fitness center because I was encourage by its promotional ads that it has a weekly Zumba class, modern facilities and qualified instructors to train new gym-comers such as me.

    In my first appearance at the gym, I was a bit shocked that there are only old stocks of gym equipment and no gym instructor to assist. There was also no Zumba classes every week, but plainly music that was played on an empty room. I was very much disappointed but your manager assured me that what was promised on the ads are still to come within a few weeks. After 2 months, there was still no improvement and when I asked your manager again, he was rude, shut the door to his office and gave no reply.

    This is not an acceptable behavior and treatment to a client. I would like to suggest to immediately solve the problems I have mentioned or else, I might as well demand for the membership fee I have paid. I would also suggest to teach your manager how to handle customer relationships properly.

    Yours truly,

    Ms. Es

  261. Dear John Lake,

    I’m writing you this message to complain about the abysmal services offered at your fitness center in Downtown Vancouver. I purchased a 2-year membership that was advertised, as it came with promise of one on one coaching, 24 hour gym access, & free Wi-fi. I was disappointed to find that all these were half-truths. My dismay was only compounded by the utter disrespect displayed by the Manager at the branch.

    With regards to the services, I came to know that I would not be getting a one on one coaching, instead I would be sharing one with another person. I also found, when I came to use the center at 12 pm one evening, that the gym closes at midnight. I also discovered the Wi-Fi was not working most of the time.

    With regards to the behavior of the Manager, he behaved rudely when I pointed out the above faults and errors with the center and even told me on one occasion to never come back.

    Given these events, I am requesting a refund, or better yet, an apology from either you or the Manager of that branch. I also hope you will refrain from false advertisement in the future.

    Thank you for your time,

    Emi Christemen

  262. Dear owner of the Downtown Fitness center,

    A month ago I joined your center because of an advertisement saying that you had Yoga, Rumba as well as a variety of martial arts classes. Since I was looking for a pleasant way to exercise I considered all of these options really appealing. Unfortunately I started coming to the center only to realize that none of those options are actually offered.
    Once I realized the problem I tried to talk to the manager to see if he had a solution for me. It was a great shock to see that the manager was not a customer friendly person and it was outrageous how he handled the situation. He did not seem to matter about the false advertisement and he refused to give my money back when I asked for it without giving me any explanations.
    I hope these classes are still being arranged and if you say that there will be Yoga, Rumba and Martial arts classes in the next month maybe I will continue my membership. However, if you were really just trying to catfish people I will have my money back without no charges for cancelling my 2-year membership earlier.
    Sincerely yours
    Natalia Benaim

    • Good work! This would probably get 7. Try not to write your real name at the end of your email in the actual test. Keep up writing!

  263. Dear Sir/Mam

    I am mainly writing to complain about your unsatisfactory services. Based on your advertisement, I purchased two years membership. However, now I realize that I am not getting those services, which you promised in your advertisement.

    First, You said your center have brand new equipment but mostly fitness equipment are old and rusty. Second, I didn’t find any massage chair, which you mentioned in you pamphlet and last but not least Pool and Spa is not working. Its still covered which really surprised me.

    Meanwhile, I tried to convey my message to your Manager but, in return he told me that, he is not able to do anything in this matter. Moreover his way of talking was so bad . I feel some kind of neglect by him. I would say your staff are not customer friendly at all.

    Hence, I would be grateful to you, if you could look after into this matter. In an attempt to resolve my issue, either provide me the services whichever you promised in your advertisement or kindly return my money back.


  264. hi dear ,
    i am attempting my test on 19th oct.i find your website a great help.my target score is 8 or more in all sections
    please score my work and when i will come back from my test i will also update you will as much material i remember so that you can add more samples to the site
    i would also like to know if you can help for speaking part

  265. First of all i would like to thank the management for asking my opinion.
    i think the option B would be the better choice.i been working with the company from last five years and i am mother of three kids.it’s very hard for me to pick up my kids on those days when my husband is on business trip.So in those days i have to request a leave or i drive Rough to pick up my kids from childcare.It would be 10 times better for working mothers to work stress free when there will be a childcare in the building.i can also go and see my kids during break time.This way i will be working more focused and stress free.

    If you will go with option A.then still the problem will resist for me as well as for other working mother in the office.i know that we all bring food from home.its very rare that people buy lunch from that restaurant. Any ways there are three more restaurant right in front of the building.

    At the end of the day it’s management’s decision.I hope they will come up with the solution that will work for all of us.

  266. Hi Mr. BoB

    It’s Ayesha here. Me and my family visits the shopping mall every week.now a days it’s becoming more tougher to find the parking spots when we get to the mall.i have noticed that there is construction going on by the left side of the mall and they blocked almost 40 parking spots.

    Last week when we visited the mall we had to take the bus i was glad not to bring the car.but it would not stand for long as we all know that winter is almost here.My brother is Handicap and can not afford the taxi in the extreme weather condition and will not be able to ride the bus is well.

    Please ask the construction people to finish there work As soon as possible.The other thing I would like to suggest that leave few spots vacant for disabled people.Or you can also ask favour from employees to cooperate by not bringing their cars to work until the construction is done.Please consider the advice and hoping to get the problem solved soon!

    Best Regards

  267. Good morning Sir,

    I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction about your fitness center in Downtown. I joined there two months back because of your advertisement in Newspaper. I was so excited about it, that’s why I joined. Now i am completely dissatisfied about the quality and service of the fitness center.

    first of all the package was included one personal instructor, yoga class and also seprate changing rooms for men and women. Sadly i have to say that any of the above i cant find there in my last two months experience.There is only one instructor for all of us and he doesnt seems very friendly and helpful. There is absolutely no yogs class happening there. I spoke with the fitness manager and he said it will start in next year only.

    Also to use the washroom we have to wait for such a long time and there is no seprate wasroom for mens and ladies. So i tried to talk with the fitness manager all of the above.Considering all these i requested him to give a compensation in my fees. But he totally declined it.

    I hope you understand the situation and will do the needfull immediately. Hope to hear from you soon.


    Athira Suresh.

  268. Dear campus officials,

    First of all thank you for considering my humble opinion for your survey regarding the food service. Although Option B has some advantages, like a low price meal, I personally think that having a restaurant on campus would be more beneficial, both for students and college.

    For one thing, having plethora of restaurants means also having different cousins. Hence, there would be some lucky students who will feel less homesick while eating dishes they use to have back home. More, students will not have any digesting problems, because they are going to eat from the menu they are au feit with. Eventually, one less problem will distract them from their studies.

    For another thing, as I mentioned above, college will benefit in the presence of a restaurant as it is going to catch up. Thus, students will be interested to be enrolled in such a college which does care about its students. This means the extension, and financial growth.

    So, considering aforementioned points, I am convinced to believe that having a restaurant on campus will be more reasonable and actionable option to implement.

  269. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am writing to you to air my grievances on the mismatch between the advertisement and the equipment on ground at your fitness centre located at 102 avenue Downtown Calgary.

    Firstly, the advertisement on your website reads that there is an availability of Stationary bicycle for weight reduction on duty for 24 hours daily. To my greatest surprise when I arrived at the fitness centre i checked every look and cranny but did not find such equipment. I was disappointed since this is the criteria that lured me from the advert to subscribe to the membership.

    Also, your manager showed his incompetence on a managerial skills by neglecting my inquiry and focusing on his personal hobby while there are customers to attend to. I was so infuriated that I shouted at him and responded by shouting back. And all he could say was Sir,if you do not like our services you are free to leave. It was a gory experience and i regretted subscribing to such program.

    However, I have made up my mind to lookout for a better fitness centre with some facilities that would fit in to my desire. I want a full refund and a personal apology from your manager.
    I hope you would resolve this at earnest.
    I look forward to your response.
    Yours sincerely,
    Benneth Azusa.

    • Good job! It could get 9 I believe, but it might also score 8. Try not to start a sentence with “and”. Keep it up!

  270. hello sir/mam,
    My self puneet from india.My exam is on 12th of oct.Please check my writings and suggest me how to improve.I will be grateful for your kindness,
    Yours faithfully,

  271. TASK 2
    Personally, I think option of opening big cafeteria in university campus would be a good option for students. Even though establishment of renowned restaurants will be goodwill of organization in society and admired by students. It would certainly meet the needs of all sorts of students.
    As many of us, students also have various food inclinations. Having the opportunity to choose from a large menu at reasonable prices would solve many problems. To start with, this option would relive us from the tiring process of thinking what to have for lunch or dinner, sometimes even during study times. We will be more concentrated on our studies knowing that our favorite food is available in the cafeteria at reasonable price. Besides everyone will find a suitable place that matches his or her eating habits. It is also worth mentioning that going to a famous restaurant will be wastage of huge bucks for students by paying taxes along with.
    Considering these reasons, i believe opening a cafeteria would be a good option. Everyone in the campus will be overjoyed. Again, this is my personal opinion, but i will support whatever decision is made.

    TASK 1
    Dear sir,
    I am mainly writing to complain about your unsatisfactory services. Based on the advertisement, I bought 2 year membership plan of fitness center. To my surprise, the advertised services compared to the offered ones are completely different ones.
    First, the sophisticated equipments you mentioned in advertisement are found nowhere. Instead, we exercise using old, sometimes rusty, fitness equipments. Second, showers are not sufficient to cover the growing number of members of fitness center. Most of us have to wait outside for our turn to take a simple shower. To top it all, fitness advisors your advertisement services are not feasible and don’t seem to be qualified ,granted we were able to consult one. We have to manage things ourselves.

    In an attempt to resolve all matters with your manager in a friendly way, the latter gave no attention and seemed seized. This incident embarrassed me up. Hence i would be grateful to you if you could refund my money or better shift me to another fitness center where all the equipments and facilities are available.
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Yours faithfully,

    • Nicely written, but need more improvement to get a decent score. Try to work more on sentence structure, linking devices, and punctuation. This style for instance, wouldn’t get more than 6 or 7.

  272. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing you to express my dissatisfaction concerning the parking spots of the shopping mall that has become infeasible to find recently.

    The matter of the fact is that every time we arrive to the mall we have to wait at least an hour until someone leaves and we take their place.

    Hence, I have to go shopping alone, while my husband and my son are just sitting in the car and looking for a place for parking. Than, I come back and if they still wait, I get into a car, and they take their turn for shopping.

    My suggestion is that you could extend your parking area, or you could make it chargeable. For instance, if they stay longer than an hour, they have to pay twice as much for another one. This will make people shopping with a haste and be back to their vehicles as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I look foreword to your soonest respond.


    Jane Smith

  273. My name is Benneth Azusa, I am a final year Student. I commend your interest in student’s feeding welfare.
    Regarding the issue on the survey, I would prefer the implementation of option A on campus.
    Firstly, allowing the famous restaurants to open their branches in the campus would give the students leverage to explore their options in selecting their favourite dishes. I know that each restaurant would have a trademark which they are known for. Students equally have their favorites spanning from sea foods to fried grills and so on.
    Secondly, competition would bring out the best in terms of quality, quantity and prices. I believe that the greater the number of restaurants in the campus the better the services to students in every aspect.
    Thirdly, the school would benefit financially from the restaurant operators. There would be some yearly payment to the school account from the operators. Then money generated from this source can be used for the maintenance of other infrastructures in the campus.
    Although having a big cafeteria in the campus sounds very nice but the construction cost would be quite expensive compared to the restaurants.
    Thank you for listening to my opinion on this issue.

  274. Dear Sir/Madam
    I recently purchased a 2 year membership to your fitness center located at 1325 barnett street SW Calgary. However i`m really disappointed at the marketing ploy used to manipulate me into signing this contract.

    I specifically chose this center because of the proximity to my home and the services that were being offered. The advertisement made mention of yoga and aerobic classes, both of which i was thoroughly interested in. However upon starting to use the facilities, I observed that those classes weren’t on the schedule.

    Although i was disgruntled, I assumed it was a honest mistake. Thus, i went to speak with the manager who was extremely offensive and ill mannered towards me. He told me in no uncertain terms, that i was at fault and refused to explain why.

    In order to resolve this untenable situation, a full refund of the payment made would be accepted. I would also suggest enrolling your staff in a much needed customer service training.

    I await your favorable response.

    Jack Brown

  275. CELPIP Writing Test 4
    CELPIP Writing Test 4 with answers – high test score
    You purchased a 2-year membership to a fitness center next to your neighborhood based on an advertisement. After a period of time, you discovered that the services described on the advertisement are not found in the center. You tried to talk to the manager, but he did nothing to help.
    Write an email to the owner of the fitness center in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:
    • Describe the services that are only in the advertisement and not in the center.
    • Complain about the way the manager dealt with the situation.
    • Describe what should be done to resolve this problem.
    Dear sir,
    I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with regard to services of your fitness centre.I was highly impressed with all the services mentioned on your website and the latest hi-tech gym equipment enticed me to join .I took 2 year membership and started on the very next day.
    I was super excited on my first day and wanted to start with swimming.I looked up for shower room and noticed a big queue where I had to wait for 20 min because they had limited showers .
    Another shocking experience at pool where there was no place to swim because the pool was loaded with people more than it’s capacity.I dropped the idea of swimming and left from there.
    I entered the gym hoping that at least here things would meet my expectations ,but to my surprise there were no latest equipment as shown on the website they just have few outdated treadmill few elliptical and some gym equipment which seems to look so untidy that I could not even think of touching them . I can’t imagine that everything on your advertisement was just to attract customers and had no idea to what extent I was fooled.
    I could hardly do anything that day and decided to discuss the matter with the manager but he dealt with the situation so rudely that I couldn’t wait to file a formal complaint against him .
    I really had a terrible experience at your fitness centre and would like a full refund by the end of this week .
    Looking forward to hear from you soon

  276. Dear Store Manager,
    I am writing this email to express my concern about the facilities present in your gym. last week i purchased the two year membership of your gym after reading the advertisement in the local newspaper. Upon arrival i realised that most of the facilities are not available in the gym for instance cardio machine and weight lifting section.

    I decided to talk to the manager and yesterday i got the chance to meet your gym manager. I showed him the advertisement and asked about the particular sections. I was surprised by the rude behaviour of your gym manager. He was not interested to listen to my complain and asked me to use the machines that are available, that are very basic ones and does not meet my requirements.
    I would like to give you the suggestion to train your staff properly and ask them to talk to the customers politely.
    I would like you to return my full amount as these available machines are of no use to me.
    Waiting for your quick and positive response

  277. Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction with your restaurant services.
    I went to your restaurant with my family yesterday evening, The date is a importance day for us which is my mother’s birthday. At the beginning, I thought your restaurant is one of the famous Chinese food restaurant in our city, a lot of movie stars or singers often goes to your restaurant, my mother very like Chinese food, So I decided to celebrate her birthday in your restaurant.

    I reserved a table 2 weeks before, your manager told me my booking was cancel by mistake when we arrived. I was shocked by hearing that, I cannot believe my ears, and he also told me I should wait about one hour. Finally, we went to another Chinese restaurant to celebrate my mother’s birthday.

    To apologize for such a bad experience in your restaurant, I would like you to say sorry to my mother and to promise don’t happen again.

    Best Regards
    Ricky Lam

  278. Hi, thanks for helping us improve our language skills. I am looking forward to appearing for CELPIP by next month end. Could you please review and grade my answer. Thanks.

    In my personal opinion, I think a big cafeteria would be a great choice for meals on the campus. Since most of the students do not have any specific income source the cafeteria can provide meals at the low prices. Moreover, the college organization or the student committee can have well-defined regulations on the food quality and the prices. This will help to maintain the food prices and hygiene at the cafeteria.
    The student from this college comes from different cultures and ethnicity, hence, students have diverse choices with the food. Hence, the big cafeteria would be able to satisfy these needs. It can also provide two different serving counters for vegetarian and non-vegetarian food.
    On the other hand, though inviting famous restaurants on the campus would provide a wide range of food options the students would not be able to afford it. Famous restaurants would serve the fast food which is not healthy as an everyday meal option and can adversely affect the student’s health. Moreover, the college organization or student committee will not have proper control over the food quality and hygiene at the restaurants.
    Therefore, in my opinion, opening a big cafeteria on campus would be a wise decision to solve the problems with the food services on the campus.

  279. Respected Sir,
    I am writing this email to let you know about the services which promised in the advertisement are not given properly in your fitness centre.
    I purchased a 2 year membership in your fitness centre recently after seeing the advertisement which promised the below services like dedicated personal trainer, Classroom session and personal dietician consultation. Initially the services were offered as promised, however after certain period, I found that the services are not regular.
    When I try to speak to the Fitness centre Manager regarding the situation, he was very arrogant in his behavior and he did not listen to what I am trying to convey. His behavior was very rude and he is not ready to accept the fault.
    Hence, I would suggest that you maintain a register at the reception of the fitness centre to get some feedback and continuously monitor the same, so that this can be avoided for future customers.
    I hope you will look in to this matter and sort out the situation amicably.

  280. I think a cafeteria is a good solution for the dining problems of the students on campus. We already have a few chain restaurants and they have not been able to handle the rush during the lunch hour. A big cafeteria with plenty of seating will be faster and more efficient for managing the crowd. This in turn will save time for many students who otherwise would be late for their classes.
    The restaurants that are being shortlisted have a limited menu and they don’t have many healthy food choices. On the other hand, the cafeteria has a wide variety of healthy choices which include different types of salads, vegetarian and non-vegetarian food items. Also, one important thing to look at is the budget of an average student. From the budget perspective the cafeteria is a definite winner because it is quite cheaper than proposed restaurants
    Unlike the restaurants, the cafeteria will employ students in positions like cashiers, servers and dishwashers. This will be immensely beneficial for the students who are looking for a part time employment on campus. For these reasons I think campus officials should start a cafeteria on campus

  281. Dear Mr Owner,
    I am RG. I recently purchased a 2 year membership at your new fitness center located at 30 west street. Unfortunately, my experience has been quite disappointing.
    I left my old fitness club because some nice features that were advertised in your advertisement. When I joined, I was surprised to see that there was no swimming pool at the west street location even though half of your advertisement boasts about the big indoor swimming pool. I am an avid swimmer and I had been looking for an indoor swimming pool nearby since most of the pools in the area are outdoor pools. Also, there are no personal trainers at the gym even though the advertisement claims to have personal trainers on staff.
    After I found out about these issues, I spoke with your manager Mr. Joe Smith. He was very rude. He basically told me that he was not going to be able to do anything and I will have to forfeit half of my membership fees if I decide to discontinue.
    I request you to please look into the matter and refund my membership fees. Also, make sure to fix your advertisement and train your staff for better customer service.


  282. As a beautiful plant cannot grow in a dry soil, students cannot be thought without proper satisfaction of their physical needs. Food, in this concept, is of paramount importance. In response to a recent survey by campus officials, I strongly believe having a big cafeteria is a better option in this case.

    First, a big cafeteria provides a peaceful place where all students can get together and enjoy serving their meals with their peers. Such a facility paves the way for more networking and collaboration among all students by simply bringing them under the same roof. Moreover, a cafeteria offers a wide variety of healthy food options that provide all the essential nutrients required for students’ mental and physical growth. Lastly, given the low prices, almost everyone can afford having a meal or two at the cafeteria.

    Big restaurants, however, could be pricy for some students, making them an unaffordable option for the majority of the students. On top of that, most big restaurants are considered as fast food chain restaurants, suggesting that they cannot provide the healthiest food option at our campus.

    For the reasons I have given, it is my belief that the benefits of a big cafeteria outperforms the advantages of restaurants, making them a better alternative in our campus.

  283. Dear Mr. Warren Chan,

    I recently purchased a 2-year membership of your gym located at 5020 Yonge Street. Given the fact that I found out about this place from an advertisement in Today’s magazine, I am truly disappointed to say that your facility does not provide the same services published in the ad. For example, it was mentioned that every new member will be provided with a locker and a towel on a daily basis; however, your facility runs out of towels after 5pm almost every day. On top of that, I was supposed to have my own personal trainer for the first two weeks, but due to the busy schedule of the trainers, I was working under the supervision of a personal trainer merely for the first week.

    Given my dissatisfaction of the services, I approached Mr. Prescott, the gym manager, to share my concerns. I am afraid that not only I did not find our conversation helpful, but his unprofessional behaviour made me write this letter to you. Instead of being referred to another gym, the offer suggested by the gym manager, I was hoping that Mr. Prescott could address my concerns and resolve those issues in a timely manner.

    I would like to request a personal trainer for an additional one week, as mentioned in your magazine ad, as well as an apology from your gym manager because of the way he dealt with this situation.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


  284. Dear Gym Manager,

    I am writing this email for the dissatisfaction from the membership I purchased & the terrible experience I went through.

    Firstly, as advertisement which attracts me to get in for membership was the personal trainer who’s not available in the gym & description says there are latest equipment & machinery available to use which is no where & the available are very old and not in function & it’s heavily crowded at evening hours also the helpful customer service is absence from the scene.

    Moreover, I would like to mentioned that your gym is a franchiser of an reputed chain so, you should consider all the facts & figures, which leave marks in society; I am clamming my full refund of membership as the advertised gym were an oasis & actually that’s not exist.

    Finally, this is for your perusal to reconsider before advertising & also hope you will revert back with proper solution and easy refund policy.



    • Nice try! I would recommend to work more on your sentence structure and revise some grammar. This one would not get more than a 6. Good luck!

  285. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction of the services you provided in the fitness center.
    I am a working women, when i was looking for the best fitness center, then i found your advertisement in our office cafeteria. When i looked at the poster it was saying 35% discount for the employees and free parking and the other amenities are like professional trainers, Jacuzzi, swimming pool, basket ball court and large fitness center equipped with all the fitness equipment including yoga.
    Immediately i signed up online for the 2 year member ship to maintain my fitness at your center. Later when i went to the place and looked into the fitness center i found that , what ever listed in the advertisement are not shown up.
    I went to the manager and asked about the facilities which are advertised, he replied me with a harsh voice and also did not informed me anything about the trainers who are working in the evening timings to schedule the time slots.
    I got very disappointed and writing you this letter to reimburse my member ship money back and advising you to do not publish anything which you are not providing in your fitness center. It is misleading people and charging money from them not giving the services.

    Thank you

    • Nice try! I would suggest to work more on your style. This should not get more than a 6 or 7 if lucky. Keep up trying!

  286. Dear Campus officials,

    I appreciated the fact that you are asking for students’ opinion about food services on the University campus. After reading both options, I have to choose the big cafeteria.

    First, as you must be aware, the majority of the students are low income ones. Therefore, affordable food is mandatory on our campus. Despite restaurant owners claim that they will serve inexpensive meals, I highly doubt that those will be as cheaper as the cafeteria dishes.

    Second, I believe that a large cafeteria will be a great place to socialize. Having a unified food place will bring people together. On the other hand, having restaurants spread all over the campus will reduce students’ interaction. Especially, when they have different meal prices, which will split the poor and the rich student.

    Third, there will be all kinds of food in the cafeteria. People with all types of food restriction will be able to find a good food choice.

    To conclude, I hope you consider my opinion because I am sure it is the best one.


    Sarah Green

  287. Dear Reviewer, request you to rate the below : thanks so much!

    In my opinion, I prefer improving our in-house cafeteria offering meals at subsidiary prices for the following reasons:
    Firstly, most students are in student loan debts and hardly have money in their pockets. Since many of them make a living through part-time jobs, having fancy restaurants on site as the only option makes it unaffordable for many. On the other hand, expanding our existing cafeteria encourages more people to spend their money at the university rather than at a cheap fast food establishment. Moreover, the same revenue earned could be contributed towards improving the community centers or the library.

    Secondly, this can even boost the employment opportunities for many students who are in need of financial assistance whereas the external franchises hire their own workers.

    Last but not least, when the food is made pricey, students tend to skip their meals to save money so ultimately impacting their health. This can even influence their concentration and productivity in the class.

    In conclusion, looking at a bigger picture, I fully support in renovating our existing facility.

  288. Dear Reviewer, request you to grade the below :
    To whom it may concern,

    I am writing to complain about the services offered at your gym.
    I recently moved to this neighborhood and was in search of a good fitness place to practice my exercise routine. Hence I came across your business offering all the required services plus fitting my budget, so I paid towards the 2-year membership plan. As I began to use your establishment, I noticed that nor was there a Sauna or a Hot tub on site. These were my primary needs. Since these facilities were advertised as available, I made an effort to converse with the manager for a partial refund, but I had no luck. The manager demonstrated defensive attitude while conveying that these advertisements are old and no more offered. I returned home with no substantial benefit on this issue.
    I believe this matter deserves your immediate attention. Because the facilities mentioned above were advertised but not offered, and that my basic necessities were never met, I feel it is fair to demand at least a 50% refund.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


  289. Dear Sir,
    I am not satisfied from the service of your fitness center that is located southern side of the town.
    An advertisement on local paper brought up my intention to sign up and get a monthly pass as it had list of services that I was looking for. However, it does lack of certain services, mentioned in an advertisement such as number of showers and inadequate equipments for exercise.
    I had spoken with manager about this situation in person. Nevertheless, I did not hear anything back from him from last couple of weeks which disappointed me indeed. I thought I should share this with you in order to resolve these problems as we are not getting the services that we paid.
    In my opinion, one great idea would be that if you would get more exercise machines that would help us immensely as we waste more time on waiting to use it than exercise. Moreover, problem of showers could be solved easily, if maximum time should be allotted 10 minutes to use it.
    I hope you will address this problem very well.

  290. Dear Manager,

    I am writing to express my dissatisfaction towards your fitness center regarding a fitness subscription and customer service that I received last week at the Vancouver location .

    I was intrigued by the two year subscription offered at your fitness center that included swimming, yoga and sauna along with the regular gym membership. Hence, I went ahead to purchased it online. However, when I reached the Vancouver location, the front desk attendant told that the add on services come with an additional fee and not included in my subscription. I felt misguided and frustrated by the advertisement and requested him to connect me with the facility manager. But he sounded impolite and unprofessional and refuse to take my request and asked me to go to some other location.

    I had been the one of most loyal members of your fitness center since a decade and such kind of misguided information and unacceptable behaviour of your employees would rather put me off. Hence, I would like to provide me a refund of my subscription fee or provide me with the add on services. Also, I would recommend to provide professional training to your staff so that such incidents do not happen in future.
    Looking forward to your reply,


  291. In my opinion, having a college run cafeteria is a better option than housing commercial restaurants on campus.

    Firstly, the college run cafeteria in any scenario would be cheaper. The restaurants are profitable ventures and they would never go down on prices beyond a certain threshold, come what may. As far as I know, the chain restaurants have fixed prices across all its branches, irrespective of whether they are on a campus or not. On comparing the prices of popular food items, from the nearby college cafeterias, I found them to be at least 15% cheaper compared with restaurants. Secondly, the cafeteria will not only offer a large variety but it can provide customized food too. For example, if there is a demand for a certain kind of Mexican cuisine, we can ask the management to cater to it, but this will not be the case otherwise. Thirdly, we already have a lot of restaurants around our campus, inviting them on campus doesn’t make much sense.

    So I hope the concerned authorities would take a note of above points before taking the final decision.

  292. Dear Mr. Jones,

    I am forced to write this is in regard to the 2-year membership and the way I was treated at one of your fitness clubs at Watson place complex.

    I bought the membership on 2nd July on the basis of a flyer that was circulated in our neighborhood in the month of June. I was among the first one who, despite being little apprehensive, signed up or rather, sorry to say, got trapped into your club’s Silver membership. The reason I say is that firstly, the center has no regular fitness trainer on duty. The trainer who rarely comes is aloof when explaining about machine exercises, and blunt to ask for an upgrade to gold membership for answering my fitness queries. Secondly, as also advertised in the brochure there is NO Sauna room.

    When I raised these to the manager on duty, Mr. James, he outrightly ignored my concerns and he then began to vociferate pretty loudly. So, not only I feel cheated but humiliated too after the six visits that I had since.

    I request you to refund my membership. Pardon my impertinence, but if I don’t get my full money back by the end of this month, I would take this matter to consumer court.


  293. Dear Sir
    I am writing this email to express my deep dissatisfaction toward your fitness center, for not having the services that has been described in the advertisement.
    2 weeks ago I saw a flyer at the entrance of our building that was advertising the special promotion for the 2- year membership in your sport club. According to the advertisement any registration that has been done as members during September would be entitled to utilize both Yuga classes and the outdoor pool. Also it was mentioned that the personal trainer would be assigned for enrolling. But, to my best surprise, after a week I found out that neither we were able to use the pool as it was closed for the maintenance, nor any personal trainers were allocated to us. There were only 2 trainer for the whole gym which made it almost impossible to allocate 1 instructor to me.
    When I brought up this issue the manager, not only he was mentioned that the advertisement was only meant to attract customers, but also he didn’t accept to cancel my membership. His behavior toward me was totally unprofessional which made me extremely angry.
    In order to compensate ,I would like to let you know that I believe I am entitled a full refund of my registration fee, in addition to that I strongly suggest a full training program for your manager to be more customer-oriented.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

  294. Dear Mr.Dickson,

    I am writing this email to file a formal complaint about unsatisfactory services of your fitness center. Last month, I purchased a 2-year membership for your fitness center because of the attractive advertisement that was introduced by one of your staff. However, following the usage of this past month, I found out the services that I really experienced were not as fantastic as the services mentioned in the advertisement.

    First of all, it was mentioned in the advertisement that I could bring a guest with me. In the reality, not all of your staff were aware of this newly advertised service, my wife was not allowed to enter the center with me a few times. Second, the aqua massage bed was not free as it mentioned in the advertisement. When I was about to use it, the machine did not work until I put 2 dollars into it.

    Other members and I have tried to explain the situation to your manager and hoped he would take it seriously. However, there was no difference after I expressed my concern. Thus, I would like to cancel my membership and further request a full refund.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Thanks and regards,

  295. Dear manager,

    After coming across Life Fitness’ add I promptly decided to join the gym. I was particularly interested in the aquafit classes and the free juice bar described in the flyer. These two key features were decisive for me.

    Unfortunately, after paying for the premium membership and trying to take an aquafit class, I was informed that it gives me no access to water classes. I was disappointed! Thus, I immediately tried to solve this misunderstanding with you.

    As you must remember, you did not pay attention to my complain and denied that my current membership would include water classes. Despite the fact this was in the advertisement. In addition, when I showed you the flyer you said it means nothing.

    On the other hand, the law says you should honor the add and grant me access to the classes. I hope you take action towards solving this problem. In case you do not, I will have no choice but to hire a lawyer to sue the gym.


    Sarah Jones

  296. Hi Mr. Roger,

    I am writing this letter to let you know my disappointment at your gym with the facilities you have and your manager at the Frisco location.

    I have seen an advertisement on the TV that you have all kinds of equipment and extra facilities like personal locker, swimming pool, sona bath, yoga and Bollywood zoomba dance. I was very impressed because you are providing such a good list of facilities that is why I have taken 2 years membership whiout even a trial period.

    I started coming to the gym since last 2 weeks and happy to say that You are maintaing good equiptment. But the issue here is not enough locker rooms, no yoga/zoomba classes available in the evening time and also swimming pool is under maintainence since I joined. In fact I was attracted to these features as you advertised and signed up. Also o have tried to reach branch manager but she was not to help with my concerns.

    I would like to to suggest you something to avoid people to cancel their membership. Please increase the number of lockers and try to schedule some yoga/zoomba classes in the evening time as most of the working professionals would like to come to the gym after work.

    Hope you will consider my email and try to implement the requested changes as soon as possible.


  297. Dear Sir or madam,
    Here is Ibrahim Ali,
    I’ve purchased 2-Year Membership to your fitness center 25th of Jan 18, My center ID is 1823 Jan 18.
    On the advertisement on Bullivar St. billboard you are mentioning that there is a swimming pool and Jacuzzi in the center, however, When I went to the center for the first time the manager said that the pool is under maintenance for one week, for the last three weeks this maintenance operation never end and both swimming pool and Jacuzzi are still unavailable.
    I’ve contacted the manager but he kept saying next week for every time I contact him, last Sunday he was really rude to me and did nothing as usual, I am writing you to complain about his unacceptable behavior and looking for a solution.
    Sir I would like to cancel my membership and refund my money as soon as possible.
    Your fast response is highly appreciated

  298. Dear Gym Manger,

    I am writing you to bring your concern about the gym utilities. I saw your advertisement in the ‘Toronto Star’ classifieds, I found my self as a good offer. And joined the gym the next day.

    Actually I have purchased a 2 year membership, now it’s been like almost 3 months in the gym. Till now I have not assisted with a personal trainee, as you people have mentioned in the advertisement about personal trainee for the first 6 months. As I am new to practice gym, I don’t have any idea about the usage of equipments.

    And one more thing to bring your notice, there were no substitutes issued till now. And I have even paid for it and it included in the package. I have being complained about this several times to the incharge, but no positive reply from his side.

    To apologize this to me, I would either like to extend for a 3 month extra membership or else a 3 month fee deduction in the total package of my membership.


  299. Both options have some advantages, and I can see why some students might choose Option A. On the whole, however, Option B would be my preference.

    As we all know that food is the vital factor in our life, and we should take good care of our life. Having said that, foods in the college are not up to the mark. We are happy that campus officials are making a good change to give us a choice to select a good vendor.

    Famous Restaurant is a very well known restaurant in a city. Even though the price is reasonable, but the quality of the food is not up to the mark. In contrast, the Big cafeteria has a vast variety of the foods, and quality wise also It’s good.

    Big cafeteria gives students very good choices over foods. When you have good choices, then you can eat food whatever you want and according to your choice. When you have good food then you can concentrate on your studies. You should not worry about your health when you are having good food. Students can afford food in the big cafeteria as the prices are low for all the items, so they should not worry about cost.

    Considering these reasons, I believe the big cafeteria would be a good choice. Many college students will be happy with this option. Again, this is my personal opinion; I will support whatever decision is made.

  300. Hi Mr. Thomson,

    I am writing to express my sincerest apologies for not being able to cover Anna at the reception desk this afternoon. I understand she has been working for the last 5 hours, and it is not easy to deal with clients and phone calls for extended periods of time, However, I have an important task to fulfill before the day ends.

    I will be holding a presentation with one of our biggest customers, and I will be busy preparing slides and practicing with other co-workers to ensure everything goes as expected. I would not forgive myself if this presentation goes wrong, and we lose the chance to sell our product.

    I have an idea that may help solve this problem. Why don’t you ask Anna to move her lunch breaks to 3:00 pm? She may accept if you offer her an incentive at the end of the month.The afternoon shift starts at that time and there would be a plenty of employees available to cover her while she is taking her lunch.

    Please let me know if I can help in other ways, I will be in my desk if something important comes up.



  301. Without a doubt, I strongly advocate the five-days report evaluation method. Even though final exams have been the traditional way to go for most of the professors, and it may also represent a quicker and easier way to evaluate students, we would not be taking students needs and concerns into account.

    Personally, I obtain exceptional results when taking my time to fulfill any task or assignment. This allow me to complete my tasks in my own pace. When having a time stamp pressure on me, I tend to make more mistakes; therefore, I consider the take-home reports a more effective and fair way to evaluate student’s performance.

    Moreover, I believe that students will be able to apply and demonstrate everything they have learned during the curse. In contrast, final exams will nearly cover 30% of what student have studied throughout the semester. Recent studies have shown that 10 universities have implemented the Final-Report approach as their main evaluation method, and they have been obtaining outstanding results in comparison with other universities.

    Again, these are personal beliefs, and I would understand whatever decision the University may made. I appreciate the opportunity to provide input on this issue.

  302. Dear Mr. White
    I am writing to you in order to express my disappointment which I experienced last week in your facility and to ask a solution for my problem.
    I purchased a 2-year membership from your fitness center on June 20th, 2018 and started to visit your facility for that day. The reason for my purchase was the additional services like yoga, pilates and swimming pool that were included in the package. However, I realized that your yoga instructor resigned and your company has not provided the new one yet. Moreover, the swimming pool which was also mentioned in your initial advertisement is not available due to seasonal maintenance.
    I expressed my dissatisfaction to your company manager but literally, his attitude was inconsiderate and with lack of courtesy. He stated that those were unexpected and the company has nothing to do.
    Since the manager could not find any resolution, I need you to get involved with the issue. I need a discount due to missing additional services unless there can be an improvement about the mentioned facilities. Otherwise, I have to ask for membership cancellation and complete refund.
    I will be looking forward to hearing from you.
    Tugce Onder

  303. Personally, I think a big cafeteria would be better choice .Even though the campus does require a Restaurant, The cafeteria would offer more practical benefits for the student.

    For one thing, the reasonability of food of all price limits will be the great benefit for the general student. I t will helps the student to save money and they will get rid of the boring food habit. One survey result found that ,about 75% of the student don’t satisfy with their canteen food.
    For another thing, It will help the students to right choice of food according to their calorie demand .It wiil be a great benefit for Indian non- veg, students to choose or select the spicy Indian dishes. i n addition, if we want to keep our campus calm and quiet, the establishment of the cafeteria will help us .

    Considering these reasons, I believe a cafeteria would be a better choice. Everyone of the campus wil be overjoyed. Again this my personal opinion, but I will support whatever decision is made.

    Than you for giving me a opportunity to input my opinion in this issue.

  304. Dear sir,
    I am writing to you this letter to show my dissatisfaction about the service which I faced in your fitness centre. And wish to make a formal complaint against your staff bad service. I bought a twice year membership in your fitness centre according to good TV commercial. Unfortunately, Afer joining in the centre I discover the bad service and old instrument.

    For one thing, The Jim instrument ids obsolete and most of them are not working. For example the tread mill is not working according to the timer. There is no washroom for ladies and no shower .IN addition to bad service, the staff are not cooperative, especially, the manager. When we asked for repairing the thing he argued us very rudely .He said that if you don’t like no need to come in our centre.
    I would be grateful to you if you could refund my money or better yet, resolve the aforementioned problem.i hope that you will look into this matter And you will train your staff properly to behave properly befitting the situation .You will take necessary steps for the sake of he needs of your fellow members.
    Bob Smith

    • Nice job! You could most probably get a 6 or 7 at the most. Keep up practicing!
      Avoid starting a sentence with “and”.

  305. Dear Sir / Madam,

    I’m writing this email to bring this to your kind attention that I’m very much disappointed with your fitness centre facilities and staff behaviour.

    I became extremely interested in joining your fitness centre after I saw your advertisement because of the facilities that you offer at cheap rates under 2-year membership. Yesterday I visited your nearest branch in Keele St and Signed up for the 2-year plan. In your advertisement, it is clearly mentioned that your fitness centre offers free wifi and gym t-shirts for 2-year members. On my first day today, I came to know that the Keele St branch doesn’t offer these two features.

    The reaction from your branch manager disappointed me a lot. The manager wasn’t even fully aware of the facilities you offered. She debated with me for a long time saying these features were not advertised until I show her your website. She then came up with another argument that these features are not available to all branches but this was never highlighted in the advertisement I saw.

    Since I already made up my mind not to continue in this fitness centre, I request you to provide me with a full refund of my 2-year membership plan that worth 100 CAD. I also suggest you to train your staff to behave properly and keep them updated regarding the facilities of the fitness centre.


  306. Hello Sir Or Madam,

    I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction about fitness center. I have joined your fitness center on 07/15/2018 with 2 years of membership in Downtown area. Before joining, I have read below services in the advertisement that will be available in your downtown fitness center.

    1) Personal trainer.
    2) Shower facility.
    3) Monthly health checkup.
    4) Personal locker facilities

    On first week, trainer has provided the proper guidance and gymnastic activities for upper body and lower body then later, they had not given any proper attention and they were focusing on new client only. I was supersized when I was asked to receptionist about monthly health checkup facility and they said that you are good and no checkup is needed without discussion with physician. Locker facilities is also not enough if people is more than 50 at same time in gym and sometimes I need to keep my bag with me.

    I am immensely disappointing with monthly health check and lock facilities and I hope you would understand my concerns and will take appropriate actions to resolve this problem.

    Thanks and Regards

  307. Personally, opening branches of famous restaurants is a better choice of the campus. Even though a big cafeteria would offer students low prices meals, the famous restaurant branches would benefit students much more.

    Firstly, it would give students much more choices among those restaurants. If there is only one place for students to sit and hang out with friends in the campus, it is really boring for students in such long semester. Students’ life would be more colorful with option A.

    In addition, if large varieties of restaurants open in the campus, intense competition would benefit our students. Not only the quality of food would be higher, but also the prices would be more acceptable for studnets.

    Considering these reasons, I think it is better to open branches of famous restaurants. Students in the campus would enjoy a more colorful campus life. Again, it is my personal choice. I will support whatever decision is made.

    Thank you for giving me a chance to provide input on the issue.

  308. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing this email to complain about the services of your fitness center. I bought a 2-year membership at the center which is located northeast of Pacific Mall, Markham, Ontario. I hoped I could get the services, such as yoga courses, sauna center, and swimming pool, as the advertisement mentioned, but unluckily, they are not provided at the Markham center at all.

    I tried to discuss the problem with the center manager,and hoped he could give me a reasonable response. However, the manager just replied these services would be accessed in 2 years. When I asked him to transfer me to another center which contained these services, he just refused and never answered my phone.

    I would suggest you should refund the total amount of the 2-year membership fee, or transfer me to another fitness center which contains those services without any charges. I hope you will look into the matter and act immediately. I really look forward to your reply.

    Kind regards

  309. Dear Fitness Center Owner,
    I am writing this email to complain about the service deviations I observed in your gym compared to what was presented in the advertisement. 2 months back, I purchased the 2-year membership in your gym hoping to utilize all the modern equipment and best in class service. Unfortunately, in the due course of time, I realized that the gym is nothing different from any other ordinary gym.
    For one thing, the gym lacks Personal Trainer as promised. I have been training myself for a national level competition and I was inspired to join your gym as the advertisement promised 1 to 1 trainer for extra fees. But to my dismay, I have not yet been assigned a personal trainer even after repeated requests. In addition to that, the group workout schedule has not been followed so far. For example, Fit Camp is scheduled to happen every Monday at 6 am but I have never once seen an instructor for the session. The weights and bars are often deranged and not stacked. A lot of equipment are noisy and rusted, altogether not sticking to the “High Quality Experience” as mentioned when I purchased the membership.
    For another thing, there is an absolute negligence on customer complaints from the gym manager. Last time when I reached out to him regarding the leaking water purifier, not only he avoided talking to me but also evaded the topic conveniently. To my dismay, I even heard him talking ill about me when I turned back to head out after he dismissed my complaints.
    To this day. I have been a loyal customer to your line of business. Even though your gyms at other locations are being on the top of their service, this particular one is lagging way behind. I am afraid that I will have to discontinue my membership if this continues. To ease the situation, I would request you to replace all faulty equipment, rearrange the group schedule, employ new trainers and provide me a free membership 2 years.
    Hoping to see a response from you.
    Thank you,
    Rob Anderson.

    • Really sorry for this delay! I think you could get a 9 if you didn’t make it that long. Keep it up!

  310. To improve the food services in our campus, I strongly advocates the first option to open famous restaurants. It would benefits students in many different aspects.

    Presently, many students waste too much time looking for a space, and they feel exhausted, not (healing), by the time they finish their meals. According to the principal and standards of some famous restaurantes (e.g., Keg, Joey), they must have a proper reservation system. Knowing the existence of such service, not only students can stop throwing out their precious time wandering around the cafeteria, but they can also use this time to thrive on their studies.

    Food quality is another key factor to consider. Do you remember that undesirable and disgusting feeling after eating a junk food? Such unpleasantness does not vanish within a few minutes, it rather persists throughout the day. Many students are double-stressed by immense load of assignments/tests and unfavourable stomach from low quality foods. Simply providing a proper meal would enhance their condition to excel at their studies.

    I firmly believe that option A will bring a huge positive impact to our campus. It is an essential component to provide the best environment for students to concentrate on their studies. It would set out an excellent example for other schools to follow.

    I am certain you will make a wise decision.

    Best wishes,
    James Smith

    • Same comment as the previous one. Try not to write your real name at the end of your emails. I heard that it might affect your score. Use any fake name.

  311. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I’m writing this email to express my disappointment towards your fitness center not having the services as described on the advertisement. The advertisement portrays your fitness center in a way that promotes a friendly environment for everyone to strive building a perfect body shape for the upcoming summer. Also, it mentions the eligibility for a 1:1 fitness training session, which is meant to be flexible enough for anyone to register, even for businessmen. At my first visit, I found these were false claims, which were merely meant to attract more customers.

    Firstly, the training sessions were completely booked, and the available time slots were only from 9 to 11 am, which is technically implausible to reserve for employees. Secondly, most people at the gym were egocentric. E.g., one guy crawled 5 different sets of dumbbells for himself, preventing others from using them. Simply put, there was not a slice hint of synergism.

    When I brought up this issue to the manager, he barely listened and assured that he will discuss my complaint with you on the next day. However, nothing has changed since then. In order to compensate, I would like you to expand the availability of the training sessions and make strict rules for everyone to enjoy and share the place. I believe cooperation is the key to success in every places.

    Warm regards,
    James Smith

    • Excellent work! Undoubtedly, the best one I have ever read so far. You can definitely get a 10. Good luck in your test!

  312. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I bought a two year membership in personna gym which is very near from my house and i would like to share reality is different in gym than the fancy advertisement shown on internet.
    I saw attractive deal of gym which provide swimming with sauna and yoga with personal trainer therefore i purchased this deal in a minute.however , i went there to redeem this tremendous offer but the reality is shocking.there are very tiny swimming pool and not provided any trainers for yoga .Moreover, rooms are not clean enough to do yoga.
    After that i went to main office to meet gym in charge but after waiting for an hour he just tell me that ” you have to do all this inquiry before getting this deal” so this was rude answer and i was helpless.
    Finally,i decided to email you for justice and please give my refund for my money back as i am so disappointed after getting this deal.hope to hear positive response from your side.
    Thanks in advance.

    Yours Sincerely,

    • You should work more on your writing! There are too many mistakes that if I try to correct them, it will change your style completely. Therefore, I didn’t. Revise the use of tenses, punctuation, and articles. You will be lucky if you get 5 or 6. Keep up practicing though!

  313. Food is an inevitable need of human beings. Without food, we will not be able to do our regular daily tasks. So quality of the food we eat everyday has a significant importance. Regarding the survey options, I would prefer option A and my reasons are discusses as follow.
    First, the Option A is my choice because I believe that having several restaurants would allow us to have access to a menu with a huge variety. It means, we can eat different food without getting tiered of repetitive food. This option also extends offers for international or religious students.
    Second, Option A is my selection because the student can buy different foods based on their budget. Students funding is not very high, so they prefer to buy more inexpensive foods; however, they occasionally want to celebrate with friends and eat a fancy food. So the cafeteria with ordinary food is not a good option for their parties.
    Third, when there is only one cafeteria and it has no rivals, gradually the quality of foods will decrease; on the other hand, having several restaurants will increase competition between them. So they will end up providing better services to attract more customers.
    All in all, I believe the first option will be beneficial for all the students based on the aforementioned reasons.

    • Good work. I don’t think you can get more than an 8 for this one. I also hope that you wrote it within the time limit. Keep it up!

  314. Dear Sir/Madam
    This is Fatemeh Yazdanbakhsh and I am a member of Golden fitness center. Last month, I saw a fancy advertisement about the fitness center that tempted me to register there as a member. Unfortunately, the fitness center appearance and facilities were immensely different from the real one.
    In the advertisement, it claims that the fitness center includes the most modern facilities including electrical treadmills, a new and large swimming pool, renovated changing rooms and professional sport equipment; however, in reality it is completely different. There was no swimming pool in the center. The treadmills were manual not electrical, so they could not provide any information about speed, calorie and distance. The changing room cabinets were also very old and unfashionable.
    To complain about this awkward situation, I decide to call the manager and talk to him but unfortunately, not only he was not helpful but very rude. He said that I would better never trust advertisements, he said these while he was laughing.
    I am writing this mail to you to inform you about the poor services of the Golden fitness center (that the owner of which is you ?). To compensate the shortage of your customer service, I suggest to refund all the fee I have paid.

    • Very good! You could probably get a 9. I would also advise not to write your real name in your writings. Keep up the hard work!

  315. In regards to the urban development survey, i agree with building a museum that focuses on local history. The following will shed some of my opinions.

    Firstly, it seems that there are enough children playgrounds in our city. Even our city is in a small scope, it still has a lot of areas for kids’ entertainment which include many community centers and park complex and school play areas. In addition, we have a large water park which in the western part of the city are the main place for summer entertainment.

    On the other hand, option B offers more advantages. To begin with, a museum is not only to meet the needs of kids, but also the adult. Through a visit to a museum, it can raise the interest of children for the local history and relic and kids can also have fun during a study of history. Secondly, a local museum can attract more tourist to our city and it will become the cultural landmark of our city.

    In conclusion, i believe that a museum would be a better choice with more advantages.

    • since it is not one of the topics provided on the website, I will only give you a score estimation. I didn’t correct some mistakes in you writing. You could get a 7 if lucky with this one.
      P.S. Always write “i” in capital letter “I”

  316. Dear Forever Young fitness owner,

    I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction in terms of inconsistency information in between your advertisement and the actual provided service.

    I noticed that your fitness centre was advertised from a couple of weeks ago not only on the Internet, but also on public transportations. I saw one of the deals about a 2-years membership which includes a free parking lot, 24/7 accessible sauna, and complementary training sections for 3 months. I checked out the one located at 17 King street last weekend, and apparently signed up for the membership before the deal is over. Unfortunately, when I started to use the facilities, I noticed a huge discrepancy. It was absolutely disappointing since most of the services were unavailable. I tried to approach to a management office to discuss about it; however, the manager treated me very unprofessionally with inappropriate words. He didn’t give me neither a single resolution nor a reimbursement of the membership.

    I would like you to give me a proper resolution that makes it fair enough to pay the fee. Otherwise, I simply would like to ask you a full refund.

    Look forward to hearing from you soon.


    • Sorry for this delay! I have been busy this past week. You would most probably get a 7 for this. Try to make use of the few changes I have made. Good luck!

  317. Although some students may prefer to have a new cafeteria built on the campus, I would rather have a variety of choices between different restaurants. Therefore, I would choose option A, and the reasons for my preference are elaborated in the following.

    First, having the option to choose between various types of meals gives a better sense of variety and freedom of choice. This is particularly important considering the long period of time that we spend in college as students. For instance, if we only have one place to sit with our friends and eat, it will get pretty boring after a while.

    Second, based on the experience in successful business environments, competition among a number of businesses will always benefit the customers. To make a good profit, the famous restaurants are naturally directed to not only improve their services but adapt them to meet the students’ special needs, e.g. low budgets. Consequently, students will have the options of eating better quality foods at more affordable prices.

    In conclusion, the option A would have better advantages, in my opinion, because it will promote the variety of choices and result in a more preferable quality of foods along with reasonable prices.

  318. Topic: You are organizing a group trip to the museum. Write a letter asking for information about upcoming exhibits, local attraction, opening times, and group rates.

    Dear museum staff,
    I am writing to ask for some information about your museum since I am going to organize a group trip to it. It would be good to know any information about the time, rates, and events to coordinate the best convenient plan between us.
    Although I have been checked some information via your official website, I still want to ask more questions in detail to make better trip arrangement since it is travel peak season now. With this in mind, it would be great to know about any upcoming events, the time from beginning to end, and the group rates. Would you also recommend any local attractions to make a wonderful trip for us since the museum part only takes 3 hours.
    My group is made up of foreign retired seniors who are over 60. May I ask an additional discount for this senior group? If so, how much is the deal and what is the limit on the number of members for the concessionary group?
    I look forward to your reply.
    Yours sincerely.
    Darius K

  319. Dear Brother,

    I heard that you are going to arrange our family trip the coming week. I would love to suggest Dubai Creek Park to be considered.

    i had an unforgettable experience in the creek park last month. i was invited for a Picnic with my colleagues & their families. Creek Park is such an amazing place, A creek is running through the garden, lush green grass with a bunch of trees, colorful flowers are everywhere as you know it’s a Blessing in a desert to find such a nice place especially the weather is cool until now. We grilled meat over charcoal, played cards, enjoyed the music & some outdoor team building activities. Most important thing the park have plenty of car Parking.

    The Park is also having facilities like BBQ stands, Groceries, Mosque, washrooms as we will have elderly & Children Play Area will be the most attractive place for kids & will allow mothers to have their personal time to indulge in the feeling of joy without worrying about kids.

    i hope you will find my experience useful to decide the venue for our family gathering.

    Excited to meet you all.

    Your Brother

    • They would probably give you a 5 or 6 for such writings. Work more on your punctuation and sentence structure. Good Luck!

  320. Dear High test score Team,
    I am so glad to see your comment on my writing task. I was worried and not feeling that confident to do mt CELPIP.
    Now, to be honest, I have that confidence to give my best shot.
    Please share me some speaking tasks and is there any way I can record my response and send you to evaluate.

    Best Regards

      • Hi Dear hightestscore,

        I very appreciate that i found lots of useful writing example through the conversation between students’ writing sample and your evaluation on this board. I just sent my writing via reply but it didnt show. Will it appear after you evaluate it?
        I’ll look forward to your reply.
        Thank you so much.

  321. Besides the level of education, Universities usually attract students by the restaurants and facilities offered, which is one of the marketing strategies to gain popularity and revenue. Therefore, some universities perform an annual survey to assure student satisfaction of restaurants and food offered at their campus. In my opinion, option B would be more feasible to all students to accommodate their fulfillment in terms of variety of food and price level.

    I chose option B because it’s affordable to all students. As an emphasis of that, not all students have the privilege to buy overpriced meals. Therefore, by offering option B, it will assist poor students to have a meal on campus with their colleagues. Furthermore, option B have food variety and options, in which it will allow students to buy and try different cuisines at low price. In addition, students will not get complain about the limited variety of food. As an example of that, some students prefer a burger meal, while others would like to have rice and chicken. Ultimately, option B will provide students a variety of food in line with their preference, and at low price.

    In conclusion, I recommend option B to be offered at university campus than option A. Since option B is cheaper than option A, and all students can afford it.

    Appreciate your evaluation, advise, and grade 🙂

  322. Dear Sir, Madam,

    This is to inform the very unprofessional experience, which i have had in your XYZ fitness center located at the downtown area.
    I have purchased a two year membership based on your advertisement. It gave an impression to clients that the fitness center is equipped with all modern and brand new fitness machines, sports courts, swimming facilities etc. However, to my surprise, there were very limited number of treadmills, which I have to wait for long time for my turn.

    The swimming pool is always crowded and left without an attender or trainer. Moreover, the water filled in the pool is not clean or draining out properly. Some members used to bring their children in the adult area pool to train them and it makes it more inconvenience to other customers.

    I brought these concerns to fitness center manager‘s attention. However, the manager was least bothered about the customer satisfaction or the facilities provided in the center.

    In short, due to all these inconveniences, I need a compensation in terms of 50% discount in my membership amount. Otherwise, I will have to register a formal complaint with the authorities.

    I look forward to your reply at the earliest.
    Best Regards

  323. Dear Fitness Center Owner,

    I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction with the gym membership I purchased 3 months back for 2 years. I am disappointed for not being able to use few of the services mentioned in the advertisement.

    I was ecstatic to see the fitness center with a personal trainer, zuma, and yoga classes so close to my home. Hence, I took the membership. After coming regularly for few days, I realised there is no personal trainer, zuma and yoga instructor. Moreover, the Gym manager just plays some random yoga videos on a TV screen and ask members to follow it.

    I had approached the manager to discuss the ongoing issues, but I was awed by his behavior. He bluntly refused to resolve the issues; instead, he told me that was how the fitness center was running for the last months.

    To resolve the problem, I would suggest to refund my membership fee along with taxes or transfer my membership to another center of yours along with 3 months additional discount, where I can avail all the services.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Mr. Jason

  324. Dear Sir,
    I am writing this email to complain regarding my 2-year membership (Membership
    Number Sh123) at LA fitness south city, NY.

    I received a promotional email with an e-flyer from your company, stating 2-year
    membership for fitness center including amenities like a private trainer, swimming
    lessons, and sauna room for a one-time payment of $1,200 USD. However,
    even after 1 week, I have neither been provided with any trainer nor a single swimming
    lesson. Even though there is a sports center with basketball court and table tennis but I
    do not have access to that.

    I spoke with the manager Alexa, but she bluntly denied all the features mentioned in the
    email. She proposed me to buy a premium membership and that will additionally
    cost $1,300 for the same duration. I showed her the email I received
    about the promotion, but she snapped at me and asked to leave.

    I am defrauded and request you to take prompt action on this issue. I should have
    access to the mentioned services according to the promotion pamphlet and I have
    attached the same for your reference.

    I hope you will resolve this issue within a week;
    otherwise, I will take a legal action against your fitness center.

  325. Although many people would prefer the option A, as it sounds more delicious and it is what we are used to consume outside the college, I believe for many reasons that a cafeteria would be more suitable for everybody.

    First of all, bringing to campus the popular brands would increase the bugged available for food due to the temptation. As the cafeteria would provide reasonable prices, students would keep up with their expenses in balance, being able to have some fun occasionally.

    Secondly, as many people have some food choices and restrictions, the cafeteria seems to be more convenient and a better choice because of the vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. Moreover, it could bring a more healthy lifestyle to campus and promote more awareness about nutrition choices, which is essential at this age.

    Finally, the student life seems to match more with the option B. Many options, coffee, cheap meals and a huge place to hang out between schedules, it is all that we want. Famous restaurants do not represent the students and later on, they will lose interested in them.

    For these reasons, I think that option b is a better choice for the students.

  326. Dear Owner of Fitlife,

    I recently bought a 2-year membership at the downtown facility and I am strongly disappointed in not being able to do certain activities which were advertised by your center.

    I was extremely happy to finally find a fitness center with a swimming pool and fitness classes all in the same place, so I immediately purchased the membership. For my surprise, later I noticed that the pool was a small size, impossible to swim. Moreover, the fitness classes such as yoga, Zumba, and Pilates were nothing more than just a room without any instructors.

    So I went to express my disappointment at the fitness center in which I talked with the manager. He seemed not worried or interested in hearing me. When I asked for my money back, he was unprofessional and rude.

    In this way, I would like to register my complaint against this fake advertisement and request my 2-year membership refund as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will need to make a more formal complaint and share it on social media, which will be terrible for your reputation.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  327. Dear Highestscore,
    Where can i find your answers for all the writing test please???? I can’t find them on the page.


    • You will see “next” at the end of the page. Just click on it, you will be redirected to the next page where the answers exist.

  328. Dear sir,
    I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction with the experience that I had at your fitness centre.
    On March 2nd, I saw your advertisement in high market which was about a membership for two years with no limit to facilities for just $60 per month. Therefore, I purchased my membership as I found it very reasonable.
    After few months, I found that the offer was no longer available at your centre, and they started charging me more ($100 per month).
    According to these results, I went to the fitness counter requiring to speak to the manger. Unfortunately,
    he did not offer any help due to orders that he received from the centre owner.
    He also mentioned the financial situation the company have been through recently.
    As I am happy using your great facility so far, I would like you to put me back on the offer that I saw on advertisement with one free visitor to bring with me next weekend.
    I look forward to your response.
    Mark Edward.

  329. Dear Fitness Centre Owner,

    I’m approaching you to note my dissatisfaction of your fitness center in Bankstown Suburb branch. I found an advertisement on the internet 3 months back and I applied to a 2-year membership in Bankstown branch. However, there is a discrepancy between the ad and the actual services. It was mentioned in the ad that 2-year annual membership provides me free aerobic classes, and 3 months personal trainer at no extra cost. Ultimately, none of these services are covered under this annual membership.

    I had approached the branch manager to discuss this matter, unfortunately, I was not welcomed by him and I got disappointed. I moved over to not take it personal, and I noted my points clearly to solve my issue. His response was that these services are exclusively for premium and not for standard memberships. Whereas, in my opinion a 2-year annual membership is considered as premium. Additionally, the manager was reluctant to give a hand and support me by any means to provide me the advertised service or full refund.

    I would suggest that you either give me a full refund to the total amount paid including tax, or to provide me the services as mentioned in the advertisement. I have attached the advertisement in this email for your own reference.

    Thanks in advance

    Yours Sincerely,

  330. Students’ health is important during their studies. Moreover, many college students have a tight budget, so they want to save money. Option B is a way to help the students achieve that goals. Here are some other reasons why I chose option B. Firstly, if campus officials open the big cafeteria, they could save more money as it does not cost much on making low price meals. In addition, low price meals are not hard to make and are suitable for students in college.

    Secondly, the students would have a variety of foods to choose from with reasonable prices. Thirdly, it is easier to think of food options for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians than inviting the famous restaurants to open in campus. Also, the students would have a place to gather for group assignment discussions in an open environment. In the open environment, the students could form new relationships, so that makes the campus more friendly and welcome.

    Overall, this cafeteria could attract more students to study in this campus with low price food expenses, the open environment, and satisfied food service.

  331. In regards to the building renovation survey, I would prefer to have a new elevator for the following reasons.

    Firstly, the elevator is in a hazardous condition and it threatens resident’s safety. The annual inspection report shows that there exist rust on the main chain of the elevator, which is capable of creating a catastrophic event. In addition, the central control system of the elevator does not work properly, as a result of which we have witnessed that occupants have been trapped in the elevator several times. Hence, we need to take these alerts seriously and consider replacing the elevator, which is long overdue, before having an accident on our hands.

    Secondly, a new elevator, compared to a new carpet and painting, contributes more to residents’ convenience. Since the elevator is old, it is not in service often and the occupants should take the stairs. Although it is not a concern for me, I believe it has caused lots of inconvenience for two groups of residents, namely elderly and disabled. While I concede that a new paint and carpet is also essential, they are not safety concerns, neither do they cause inconvenience, and we could consider them in next year’s proposal.

    To conclude, it seems that option B is more advantageous.

  332. Dear Sir or Madam,

    Last January I got a 2-year membership of your fitness centre as I liked the services that were described in the advertisement, but after being your membership for 3 months, I feel very disappointed on your services. Now I am writing this email to tell you how dissatisfying your services are.

    The advertisement said that I could let my friend use my membership as long as he showed your staff his ID and in my application form, his name was on my list of people that I authorized using my membership. However, last night your staff did not let him in since he was not your member even though he brought my membership card with him and he showed your staff his ID. Also, he said to me the other day, your other staff let him in with no problems.

    Moreover, according to the advertisement, I would get a free drink after 3 drink purchases at your cafeteria if I show your staff my receipts, but tonight I did not get a free drink although I showed your staff my purchase receipts. After that happened, I asked to talk with your manager. In our conversation I talked about the problems that my friend and I had so far at this centre. He did not pay attention to my issues since he was on the phone with somebody while talking to me. After our conversation, he said that your fitness centre did not have such promotions and policies, so I left without resolution.

    Please use the attached copies of my application form and my drink purchases as your references. I hope you would consistently update your staff about the promotions and policies so that these problems never happen again in the future.

    I look forward to hearing back from you

    Yours faithfully,

  333. Dear John,

    I am writing you this email to inform you that I am highly dissatisfied with your fitness center in downtown area.

    I had purchased a 2 year membership in your center on 17th April, based on your advertisement in our community center. I saw in your advertisement that in your center I could get access to a gym as well as a sauna and a swimming pool at reasonable cost; then I decided to join your fitness center. Nonetheless, when I reached the center, I was highly surprised as I could not find either a swimming pool or a sauna.

    I raised this matter with the center manager Mr. Brian. I even showed him a picture of the advertisement on my phone and asked for a refund as I do not want to continue with the membership at this price, but he said that the membership cannot be canceled.

    This is highly annoying that memberships are being sold on the pretext of a false advertising, and I consider this as an unethical business practice. Therefore, I expect that you instruct the center manager, Mr. Brian, to cancel my membership and refund my money; my membership no. is 117845.

    Ashton Miller

  334. Dear Saint Paul’s hospital manager,

    I am writing to express my concern about the poor quality of the foods at your hospital.

    My sister, Amy Piri, was admitted to the intensive care unit at Saint Paul’s hospital on June 13th, , and she was discharged yesterday. During her stay, I accompanied her for the most time, and witnessed the service she received from the hospital. While I am satisfied with the performance of the nursing staff, Unfortunately, neither my sister nor other patients were receiving nutritious foods.

    The cohort of the patients in the ICU had constant had constant complaints about food quality. One day they would complain about the uncooked vegetables in their dish; the other, they would express dissatisfaction about the insufficient food portion. I could not believe my eyes when the food was supposed to be chicken soup, but patients were provided with a watery soup that did not have any chicken in it, neither had it even noodles.
    I am concerned that this could prevent patients from recovering properly, and could incur further costs on the hospital. To prohibit such outcomes, I suggest you to either recruit a professional nutritionist and a chef, or make a contract with a catering company, so as to ensure that patients are fed with decent quality foods.

    Thanks for your time. I wish you give this matter your immediate attention.

    Yours faithfully,

    Hossein Piri

  335. Dear Mrs. Gelato the owner,

    I am one of your customer and had availed the 2-year membership of your recent Fitness Centre that just opened a month ago in my neighborhood. I am writing to you now because I have some complaints or issues that need to be addressed by your management as this is becoming a frustration not only to me but all of my collegues.

    As you can see, I lived in the neighborhood and most of us here know each other. We were really disappointed about the limited equipments you have in the centre especially the treadmills. You only have three of those, and the number of members are continually growing which you could hardly get a chance to hold it. That happened to me several times already as I have known from my close friends that it was also their complaints whenever visit the centre.

    Another issue is the availment of free whole body massage after 10 visits in the facility. I just found out yesterday that this service is not yet available. How could it be not when it was the highlight in the advertisements that had convinced many of the members to avail since service massage are really expensive so it’s worthwhile. It was such a disappointment.

    Well, I had tried to bring the issues first to your manager as I think it was more appropriate to do that. However, the only thing the manager said about it was: it should be brought up directly to the owner since these concerns are out of his control and he has no power to provide more equipments or services that wasn’t yet present. He never tried to give and offer an assurance that these concerns would be brought to attention in whatever way it can be attended. This is the reason I am bringing up to the owner finally with expectations and hopes that you will do something about it maam.

    To make this letter shorter, I and my colleagues are hoping that the centre will be provided with additional treadmills and the massage therapy rooms will soon open. On the other hand, we want to thank you for coming up with this facility in our area which is only one of a kind. We really hope that these complaints are only treated as feedbacks to improve the centre as well as our community. With that, thank you so much.

    Yours sincerely,

  336. Dear Sushi Samurayi manager,

    I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the poor service I received at your restaurant.

    Last Friday night on June 13th, I reserved a table at your restaurant to celebrate my girlfriend’s birthday party. Unfortunately, what we experienced there deprived us from enjoying our night. Firstly, the food quality was far away from what is promoted on Yelp. In contrast to what is advertised, the sashimi was obviously not fresh same-day, and the sushi toppings were tasting wasabi, one thing that that my girlfriend is allergic to though we had informed the waitress beforehand. To make things worse, the food presentation, which is supposed to surprise the customer at your high-end restaurant, was similar to those served at two-star restaurants.

    The service was even worse. Although we had reserved a table in advance, we waited almost an hour in the line to get a table. Moreover, the manager neither offered us the treatment we expected on our special day on behalf of the restaurant, nor did he even listen to our complaint.

    I would like you to optimize your reservation system and welcoming system so as to prevent occurrence of such unpleasant experience for other people.

    Thank you for your time. I hope you give this matter your immediate attention.

    Yours faithfully,

  337. In regards to the college food service survey, I support opening a big cafeteria on campus. The following will shed some light on my viewpoint.

    Firstly, it seems that option A would contribute neither to the food cost nor food variety. Although competition would lead famous restaurants to offer lower price foods at their campus location, the final price might still be far away from a student-friendly price. This is because the franchised stores usually have price consistency across their different branches. In addition, the number of students in our college might not be tempting enough for the franchised stores to open a branch on our campus.

    On the other hand, the proposal of a single cafeteria on campus has several advantages to offer. To begin with, in a campus specified cafeteria, it is more flexible to modify the food price, portion and quality based on the student’s needs. Secondly, the university can offer subsided foods to the students via cafeteria. While I concede that it is likely the quality of the cafeteria will decline after a while, I believe student associations can observe the food quality so as to oblige the cafeteria management to maintain the food quality high.

    In conclusion, I believe that a cafeteria would be more advantageous.

  338. Dear Steve-Nash sport club owner,

    I am writing to complain about the inconsistency between your advertisements and your actual services.

    A few months ago I purchased a two-year membership to the Steve-Nash fitness club located at coal harbour. It was mentioned In the advertisement that in the gold membership it is included personal trainer fees as well as Yoga classes and stress relieving workshops. However, after two months, I have not seen any workshop nor Yoga classes, neither have I been assigned a personal trainer.

    I stepped in the manager office yesterday and talked to the Jimmy, the head manager of the centre. Unfortunately, he seemed to be disrespectful and preoccupied, and did not even paid attention to my complaint. I could not believe my ears when he said that these ads are for marketing purposes, and customers should not really expect to have all these services included in the fee.

    I would like to have my membership fee adjusted based on the actual service that Goldgym offers, and to refund me the difference on the original visa card I paid the fee with.

    Thank you for your time. I hope we can agree one a resolution to this matter by the end of this weak at most, without me having to do any further steps.

    Yours faithfully,
    Hossein Piri

  339. I believe that for students the price and quick service is always the first. A food-court that can guarantee these two qualities can meet the expectation of a larger group of students. Thus, I support the idea of opening a big cafeteria.

    A sizeable cafeteria is a great place where all students, from rich to poor, can get together and socialize. The vegans, lacto-ovos, and non-vegetarians will all have access to their appropriate and favorite meals with a reasonable price. In contrast to famous restaurants that usually do not serve light foods, snacks, or only drinks for those who are not that hungry, cafeterias are always a more comfortable and desirable choice.

    Another main advantage of a big cafeteria is its working hours. While restaurants often only serve lunch and dinner in limited regular times, a cafeteria is a whole day-long option for young students who need to take their meal in irregular times, or for those who need to relax and rewind after a couple of hours of hard work in laboratories and libraries.

    In conclusion, despite the luxurious atmosphere and more organized services that restaurants offer, I think a big cafeteria with variety of main and snack foods and faster service is indeed the best option for the university.

  340. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writting this letter to express my great dissatisfaction of the services I received over the first two weeks of my membership in your center.

    I was attracted to this center by numerous incentives advertised on its two-year membership plan. The main announced goodies were 24/7 service, hot water showers, unlimited wi-fi, free parking, and free coaching. Ironically, I never found a free parking space nearby, and I only experienced a very low speed and unstable internet. Moreover, none of the trainers or supervisors accepted to guide me through the devices or to provide me with an exercise instruction. To top it all off, the water was barely hot enough to dare to take a shower after being drenched in sweat!

    I wish all these are just temporary problems that would hopefuly be resolved very soon. If it is so, I would expect to receive your center’s formal apologetic letter and a pledge to fix the issues immediately. Otherwise, I request for a full reimbursement of my membership fee on your earliest convenience because there are much closer centers to my living place that offer much better and more flexible services and membership terms.

    Sincerely yours,
    Fred Johnson

  341. I would prefer to have a big cafeteria. I think this is a way far better choice for the food service on the campus. There are several reasons why I prefer the big cafeteria option.

    The first main reason why I would go for big cafeteria, is that it will provide a large variety of food for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Like for example, as a student who likes to eat meats and vegetables, I will be glad to have those choices for the food. Also, It will save us a lot of time walking to the restaurant outside the campus.

    The second reason is that the cafeteria will offer a less expensive price for the meal which is really a great deal. We all know that in college we have lots of expenses from school fees to school projects. It will be a great help for us to budget our expenses for food. On the other hand, if the campus will have a big restaurant only students who have money could afford to buy food from the restaurant.

    Therefore, I strongly agree to have a big cafeteria in the campus.

  342. Dear Everytime Fitness Management,

    I was fascinated when I saw your new advertisement. So, I decided to sign-up for a two years membership in your fitness centre at 123 Belvile St. Richmond Hill, last April 9, 2018. The advertisement stated there that there will be a 20% discount when you sign-up for a membership. Also, there will be a free use of the sauna, treadmill and the dumbbells. Unfortunately, to my surprise, when I came to your fitness centre last week ago, I found out that all the stated services were not included in the membership that I signed up for, and they were asking me to pay for the extra charge. In addition, when I checked my credit card I found out that they charged me $1000, instead of $800 they did not give me the 20% discount that was also stated in the advertisement.

    I was disappointed. So, I talked to the manager on duty that day and explained the problem but he was unprofessional. He shouted at me and told me just to leave the fitness centre if I have problems with the membership. Additionally, he was blaming me for not reading the contract properly. So, I left the fitness centre without any solution.

    For these reasons, I would like to have a full refund and cancel my membership at your fitness centre. Also, I hope that you could look into this matter and give your staff a proper training to prevent this incident from happening again.

    Thank you and Hope to hear from you soon.

    Sincerely yours,
    Jane Joey

  343. Considering the first option would be a great preference for many students.

    First of all, famous restaurants in the campus will provide more food selections that most of us prefer. It will give the opportunity to students to choose their favourite food to eat. Besides, students will be around on the campus itself without leaving to search for their loved restaurants near the college which most of them will be located in another city.

    Another point to consider is that knowing that our famous restaurants are around us will give the opportunity to pay more attention to our studies and our learning, so will not waste much time to think about food. Moreover, most restaurants provide wifi and light music which will help in studying and concentrating more on our studies. While in contrast, a big cafeteria will not provide any of these facilities and it will be crowded and noisy most of the time.

    All in all, improving the quality of food on campus will reflect greatly on students’ life. Watching famous restaurants start opening in college will make our college definitely the best one among others.

  344. Dear Sir,

    I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction with your services provided to me in your fitness centre.

    I saw your advertisement everywhere on magazines, streets, and newspapers that your centre provides many health services. You mentioned that you had a big jacuzzi with hot water, a huge swimming pool, a large hall for bodybuilding, and you have a big yard for playing tennis. Your advertisement was so attractive with many facilities which is mainly why I purchased a 2-year membership online.

    Next day when I visited the fitness centre, I was really shocked from what I saw. It was far away from what was mentioned in your advertisement, so I tried to talk to the manager about how I felt and about being dishonest of describing false facilities that do not exist in reality. The attitude of your manager upset me and made me feel so angry when he said: “why did not you come to the centre to see first if you like it or not before you purchased a 2-year membership, it is not our fault that you are a fool person?” I could not believe what I heard. I Simply trusted what was mentioned in the advertisement.

    I would appreciate if you could give a full refund of two years membership because I cannot stand deceitful people. It would be great if you teach your staff etiquette how to deal with costumers in the future.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Sam Alex.

    • Nicely done. You seem to be really working hard to improve you writing style. Keep up the hard work. They might give you a 7 or an 8 with this one, but this is just my own estimation. Good luck in your test!

  345. Will you please post more writing exercises, it is very useful, we love it and I really appreciate your hard-working, thank you for being amazing and creating this great website.

  346. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing to register my dissatisfaction with the services of this center. Some of the benefits listed on the advertisement of this center are not provided.

    It is clear in the announcement that massage chairs are available for those that sign for a biennial membership. However, there are not any of these chairs in the building. In addition, the advertisement indicates that the cafeteria provides 10% discount in all gluten free options of snacks for those who acquire 2-year membership. However, no gluten free options are offered.

    A couple of days ago, I contacted the manager and explained that the services described in the announcement were not available. Nonetheless, the manager barely gave me attention. He justified he had a meeting to attend and left me alone in his office. No need to say that this was quite rude from his part.

    For the reasons stated above, I would like to receive the 10% discount in any meal provided by the cafeteria, and I want a partial reimbursement of my membership.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Laura Kwon

  347. Dear Hightestscore,
    I am so thankful for everything you provided us, all your help and your support. Big thanks to you and your hard work and to your amazing website. I love it and enjoy it. I appreciate your hard working.

  348. Both options have some advantages, but I think some students might choose Option A. On the whole however, there are some reasons why Option B would be my preference.

    Food should be the topmost priority in the college campus. The food which was served in the college campus was horrible. Many students complained that the food was not up to the mark and created many health problems. Because of that, management has given us 2 options to choose from.

    Option A is not as good compared to Option B. We have already had a couple of similar kinds of restaurant in our campus. Having another one won’t be a good idea. On the other hand, we will have plenty of food choices for Option B.
    The big cafeteria would have a large variety of food, such as North Indian dish, South Indian dish, Veg-curry, Non-veg curry, etc. The quality of these types of food will be good as this is taken care by ABC caterers, which is famous in the city. Also, the price of the food is very reasonable. One full meal will be the cost of Rs. 50, which is cheaper compared to Option A. I have heard positive feedback from my colleague and friends about these caterers.

    Considering all these facts, Option B would be the better choice.

  349. From:Kevin@hotmail.com
    To: Jorge@lafitness.com
    Subject: Fitness center Membership
    Dear Sir,
    I would like to bring your attention towards the 02 year membership I purchased from your fitness center worth of $1500. The fitness center is located east Groveland Park, Chicago. Based on the advertisement, I signed up for full access to gym, sauna, swimming pool and basketball court. After a period of time I realized the center does not provide all the mentioned services such as the swimming pool and sauna. I spoke to the center manager several occasions to bring this concern to his attention, but he did not provide any explanation. The manager and I agreed on a time to discuss the issue and I waited in his office for a couple of hours, but he did not show up. I feel this is not a professional way of treating your customers. The manager told me over the phone that the advertisements are always not accurate and it depends upon the subject of availability. I feel mistreated after I signed up for 02 years membership from your center.
    I would suggest you should refund the amount for the services your center do not offer which I consider a fair deal. The second solution would be to transfer me to the other center where all the mentioned services are available so that I can have access to them without any charges. I hope you will look into this matter and act immediately. Let me know if you have any question.

    • Very good piece. I have made few corrections to your response. Try to pay attention to where to use articles “the – a” when needed. Keep practicing on the other tests on the site and good luck in your test. Let me know if you need any help.

  350. Dear Sir OR Madam
    I am writing this email to express my dissatisfaction with your fitness center.

    Last month, I purchased a 2-year membership in your fitness center based on the advertisement. Initially, I thought it would be a very good fitness center but, after a period of time, I found that services which are listed down in an advertisement were not available in the Fitness center, like treadmill & dumbbells. These are the most basic equipment in fitness center.

    I have talked about the same problem with the Fitness manager, but he told me to practice with whatever equipment present in the center and told me to leave if I was not satisfied with the service and equipment. He also told me that the money will not be refunded.

    To apologize for such a bad experience, I would like you to refund all my money or add 3 more months to my membership.

    Best Regards

    • I have corrected few mistakes in your response. Try not to make your sentences too long. Your third paragraph was basically one single sentence. You will make more mistakes when you write longer sentences. Some punctuation and tense related issues were corrected too. Try to practice more if you are looking for a high score in writing. Try to give more answers of other tasks. Good luck!


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